
In aftermath of violent crime, some want changes to bail, gun laws


In aftermath of violent crime, some want changes to bail, gun laws

#aftermath #violent #crime #bail #gun #laws

Bishop reviews the various ideas floated at the Illinois Statehouse to deal with the aftermath of a criminal defendant being released pretrial then committing a murder/suicide. Some want changes to the state’s no cash bail law. Others want police to confiscate firearms from alleged abusers.

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criminal law , In aftermath of violent crime, some want changes to bail, gun laws, illinois,politics,news,springfield

43 thoughts on “In aftermath of violent crime, some want changes to bail, gun laws”

  1. Lol..he's correct the reps are too stupid to do the right thing..start getting the real criminals and leave the good citizens alone. Prickster knows he lied that the gun ban would save lives and it seems him and the redshirt goofs have lots of blood on their hands for lying to the public. Not one life saved by banning a gun. Criminals won't stop due to paper, laws, or anything you push.. they don't fear the jail time since they control the prisons because they are coddled. Republicans grow a pair and get these clowns out of here before its really too late.

  2. Guees what you yes you Nazi governor are the one who signed no bail into law.You have blood on your hands and you know it.

  3. Govenor Sphincter needs to be run out of the State and banned for life for the destruction of Illinois. His gun policies: well that's how Hitler did it. Then again, the people of Illinois voted for this assclown so….

  4. Just FYI Domestic Violence is a Detainable offense in Pretrial Fairness Act. Dupage County States Attorney did not seek Detention in this case.

  5. What kind of gobbledeegook did our esteemed Governor just say?
    What a privilege our leadership provides……

  6. Violence intervention? Job creation? Mandatory sentencing for violent crimes? Mental asylums?

    And now we are also dealing with Caulkins screw up with his rushed job on the assault weapons ban case. Really wish you would not give that guy camera time.

  7. Illinois benefits crime and criminals and forces tax payers to support the insanity.

  8. Students protesting?
    Odd that protestors blocking Illinois highways would not want to protest in front of the governor's mansion or his family properties.
    Protesting at the Governor's mansion would seem to be necessary due to his political power, yet protestors stay away from all Pritzker owned property.

    Perhaps they stay away from Pritzker properties at the request of the governor.

  9. Karina's law. Because no offended wife being divorced would ever think of getting an order of protection against a non dangerous husband just to mess with them.

  10. Banning gas hookups will help kill the American based emergency generator industry which produces emergency generators for use when grid power and solar panels fail to produce enough electricity to keep people alive in winter.

  11. Pass the blame it’s not the law they made that’s the problem it’s the judges and states attorneys that are the problem give me a break

  12. If they had just left the bail system alone, but, no, our democrat legislature forced this on us. They made the mess and they are incapable of fixing it. They will only make it worse. Let's sell Chicago to Wisconsin. Then, the gov won't have to leave the state where his horse barn is. Seems like he's shoveling to much of that in this state.

  13. But illinois and these states keep voting blue. California had a recall for Newsome and still voted him in

  14. Hyatt Hotels in Illinois have not been mentioned in news reports about criminal activity -such as the January 2016 shooting -since JB became Governor.

  15. No cash bail law was written to protect those such as James Briscoe, described in a 2016 Chicago Tribune article:
    "A judge set bail at $1 million for a second person charged with murder after a fatal shooting in the lobby of the
    Hyatt Regency Chicago hotel at McCormick Place during a fight over a woman, police said."

  16. Governor Prickster need to turn all Illinois citizens into criminals so they can disarm everyone but the criminals 😳😳 makes sense.

  17. Pritzker is a carpet bagger from California who wants to make Illinois into another left wing $#*% hole.

  18. they think…that the more people that die, the more they can end all gun ownership. JB's brain is using flawed equations!

  19. I had the privilege of having lunch with Dan and his wife, great people! Come back to the station for more bbq anytime!

  20. Some also want Pritzker and Slimy Raoul removed….But hey…This is what those who voted for these idiots wanted apparently…..

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