
ICJ hears Israel genocide case: South Africa brings case to UN’s highest legal body


ICJ hears Israel genocide case: South Africa brings case to UN’s highest legal body

#ICJ #hears #Israel #genocide #case #South #Africa #brings #case #UNs #highest #legal #body

South Africa is set to begin a legal battle against Israel on Thursday.
It accuses Israel of genocide in Gaza, during its intense bombardment and ground operation in the strip.
The hearings at the International Court of Justice in The Hague are scheduled to last two days, with both parties laying out their arguments.

Al Jazeea’s Aksel Zaimovic takes a closer look at the evidence South Africa will be presenting.

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#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #SouthAfrica #Genocide #GazaWar #ICJ #UnitedNations #WarCrimes #IsraelWarCrimes #GazaGenocide #IsraelWarOnGaza #WarOnGaza
criminal lawyer , ICJ hears Israel genocide case: South Africa brings case to UN’s highest legal body, Al Jazeera,Al Jazeera English,Gaza,ICJ,International Court of Justice,Israel,Israel army,Israel war crimes,Israel war crimes in gaza,Palestine,South Africa,al jazeera live,al jazeera video,aljazeera English,aljazeera latest,aljazeera live,aljazeera live news,gaza ethnic cleansing,gaza genocide,gaza humanitarian crisis,gaza under attack,gaza war,operation swords of iron,united nations

23 thoughts on “ICJ hears Israel genocide case: South Africa brings case to UN’s highest legal body”

  1. such a shame Saudi Arabia stands on Israels side and allow them enter airspace to bomb Yemen.. it’s a weird weird evil world

  2. Israel has wasted decades in conflict with Palestine. The shortsightedness of its leaders has led the country into a highly militarized state, hostile to its Palestinian neighbours, in the false belief that conflicts and wars will bring them prosperity. On the contrary, it has degraded Israel to a state that uses an apartheid-like policy and mass genocide as justifications for its supremacy. Israel is, in fact, a poor yet a dangerous country, for there is no greater poverty and danger than the lack of vision combined with the lack of ethics, morals and humanity!

  3. I am a South African and do not support our idiotic government's views agains Israel.
    In fact the South African government is the very last who could point fingers to other countries on genocide as the ANC's military wing called uMkhonto we Sizwe was the very definition of genocide against civilians for many years pre 1994… they also nearly killed me in 1988 when I was only 14years old!!

    Did you forget what you did ANC hipocrates??

    Let the world know who you are!

  4. Even if whole world go against Israel, you can not destroy Israel. Once Jews occupy their own territory, God is with Israel. You cannot kill God and you cannot destroy Israel. Sorry.

  5. South Africa need to be punished. They accuse Israel of genocide from personal hatred. Genocide always have something to do with hatred. Israel have no hatred of Palestinian. Israel have right to defend itself from terrorism. Hamas and Palestinian have hatred of Jews. They want to annihilate Israel that is why they shoot thousands of misile towards Israel indiscriminately. Israel only want to eliminate Hamas but Hamas and Palestinian want to annihilate Jews. Who is responsible for genocide?. If you don't know the right answer,you don't deserve to be called human.

  6. To the South African legal team who took such a gallant, humanitarian stand during the recent public hearings at the UN's highest court against the horrific, unprecedented genocidal campaigns of Israeli armed forces against the innocent, helpless people of Palestine must be applauded. However, one must question the sincerity of the White South African members of this group. Unlike your vocal condemnation of the Israeli actions The world has yet to hear from you any vocal condemnation from your inhumane behavior, as well as that of your racist White Supremacist Christian ancestors who are the originators of centuries of wholesale land theft, plunder of natural resources, starvation, overt racial discrimination, and unspeakable genocidal campaigns that have consigned the original Black inhabitants of Southern Africa to a life of perpetual abject poverty, hopelessness, and permanent underclass status. All the atrocities and indignities that Palestinians continue to suffer, that you so painstakingly enumerated in these public hearings are the same hateful, criminal, and inhumane treatment that many of you and your White South African Christian ancestors have committed with impunity against the original Black inhabitants for centuries. When will you be willing to conduct similar kinds of public hearings before The International Court of Justice to cite past and current social and economic deprivation caused by the White South African government under Apartheid rule? By ignoring the need to take similar actions of public condemnation on behalf of Black victims of centuries of Apartheid rule under the inhumane of the Apartheid regime, your public condemnation against Israeli genocide will amount to nothing more than a shameless exercise of hypocrisy before the world.

  7. Stop The Genocide in Gaza Palestine!
    Stop Occupation zionist israel!
    Free Palestine!
    Save Humanity!🇿🇦🇵🇸🇵🇸🇿🇦

  8. why is that international court of justice didn't see Ethiopian life war as Israel and Palestine war?

  9. Iimmediately sent international police to handcuff Netanhayu and put him in a prison cell on death row for killing 2,000 people.

  10. Shame on you YouTube for putting a warning under this video. You have no shame YouTube for being a declare zionist complice in genocide

  11. White heads all over and u call it a united nations institution? This is the root cause of all problems on this planet. White hegemony

  12. Respect for South Africa? Perhaps they should look at their own house, examine the deterioration within their own country, and sit this one out!

  13. Soooo… this is like the holocaust, where I am from – I was taught that that these actions should not be tolerated…seems to me nothing is learn and in decades down the road we will be studying the Gaza-Israel-Palestine episode and once again tell ourselves we should not tolerate these actions

  14. Thank you south africa for bringing humanity and civilazation together. Let us together fight those bullying powers who think life of others worthless in their pursuit for their own survival. Today maybe Gaza is the one suffering and if we keep on being silence, one day these bullies may have their eyes on other countries and terrorize/ collonize (again) to enjoy the others treasure

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