
Idiom used in criminal defense. Thoughts?


Idiom used in criminal defense.  Thoughts?

#Idiom #criminal #defense #Thoughts

criminal lawyer , Idiom used in criminal defense. Thoughts?, Criminal defense Florida,Saying often used,Mistakes,Dealing with police,Reasons people get arrested,Arrest palm beach,Fort Lauderdale

7 thoughts on “Idiom used in criminal defense. Thoughts?”

  1. I watched this video many times now and i believe there is an apparition of some sort behind the drivers seat.

  2. "You CAN lead a horse to water, but you CAN'T make it drink." I believe that's how it goes.

  3. Its because he deals out of that car i promise you and the tints for his safety. He knows what hes doing, he just has the mentality "they wont catch me"

  4. My 80+ year old white Grandmother used to drive a Chrysler 300, cops would stop her all the time for "reasons." My female (white) friend works for a sitting congressman and drives the same car… also gets stopped by the cops all the time. Moral of the story: Tinted windows or not, if they want to stop you, they'll make up a reason every time. The 4th amendment died a long time ago… and the people cheered for their perceived sense of safety.

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