
ICJP director Tayab Ali on Met Police investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes


ICJP director Tayab Ali on Met Police investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes

#ICJP #director #Tayab #Ali #Met #Police #investigation #alleged #Israeli #war #crimes

During an interview with LBC, ICJP director and international crime lawyer Tayab Ali spoke out against former British prime minister Boris Johnson’s condemnation of the Met Police investigation into Israel’s alleged war crimes.

Scotland Yard counter-terrorism police have launched an appeal for witnesses travelling through British airports to report allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Israel, Palestine, LBC, Human Rights, Gaza, UK, Met Police

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24 thoughts on “ICJP director Tayab Ali on Met Police investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes”

  1. He did fantastic in explaining the obligations of the UK
    There are many who have returned from Gaza that are key in witnessing the atrocities..why should they not be heard and this so called Liberal democracy that adheres to International Law!

  2. Uk media people such as this radio host SHOULD consult with their legal team…

    The as a signatory to the genocide convention have domestic laws which pertain to crimes of genocide committed by UK citizens abroad as well as by UK citizens at home, for example media propagation of genocidal propaganda.

    It is likely in fact that UK citizens will be individually charged with warcrimes and genocide related crimes long before Israel itself faces any real consequences.

    If UK politicians wish to avoid sanctions which stop them from travelling… Then uk citizens who have duel citizenship with Israel WILL BE thrown under the bus and their diplomatic protection removed.

    The UK is simply not in a strong position with regard to world trade and the world could very easily sanction the uk economy.

  3. England ware crime in Irak than comon bro youre a warcrimanal youre zelf you chust wanne mod the water you prik

  4. but why aren't stockport police investigating it as well, the met have no lead on genocide investigations in the UK, must be that labourdumbass khan't ?

  5. 5:10 – "politicisation". Trust this "host" to call the displacement of 2 million people (brand-new refugees created in 10 weeks) as an event to be "politicised". Oh, and the 25,000 dead, and 1 million starving

  6. The ICC is an empty western, hollow shell, seek credibility through targeting anti -western crimes by non -western perpetrator. Other than that its simply a US regime tool to get at its enemies!

  7. If the can do it for Ukraine they can do it for Palestine… And when are the MET going to investigate British citizens travelling to the occupied territories to possibly take part in the genocide of a civilian population? Are they going to be arrested for potential crimes against humanity when they return? As I'm quite sure they ought to be under current British laws.

  8. The Metropolitan police have no jurisdiction in this matter. Just like they can't investigate Hamas for mass murder or rape. Its a typical pro Palestine tactic to ask the impossible and then moan about it when it doesn't happen. lol

  9. Bojo was simply taking an opportunity to please the pro Israel crowd, simple-as. He’s a master opportunist and this was an opportunity.

  10. Watch:
    1-Shocking insight into Israel's Apartheid | Roadmap to Apartheid
    2-Empire Files: Israeli Army Vet’s Exposé – “I Was the Terro*”
    3- Empire Files: Anti-Black Racism Reveals Israel’s White Supermacist

  11. Watch:
    1-Shocking insight into Israel's Apartheid | Roadmap to Apartheid
    2-Empire Files: Israeli Army Vet’s Exposé – “I Was the Terro*”
    3- Empire Files: Anti-Black Racism Reveals Israel’s White Supermacist

  12. What pieces do you want to put together when there is enough evidence on video for your own eyes to see.

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