
Indonesia’s new criminal code outlaws insulting president


Indonesia’s new criminal code outlaws insulting president

#Indonesias #criminal #code #outlaws #insulting #president

Human rights activists in Indonesia are concerned a new criminal code will stifle free speech in the world’s third-largest democracy.
Anyone perceived to be insulting the president could face jail time.

Al Jazeera’s @JessicaWashington reports from Jakarta, Indonesia.

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criminal law , Indonesia’s new criminal code outlaws insulting president, Al Jazeera,Al Jazeera English,Human rights,Indonesia,Jakarta,Joko Widodo,Politics,al jazeera,al jazeera english,al jazeera live,al jazeera video,aljazeera,aljazeera English,aljazeera english,aljazeera latest,aljazeera live,aljazeera live news,aljazeera news,,crisis,democracy,insulting president,jail,latest news,new criminal code,news headlines,political crisis,stifling free speech

45 thoughts on “Indonesia’s new criminal code outlaws insulting president”

  1. I'd like to thank Qatar the beacon of free speech and democracy where everyone can clearly criticize the Emir of Qatar for any reason without being jailed

  2. What an outrageous contention by the government. By definition, any politician or state employee provides a service to the public and is at all times subject to open criticism by any member of the public who wishes to do so. Hands off our journos!

  3. Pakde Jokowi is much better president than Thailand king, People should respect him dearly for what he done to IndonesiaN today..

    All these time, He let Rdcal one pro*test bur*n F*ire on Capital of city, Th*row gl*azz bottle, Used their loud speaker 🔊ask Pakde jokowi to rezign rezign rezign.. Kurang sabar Apa Pakde 🤧🤧🤧🤧

    Good Indonesian support Pakde Jokowi 🥰☺☺☺☺

  4. No, the old Criminal Code also regulated it and everyone can report insulting the president so it's kinda the pro-government reporting the opposition to each other and vice versa But in the new criminal law ONLY the president can report swearing.
    Jessica Washington didn't enough research for this issues

  5. anyone likes peace and order among society. Islam condemn mischief. inspect yourself first over others if what you are doing is or brings mischief or not. Protest in the name of democracy, I bet you NED will snake in, just like Myanmar

  6. When minority in Indonesia forbidden to build church and not allowed to celebrate christmas, where is the human right activist?

  7. Is this part of Europe movement?
    Reminder Indonesia progressed legal action against EU on natural resources export.

  8. Finally Indonesia is copying Europe. Several European countries have laws with similar penalties.

  9. Did anyone hear human rights activists say something when President Macron, France, filed a complaint against Mr Michel Fiori for a poster depicting Macron as Hitler? Such laws exist throughout the whole of Europe (where even lèse-majesté laws exist). In France it is the general crime of insult punished with a fine since 2013 but before that insulting the President was punished with prison. In the Fiori case, the court has not followed the plaintiff, which means that comparing someone to Hitler is not an insult. Yet it is an insult. The court said among other things that the parodical intent of the poster was obvious; how strange when one knows that humorist Patrick Sébastien, when he mocked Jean-Marie Le Pen by singing, with a mask showing the latter's face, a song with ludicrous racist lyrics, was condemned for hate speech: parody was no excuse for the humorist. But the court also says that the poster "falls in the public debate of general interest," as a political message, and therefore is permissible. This has nothing to do with the fact that the content is insulting, that is, had the court only had the content in view the poster was punishable on its face. But the court thinks in different terms and let me use a fiction and talk like a court for a moment: "Insults aggrieve the feelings of individuals but our Constitution prevents us from taking heed of Mr Macron's feelings. Had Mr Macron wanted to spare his fragile feelings, he would have been advised not to look for the spotlight as a public figure. Politics is heated, major interests are at stake and with interest goes passion. People defend their interests and views passionately; therefore, a free public debate implies by constitutional necessity that politicians be less protected by law against speech than private persons. Mr Fiori, against whom Mr Macron filed a complaint for insult, is an honest citizen who respects his neighbors, but Mr Macron is not one of Mr Fiori's neighbors, all private persons, Mr Macron is a public figure whose decisions are one center of the public debate and he must expect an amount of scrutiny and speech, polemical and other, uncommon with that legitimately expected by private persons. His using the courts as if he were a private person is vile lawfare aimed at stifling political opposition."

  10. This is why you gotta vote?!!. I have a lot Indonesian Friends that seems doesn't really care or carefully selective when it comes to vote its Legislator.

  11. It is odd the President Widodo is considered a moderate and a man of the people. But the legislature has passed laws that some would considered illiberal democracy in action.

  12. …a perfect example of how a Government for the People goes out of control – the ego and vanity of those in Power

  13. Semua harus ada batasnya,bebas berbicara asal ada bukti dan bukan fitnah kalau tidak di batasin semua orang bebas fitnah orang yang tidak di sukai melalui media publik

  14. Hopefully one day Qatar will be free enough so that cartoonist can draw these type of cartoons about there rulers 😙aljazeera should report about it

  15. Al Qaeda Netwrok based in a Islamic Monarchy with no rights to anyone should be talking about freedom of speech.

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