
I Was My Friend’s Lawyer & Bled Her EX-Husband Dry In Court But Now Mistress Shows Up At Charity…


#Friends #Lawyer #Bled #EXHusband #Dry #Court #Mistress #Shows #Charity..

My ex-friend cheated with my other friend’s husband so I decided to help my cheated friend and be her lawyer. I bled her ex-husband dry in the divorce process but now the mistress shows up at charity event and tried to play victim…

#divorce #mistress #relationshipstories

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lawyers near me , I Was My Friend’s Lawyer & Bled Her EX-Husband Dry In Court But Now Mistress Shows Up At Charity…


27 thoughts on “I Was My Friend’s Lawyer & Bled Her EX-Husband Dry In Court But Now Mistress Shows Up At Charity…”

  1. Accidental ice cream story was surprisingly decent. Used to militant vegans in these types of stories so it was really nice to have a vegan parent who was just, "eh, it was a mistake, I'm just glad my kid is safe" about it. Abby is a good person and I'm glad the OP sees this and didn't make issues over nothing. The family needs to take note.

  2. Oh, yes an accident. She slipped and fell on him. Right…

    She is a homewrecker who should be shunned. She ruined a relationship and caused the hurt party to be hospitalized.

  3. Abby Story: I’ve been severely lactose-intolerant since age 8 and never had a problem saying something so I wouldn’t get sick…the 11yr old is at fault for not saying anything BUT he can choose what he eats at this age. NTA for not banning him from Abby’s house, your husband and ILs are dumb AF!

  4. YTA vegan commenter is an idiot. Most meat eating kids didn’t decide that for themselves either, their parents made that choice for them.

    Just show him a documentary about the dairy/veal industry and he probably won’t want the ice cream anymore.

    Kids are almost never religious by choice at that age either but many families still force their kid to spend time at their place of worship each week. Little kids rarely choose their own sports team either, they go along with whatever the household team is.

  5. Story #2
    If the Truth can harm you, You should have been careful of the truths you were building.

  6. Story 2: LOOOOOOL so i heard the line “the woman who had an affair with my husband which broke up our marriage, is now calling ME a homewrecker for explaining what happened to her son” and i spat out my coffee😂
    That takes GAUL to say.
    Op is NTA not even a little

  7. There's no such thing as a perfect marriage or relationship; each one is special. What makes one person happy might not make another person happy. But I've realized that there's always a way to solve problems. Five years ago, my wife and I were almost getting divorced because we had problems in our marriage, but we managed to sort things out. It was a difficult time, but we got through it.

  8. Am I the only person who could feel the 1% vibe radiating from that post?

    Why people hate vegans.

  9. Stop forcing dietary lifestyles on kids that don’t need it.

    If they want to be vegan they can choose when they are older, but they should be able to eat whatever they want and try new foods. It makes me so upset when people do this.

  10. Such a stupid story overall. Do you want to get me a water? No, not with those manners. That's all the mother had to say to address the girlfriends manners, not everyone talks the same way and that is the point the girlfriend was making, people hit 100 mph so quickly nowadays 🙄 They want to get angry and have a screaming match instead of actually communicating. FTW

  11. When she came in the house and things got confrontational, it got confrontational when she opened her mouth. You need to have your blinders off and see your red flags. She is a major entitled which, your mom's right she is a brat. If anybody had talked to my mother male or female that way their ass would have been out of the house so fast they wouldn't even known if they came in.

  12. I'm a vegetarian but I cook meat and people eat meat around me. My life choice has nothing to do with their life choice. Because I'm not God Almighty and makes decisions for the world. Tell your vegan Nazi family they are the reason why vegans have a bad name. Guess what when baby boy goes in the real world he may decide not to be vegan anymore. He may marry someone who's not vegan. What is your whole family going to disown him if he doesn't stay a vegan.

  13. Water

    So if the gf didnt mean for it to sound like a command and "forgot" the please, then why was there a screaming fight? All gf should have said to mom was, 'oh sorry I wasnt thinking, may i get some water, where are the cups, thank you'. And left the house. YTI.

  14. Saying "you're too harsh" by dropping a reality check on a homewrecking floozy is reflective of the attitude that is creating a worse society.

    Why should we shield people from being hurt by the results of their intentional misdeeds? Why should we care about their feelings? Why should we treat them with concern when they so callously treated others with disdain? That would only encourage them to continue their misdeeds.

    Seems to me that this world would be benefited by being a little harsher on this world's miscreants.

  15. It takes 2 to tango sure but if you skeep with a man you know is married to your friend then you are trash.

  16. Only a vegan could hear about a woman throwing herself between their child and a gun and focus on the fact that he got ice cream in her vicinity.

  17. Gf demanding water: What the heck did I just read? This 19yo kid/boy let his brat of a gf talk to his mom like she's her servant. Yes boy because, no real man would let his gf nor his wife talk to or DEMAND his mom serve his gf. Then he leaves them their to argue. Oh boy she's a better mom than most. Most moms would have told her to get out. Go to 7/11 to get you damn water.

  18. S2: NTA 😂, what did they expect. The Homewrecker called the OP the homewrecker 😂. This women is something special.

  19. Last Story: I really want one of these family saviour people to go straight to the ones who treated a child poorly their entire childhood and washed their hands of them the second they could. Try to get the neglectful/hostile/abusive people who are the ones that actually need to make amends to want to reach out instead of the victim child of the situation. See how that goes?

  20. Story 1
    Come on, that was the perfect set up and a golden retort. It would have been sad to let that pass.😂

  21. "It wouldnt have been hard to bring water out"
    Well then why didnt the girlfriend do it? If it was so easy then why the hell didnt the girlfriend do it herself when she went inside?
    Because shes an entitled brat like the mom said.

  22. WTF? "It wouldn't have been that hard to bring water out"? Is your girlfriend rich and used to ordering servants around or is she just spoiled and used to ordering her parents around? Either way, that is one enormous red flag. Apologize to your mom and tell your girlfriend to take a hike.

  23. Oh good grief! Spare me from sanctimonious, self righteous Vegans. Sounds like OP is cool about it but her husband and his family are the "meat is teh EEEEEEVIIILLLLL" kind of Vegans. To be clear not every Vegan is awful, not even a majority of them but there is no one as self righteous as a Vegan confronted withy meat. Get over yourself.

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