
“I’m SUING TV Licence Chiefs” – Ex-BBC Scotland Lawyer On ‘Threats’ Served To Him Over Licence Fee


“I’m SUING TV Licence Chiefs” – Ex-BBC Scotland Lawyer On ‘Threats’ Served To Him Over Licence Fee

#SUING #Licence #Chiefs #ExBBC #Scotland #Lawyer #Threats #Served #Licence #Fee

The Culture Secretary has asserted that the BBC should not have the authority to prosecute individuals for not paying their TV licence fee.

This statement follows a TalkTV investigation that unveiled nearly 130 daily prosecutions for failure to pay the £159 television licence fee.

Lucy Frazer stated that she will examine the BBC’s use of criminal prosecutions during the next charter review period.

Speaking to TalkTV, Ms. Frazer reiterated her disagreement with criminal prosecutions but acknowledged that the powers of ministers are “limited in order to change that.”

Ex-BBC Scotland lawyer Alistair Bonnington explains why he is suing TV licensing chiefs after receiving threats.

“They said they would take me to court, sent a letter that indicated I was getting an intimidating visit. They ignored everything I said to them.”

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criminal lawyer , “I’m SUING TV Licence Chiefs” – Ex-BBC Scotland Lawyer On ‘Threats’ Served To Him Over Licence Fee, talkradio,talk radio,news,uk,politics,debate,free speech,talk tv,live,live news,talktv live,talk tv live,talktv,talk radio live,talk radio tv,talkTV,talkradio tv,talkradiotv,BBC,bbc,british broadcasting corporation,british,television,tv,newsreader,presenter,staff,british tv,scandal,lucy frazer,culture secretary,government,licence fee,prosecutions,court,not paying licence fee,licence fee boycott,bbc licence fee,bbc license fee,broadcaster

34 thoughts on ““I’m SUING TV Licence Chiefs” – Ex-BBC Scotland Lawyer On ‘Threats’ Served To Him Over Licence Fee”

  1. BBC lawyer gets a taste of his own medicine 😊😅😅😅 he's only sueing because its happened to him

  2. If this guy is successful in suing the BBC/Capita then it will open the flood gates for everyone that has received these threatening letters to do the same. I know nothing about capita but I imagine this will put them out of business.

  3. That is the perfect example of Great Britain as a communist country you have to pay for a licensed for free TV which is supported by the government to begin with with your tax dollars but you still got to buy a license welcome

  4. If any other company behaved like this they would be closed down and fined I really don't understand how the BBC can get away with this. They have also "given away" all the back film / program catalogue which was paid for by us to it's own "private company" where they are stripping out all the revenues from our older programmes and giving our income to "private " investors

  5. I cancelled my licence two years ago. Since then I've received 19 threatening letters and two visits from their informers. I was away from home both times.
    I find it farcical to the level that I find their inforcement tactics highly amusing. I'm a pensioner in my 70s but they don't scare me at all.

  6. Cut my TV arial off and stopped paying the bbc years ago ……the letters i receive monthly are threatening…i dont know how they can do it .

  7. Why is there an automatic stance that you must have a TV Licence? No, you don't need one, no live broadcast or BBC on iPlayer, no need of a licence

  8. Bbc will crash into non existance not far away now people need to start sueing this corrupt biased mafia tv licence 😂😂

  9. I'm legally watching on-demand programmes (not iplayer) without a licence and I have been getting the threatening letters for months. It's morally wrong. There's plenty of good information out there that shows these letters for what they really are (empty threats) if you search.

  10. Why are you lemons still paying the tv licence. If you just watch netflix or youtube you don't need to pay. Cancel your tv licence today.

  11. 35 years without watching any form of 'live' broadcast so I don't need a licence but just imagine how many letters I've received in that time – many hundreds of them. I imagine this whole issue won't be tackled at all but the funding transferred and added on to some existing tax, so someone like me will end up subsidising my neighbours. That isn't right either. The 'golden age' of the BBC has long gone now. The fairest way is for it to stand on its own two feet like ITV and others.

  12. Good on this gentleman. The bbc seem to be a law unto themselves and see themselves as being untouchable. I wish him well. 👍 The licence scheme should be overturned and people given the option to subscribe should they wish to.

  13. Search for Chili jon Carne on youtube – his channel is invalidate in finding out how to defend yourself against the TV license thugs and goons.

  14. These TV licence people are sales staff. They get a bonus for each person they bag, whether guilty or innocent (see Daily Mail investigation).
    I have not had a TV licence since 2007 as I follow ALL the rules religiously. In fact, I do not have a modern digital TV set. Yet I received monthly threatening letters which go straight in the bin, unopened (on reverse from ‘Darlington’).

  15. This happens because the Land Registry sell new owner details to Capita, who collect the license fee. It’s a state sponsored scam.

  16. Dont pay a licence.
    phone them tell them to change your name to the occupier. tell them your removing all rights of access to your property. any letters you get send them back with return to sender no thankyou.
    Any knocks on your door dont give your name say no and close the door. 👍 ive never been bothered for 5 years after doing that. 😉

  17. I told the BBC over three years ago "I no longer watch live TV." Despite telling them I had a visit from a polite lady who told my wife she would amend their records on our home – this seems to have had little effect; They seem to imagine I NEED to tell them EVERY two years that I do not need a license – I have no contract with them and I have no need, nor will to bother myself with that task after their inability to leave us alone well before their cheeky notion of a Two Year amnesty from harassment had expired..
    Every other month or so they send me threatening letters about about "An enforcement officer' visiting me – given that Alex belfield ended up in Prison for alleged "Stalking a Radio Station"… how is this legal?  
    Were can I find the judge who put Mr Belfield away? I would like his opinion of WHY the BBC are getting away with THEIR wholesale harassment of people who find there news and program content biased and offensive to common sense for far too much of the time they waste the country's electricity broadcasting woke nonsense.

  18. No other company or organisation would get away with this disgusting behaviour, so why do they I wonder?

  19. Quite simples…

    Make the shithouse subscription only.

    Then we'll see if its a National Institution…

    Me thinks it would sink faster than the Titanic.

  20. No one is breaking the law..the BBC are just on a phishing expedition to catch a lone female or an elderly person and prosecute them….just for watching TV…for many who live alone it is the only human voices they hear. To cut them off and criminalise them is beyond cruelty…costs have risen to and every penny counts. The BBC has to be stopped. Their demand for money is nothing short of greed and corporate disdain. Time for the government to put a stop to this and tell BBC to stop the harassment and get Serco and its harassment "officers"..JAILED.

  21. When a tv licensing goon comes to my door I say nothing and close the door. there is not a thing that they can do about it.

  22. Don't tell them to come back with a warrant, you wally. For that could be misinterpreted as a sign of guilt and that might, just might, persuade a naff Magistrate acting under strong representation to give one. Simply say "I do not need a licence. Goodbye." and shut the door. Don't be rude, don't be aggressive, don't do anything that makes you stand out from everyone else and thus become their office's standing No1 target. "I do not need a licence. Goodbye."

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