
ICJ interim ruling on genocide case against Israel – Live


ICJ  interim ruling on genocide case against Israel –  Live

#ICJ #interim #ruling #genocide #case #Israel #Live

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) – Request for the indication of provisional measures – The Court to deliver its Order on Friday, 26 January 2024,

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38 thoughts on “ICJ interim ruling on genocide case against Israel – Live”

  1. It is not ended here this is very sad though that this Panel could not be more specific and URGENT this Judgement will cost more lives of innocent lives especially women and children elderly and especially civilians it is heart-breaking.- for Palestine and the people of 😢😢😢Gaza

  2. Know one wants to go against the demonic america who sets all laws that the U.N and all these world bodies are under.. Its real sad 😢

  3. Ipakita lahat saakin ag total budjet see senyor at ibat ibang bansa kalabaw lupa bahay kotse cumputer fourth year college aircon lamesa upoan baso despencer lampin milk chopon baby oil wiring instelation planing engenering water kolang po ang naebegay na budjet sa manga pamelya ng manga trebo trebo sa pilipinas at ibat ibang bansa united nation pls help pls help help help help help amen kong hende nyo kayang ipakita ang total budjet ng pamelya ng manga trebo trebo sa pilipinas at ibat ibang bansa lumayas natayong lahat dyan sa esrael court amen meron kayong passport vesa tecket papuntang pilipinas esrael court imposebling hende nyo nakausap yung pamelya ng manga trebo trebo sa pilipinas at ibat ibang bansa kong nakoha na nila yung total budjet amen

  4. UN is corrupt at all levels. How can it be genocide when hundreds of thousands of leaflets have been distributed to remove them from harm's way? They did not even mention October 7 atrocities and condemn Hamas for being terrorist. What about the hostages? First release the hostages, then dismantle Hamas, then ask for ceasefire.

  5. Ok this women reading first item satisfaction to palasthin and not satifaction back items
    Full satisfaction to issrel
    Thi s speach are decher to orginal humans in this world
    Comming soon 3rd world ware towards issrel
    Very big soulation are more help to palastin peoples with childs
    And stop immedietily from issrel
    Than that atomatically stop from other country and Gaza
    Please stop, safe, and squere in world

    By Aathisaivan pk

  6. It is criminal how under reported this pivotalmoment of our history is.

    The verdict says: "prevent and punish the directand public incitement to genocide"

    "You must remember what Amalek has done toyou", Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

    "I welcome the initiative of the voluntaryemigration of Gaza Arabs to countries around theworld,", Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich

    "Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that willovershadow the Nakba of 1948,", Ariel Kallner, amember of the Israeli parliament

    "We are fighting human animals and we are actingaccordingly.", defence minister, Yoav Gallant

    "opportunity to concentrate on encouraging themigration of the residents of Gaza," NationalSecurity Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir

  7. ICJ does not even mentioned the ROOT- CAUSE.. 75 years ago.. committed qnd supported

    This doesn't STOP the Genocidal Act of IDF Zionest towards our Brothers and Sisters of Ummah in Palestine 🇵🇸..

    However this Shows .. amd Warning to ENTIRE countries in the world.. those who is rich and weaponise countries.. will Make LAWS to serve Them .. and Break the Laws to Serve them . !!!!!

    Everyday Palestine 🇵🇸 is being killed .. children and women's ..


  9. Why ruling on Israel and not HAMAS. ICJ is not man enough to make ruling HAMAS. What is the condition for HAMAS to stop terrorism.

  10. it's totally fault of Hamas, they are cowards exposing their own people to war. If they surrender the war is over tomorrow.
    That should talk the useless court

  11. This ICJ though the world knows HAMAS hiding themselves on Palestine people as human shields as their advantage against Israel

  12. The diciision should be given by the world ICJ.,. to completely stop the war ! No matter Allah wil give the great decision sure

  13. ICJ basically said, you can fight Hamas but do not block humanitarian aid and stop killing too many innocent people.

  14. Opinion after the judgment recently pronounced by the

    International Court of Justice

    It is surprising to learn that within a short period of three months, Israel killed and murdered over 26, 000 innocent children, women and civilians. The number of wounded people is also numerous. This is an unpardonable crime of the highest extent. Even in big wars in the past, the world did not notice such a huge number of deaths and causalities. Israel does not care about anybody or any country. They think that they are above the law. They can do anything they like. Their source of strength is only the USA which supports Israel for anything they do. The US and Israel are both complicit in all kinds of crimes against humanity regionally and globally. The USA talks about justice, human right, democracy, free, fair, and participatory election and corruption in various countries of the world, but why not in this case? Is it not adopting a double standard?

