
“ID REFUSED!” – “ARREST DENIED!!” – “false arrest” – NEW UPDATE VIDEO –


“ID REFUSED!” – “ARREST DENIED!!” – “false arrest” – NEW UPDATE VIDEO –


Yavapi county sheriff’s office in Arizona falsely arrested me after a Thousand Trails RV campground employee made a false police report.

The sheriff did not do any investigation just showed up on scene and tried to rip me out of my truck.

But I refused to get out and refuse to ID since I had not committed any crimes Including any traffic infractions.

After the video of my false arrest went viral, the sheriff contradicted his response to my complaint and filed seven new charges in order to intimidate me.

Thousand Trails – Verde Valley, Arizona
-Scott Woolley, manager
+1 928-634-8158

Contact me:

[email protected]

-Lt. John Johnson (now – capt.)
-Capt. Tom Boelts (now – commander)
Prescott: +1 928-771-3260

-Cynthia Giltner
Yavapai County Attorney
+1 928-771-3344

Donations very appreciated:

Cash app: $ChemBeforeTheStorm

criminal lawyer , “ID REFUSED!” – “ARREST DENIED!!” – “false arrest” – NEW UPDATE VIDEO -, false arrest,police bodycam,sheriff bodycam,first amendment,1st amendment,yavapai,thousand trails review,Verde Valley Thousand Trails,police misconduct

48 thoughts on ““ID REFUSED!” – “ARREST DENIED!!” – “false arrest” – NEW UPDATE VIDEO –”

  1. Yavapai county sheriff's office responded to a 911 call from verde Valley Thousand Trails employees who exaggerated a minor situation to get a large police response in order to harass a guest.

    The sheriff showed up and, without doing any investigation, came up to my truck and threatened to break my window and rip me out of it to arrest me.

    I refused to get out and began talking to the supervisor on scene, who quickly realized they messed up by placing me under arrest without probable cause.

    After realizing their mistake and apologizing to me, they asked if they could see the videos I mentioned, and I agreed.

    While showing the sheriff officers the videos, one of them made a smart-ass remark, basically caling me a liar, and I had enough of them being disrespectful, so I did what any self-respecting man would do and told them "Have a nice day!"

    I filed a complaint with the sheriff the day after the incident with their lieutenant, a different one than was on scene, and Lt.Johnson said his officers had escalated the situation and violated my Fourth Amendment.

    However, after the video I put up went VIRAL, and the sheriff started receiving complaints, Lt. Johnson, without saying anything to me, reversed his decision and conspired to file 7 false charges on me in order to harass and intimidate me for posting the video to YouTube.

    I am fighting these unjust charges and posting updates, I appreciate your interest and support.

  2. Man we gotta bring back militias. This is ridiculous, the amount of disregard and contempt they have for citizens nowadays

  3. Love that the updated video is that he got 7 charges filed against him. They didn't immediately threaten to break your window. You admit they were investigating a crime (i.e. they could ID you). You refused to give ID or get out of the car, then they threatened to break your window. The next scene is you outside of the car. How about you just show us the unedited video. Liar. .

  4. State sponsored thugs polluting your streets to day. This is what happens when you give qualified immunity to crooks.

  5. The enemy the Founding Fathers sought to protect the people against. Those cops should let that sink it… they are the enemy of everything America is mean to stand for.

  6. Holy shit, when did people stop listening to officers commands and not doing simple steps they ask you to do. If you act responsible, it’ll all be sorted out the easy way. Grow up and find something better to post or better yet just stop posting this garbage.

  7. 😂😂😂I put this video on Blog del Narco. The cartels love watching the corruption in pigs so they can use them😂😂😂

  8. It screams stay away from police I mean don’t call them unless you’re out of bullets bleeding out on the ground that’s the only time you call them

  9. Imbeciles in law enforcement uniforms. Pathetic, isn't it. Remind me again, who's the armed and dangerous thugs?

  10. I'ma say this. Yes it's wrong for what these officers sometimes be doing, but see my finances aren't right to sit there and go back & forth to court as well as to be hiring a paid lawyer to fight my cases & that's where we'll always lose at because they know who has time to fight them possibly get locked up losing a job while trying to win a case that may take a year or two and than to hear if you drop your case they'll throw out their cases and at the same time your being pulled over night and day. Sometimes it's best to just listen, answer any questions go home to your family to be with them instead of resisting every single thing. These officers are learning loop holes laws now to fight the ones we think WERE so educated in throwing up in their faces.


  12. We the people are already sick of abuse of power of police. They should be hold accountable. End qualified immunity right now.

  13. I hope this guy exposes the culture of corruption that far exceeds just these minions. This goes all the way up through the District Attorneys Office

  14. When your a ass hole cop. You get what you deserve. You would think cops you can trust but would make up anything to arrest you. What a bunch of donut eating piss of shit.

  15. Right or not, Pennsylvania versus Mimms applies. It's just easier to fight injustice in court. Everyone should have a dashcam.

  16. Oh now they care about their behavior, verbage, threats of violence towards him and his vehicle, false accusations and uneccessary escalation tactics…. now that its going to be all over the internet 😂😂😂 Too late. Keep spreading the info and the awareness of bad policing and thugs in badges.

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