
Indonesian Criminal Law? artificial intelligence background video


Indonesian Criminal Law? artificial intelligence background video

#Indonesian #Criminal #Law #artificial #intelligence #background #video

Welcome to our channel. The purpose of this channel is to introduce you to various actions that cannot be done because they violate the rules in Indonesia.This video discusses illegal actions. Do not perform the actions shown in this video because there are legal consequences. This video also provides legal consultation,legal basis and solutions for victims who have suffered losses. In addition, we will explore the complex world of Indonesian law and its legal system. From interesting legal stories to in-depth legal analysis, we cover it all. We will discuss how law enforcement works to maintain public safety. You will learn about Indonesian criminal law, civil law, and the diversity of laws that apply in Indonesia. For those of you who are in Indonesia and interested in learning about Indonesian law, we hope this channel will be beneficial to you

Friend, before you proceed with your marriage, make sure to disclose the facts about your situation. As stated in Article 403, anyone who enters into a marriage and fails to inform the other party about a valid impediment, and subsequently, the marriage is declared invalid based on that impediment, is subject to a maximum imprisonment of 6 (six) years or a maximum fine of Category IV, Rp200,000,000.00 (two hundred million Indonesian Rupiah).

Take care of yourself and avoid legal issues in this video.

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