
In This Town “For Sale’ Signs are Criminal


In This Town “For Sale’ Signs are Criminal

#Town #Sale #Signs #Criminal

Commercial speech is defined as any speech which promotes at least some type of commerce.

Because free markets depend on the free flow of information, the Institute for Justice (IJ) has long defended the right of business owners to communicate commercial speech to their customers.

IJ has also litigated groundbreaking cases in defense of occupational speech, protecting authors, tour guides, interior designers and others who speak for a living or offer advice from government regulations designed to stifle or silence their speech.

Learn more about IJ’s First Amendment work here:
criminal law , In This Town “For Sale’ Signs are Criminal, IJ,Institute for Justice,Freedom,Liberty,Individual Rights,Constitution,Constitutional Law,Unconstitutional Law,Con Law,Constitutional Litigation

22 thoughts on “In This Town “For Sale’ Signs are Criminal”

  1. The only nice thing about Nazareth PA is the C. F. Martin Guitar Factory! Inventor of the Modern Guitar and began in 1833! Wow!

  2. Tell this guy to dig out his camera and go to mayors home. Record everybody coming and going. Upload video to YouTube. It's fully legal, public photography from a public spot. Teach the mayor a lesson.

  3. That's crazy 🤪 can't do anything about violent crime's criminal's yet they get those for nothing.insanity to the max.

  4. How does IJ intend to get restitution without a criminal conviction against the local lawmakers and prosecutor for conspiracy to deprive rights under color of law, create unlawful debt, and unlawfully convert government offices and property into instruments of crime first, from a criminal court proceeding under rules of criminal procedure? That would grossly undermine due process for the parties and the state. If that Court where to proceed, the orders would be void, as no civil court May award restitution without a prior conviction of crime. If they allow a payment of anything in exchange for criminal prosecution, that is a common law crime called compounding a felony. 18 USC section 4 to issue those criminal complaints on behalf of your client. Your attorneys are officers of the court with the first Duty to uphold the duties of the Court which is to enforce the law add uphold the Constitution and you are not immune from 18 USC section 4. You have been placed on legal notice as of right now.

  5. This has to be a finding by a magistrate with no legal background. That's clearly the first amendment at play. What was the charge?

  6. Let’s hope that the state, isn’t going down the communist route, with a nazi regime agendas!!!🤨🧐🤨🧐🥸🥸🥸

  7. Seriously, you don't expect people in a town named Nazareth to actually act Christian, do you…?

  8. They are telling us, WE ARE taking YOUR RIGHTS SO YOU MAY AS WELL STOP FIGHTING US, they also know we are not doing nothing about anything they do so EVERY one,,, stop your dam cry , it's what you want because you sit on your butts!

  9. it doesn't even make any sense to ban for sale signs, next they'll be ticketing restaurants for having price tags on their drive through menus.

  10. I’m a veteran and when I see or hear this kind of behavior from our government I get sick to my stomach. Makes my service feel useless and meaningless. How can they treat our citizens in such a way

  11. You're going to need a better argument than comparison to other signs that are legal becauae there's actually an important difference. With sports/campaign signs, a glance is all that's required to get all of the information they contain. For sale signs, however, usually have a phone number on them, and anyone who might be interested in the vehicle will obviously want to take a look at it after seeing the sign. Essentially, they can argue that such for sale signs constitute a potential distraction to drivers (especially in this case since the vehicle was parked on the street.) I've actually seen idiots wreck or nearly cause one because they quit paying attention to what they were doing to get a good look at the vehicle as they went by. You should be able to win based on the Constitutionality, but it's not as cut and dried as it might seem on the surface. The dude should have just let his inner redneck out and parked it in the yard to encourage those interested to actually pull off the road to take a look rather than try to do so with a drive by.

  12. All "Commonwealth's" are corrupt with unconstitutional court systems. You guys should know that at The Institute for Justice.

  13. More and more state and local governments are totally losing their minds. Common sense is a rarity now.

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