    Because of the above, it is excellent to learn that South Africa took legal action against Israel for committing a large-scale genocide in Gaza. We salute South Africa for doing the right thing at the right time. Benjamin Netanyahu is the most wicked war criminal of the century. He and the military personnel who are responsible for the killing must be tried at all costs. If anybody supports him he too will be treated as a war criminal. If justice prevails, he and his cabinet members who are responsible for committing genocide must not be allowed to escape. The civilized world must note this. I salute the President of South Africa for suing Israel and Netanyahu for genocide in the International Court of Justice. Now it is up to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to give exemplary punishment to him and his people so that no other dictator or wicked ruler can commit such war crimes after him.

    We are happy to note that the ICJ has just pronounced a provisional judgment indicating that Israel must prevent acts of genocide. ICJ didn’t give any verdict on whether Israel is guilty of genocide, the punishment of which can either be a death sentence or put in prison for twenty years or more. Currently in most countries of the world punishment in civil cases for killing or murdering an innocent person is either a death sentence or life imprisonment. This is almost a standard judgment in case of murders or attempts of murder. This practice is usually followed by most countries of the civilized world. Therefore, if ten people are involved in killing an individual they all shall be considered guilty of criminal offence. Justice says that if one person has killed an innocent man, woman, or child he should be killed. This is natural justice. There are hundreds of evidence that Israel committed genocide in Gaza. Even the learned lawyers of the highest eminence of the ICJ have confirmed that Benjamin Netanyahu and his military personnel have committed genocide and crimes against humanity. In Gaza, Israel has killed over 26,000 innocent people by bombarding civilian areas, hospitals, UNO-sponsored shelter camps, schools, mosques, churches, temples, etc. Is it not genocide? What is the punishment for committing genocide or systematic murders? They are doing atrocities against Palestinian children and women.

    We know that the position and powers of the highest court of eminence judges are very respectful and highly rewarding. They represent Almighty God in this physical world in pronouncing true judgment in chaos, conflict, murders, and social injustice. Therefore, I, as a faithful servant of God, humbly opine that Netanyahu and his associates in Israel should be given capital punishment for killing such a huge number of people. By doing so the honorable judges of the ICJ can perform the sacred and noble tasks entrusted to them by God. If their judgment is wrong or biased they too might be accountable to God after death. The honorable judges of ICJ must not be afraid of any country or government. It is the hope and aspiration of the human community that the judgment of the ICJ is true, fair, impartial, and free from any pressure from anybody. May Almighty God grant the honorable judges of the ICJ due prestige, honor, and reward they deserve.

  15. What about the Palestinians hostages in the Israelis jails , why no one is talking about them when this is the core of the reason why Hamas lift the Israeli hostages!

    Why the ICJ didn’t even mention the Palestinian hostages?

  16. The threat from Palestine to Israel comes from Israel itself. If Israel liberates Palestine, The threat Will disppear.

  17. I would have prefered an order to cease fire, but failing that, this is a good step forward.

    Free Palestine

  18. President George W. Bush characterized North Korea, Iran, and Iraq as “an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world,”
    Now we want to say,
    The US, UK and Israel are ❝An Axis Of Evil❞
    arming to threaten the peace of the world.👌
    You are the enemy of Humanity. 👍👍👍

  19. Lord almighty, I just don't know what to think anymore…. get more aid in… and nothing really about ending the conflict and again, enforcing previous decisions that clearly state there is an illegal occupation and this is what apartheid looks like.

    Please God!

  20. 1. Glory be to Him, Who journeyed His servant by night, from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts We have blessed, to show him of Our wonders. He is the Listener, the Beholder.

  21. 1. Glory be to Him, Who journeyed His servant by night, from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts We have blessed, to show him of Our wonders. He is the Listener, the Beholder.

  22. 2. And We gave Moses the Scripture, and We made it a guidance for the Children of Israel: Take no guardian apart from Me.

  23. 4. And We declared for the Children of Israel in the Scripture: You will commit corruption on earth twice, and you will rise to a great height.

  24. 5. When the first of the two promises came true, We sent against you servants of Ours, possessing great might, and they ransacked your homes. It was a promise fulfilled.

  25. 6. Then We gave you a turn against them, and We supplied you with wealth and children, and We made you more numerous.

  26. 30. If only you could see, when they are stationed before their Lord. He will say, “Is this not real?” They will say, “Yes indeed, by our Lord.” He will say, “Then taste the suffering for having disbelieved.”

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