
“I Just Witnessed Assassination Attempt” | Kinsey Schofield On Trump Rally Shooting With One Dead


#Witnessed #Assassination #Attempt #Kinsey #Schofield #Trump #Rally #Shooting #Dead

US commentator Kinsey Schofield says she has just witnessed an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, and blasts CNN for only calling it “an incident”.

Accusing numerous left-wing figures of encouraging violent discourse in the United States, Kinsey questioned where their moral compass is as a country.

Gunfire erupted at a Donald Trump rally on Saturday, sparking panic in the crowd and spattering the Republican presidential candidate with blood, before he emerged and defiantly pumped his fist in the air before being ushered to a waiting car.

Trump grimaced and grabbed his ear before security hustled him away. The Secret Service and the former president’s campaign said Trump was safe following the shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania, about 30 miles (50 km) north of Pittsburgh.

Live video showed blood spattered on Trump’s right cheek and ear.

The suspected shooter was dead, as was an audience member, and another person was in critical condition, a Washington Post reporter said on social media, citing the Butler County district attorney.

The shooting occurred less than four months before the Nov. 5 election, when Trump faces an election rematch with Democratic President Joe Biden.

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48 thoughts on ““I Just Witnessed Assassination Attempt” | Kinsey Schofield On Trump Rally Shooting With One Dead”

  1. Kinsey please dont ever talk to these two morons ever again. They are so rude and ignorant. Mr Knowalls claims are so fake. For goodness sake there were injuries and loss of life besides the gunman. How can he make such uninformed claims.

  2. Talktv … can you stop your presenters from interrupting their guests, no point of asking questions and not letting them answer.

    Also, they don't need to continually shout..

  3. Correction, gently disagree with Kinsey on the issue, that we the people were fooled by the media since fake president, fake Catholic, self excommunicated from the church, dementia/Alzheimer’s, china lop dog Biden ran for president in 2020. It was very clear in 2019-2020 Biden was already in moderate dementia disease, brain decay. Hence the satan worshippers democrats, unleashed the Wuhan flu, scared people to death, and caused the population to self incarcerate voluntarily in our homes, during the pivotal 2020 presidential elections. This was obvious, dementia/Alzheimer’s Joe was given a great cover to hide under, in his basement, so no one could see this useful idiot was quickly deteriorating. Kamala Harris is another useful idiot, also easy to pull strings. It has been closet Muslim, Kenyan born Obama running a shadow government, interfering in President Trump’s presidential administration, and rigging, stealing the 2020 presidential election, to continue his shadow government, to finish his agenda to tear down and destroy the USA.

  4. This man is abrasive and rude. This rifle shot which he states is “not a serious rifle”, hit President Trump’s ear and then hit a 50 year old firefighter in his head and killed him. A emergency medicine physician who was near this fireman, performed CPR and stated that there was broken parts of skull and brain matter in the area. He knew the man was fatally wounded but he did CPR until relieved by emergency responders who transported the victim to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. Your ignorance and arrogance is inexcusable. Shame on you!

  5. How many times did you say, "Kinsey I've got to stop you there" followed by an interruption. You seemed over excited!

  6. The media + the celebs or those still employed are lefties, as no one on the right is acceptable, and by there dividing the people which is a lefties speciality… we get angry young people….

  7. Come on guys, aska question, then LET YOUR GUEST ANSWER….stop chattering you chipmunks! 🐿️🐿️


  9. Kinsey, I've always enjoyed your programs. Having now heard you say you made yourself what you are, the word ADMIRATION doesn't begin to cover it. All your opinions are so centered, thoughtful, reasoned, knowledgeable… I could go on. Can't fault Andre or any of your other colleagues for thinking the world of you. Your parents must be so proud of you.

  10. are you people receiving money for this so-called job? Interrupting your guest with so annoying voices also???? OMG

  11. Because of this hatred towards Trump, innocent people are injured and one is dead. Former President Trump is right, he is in their way of getting to us. Trump’s message “Fight” needs to be applied by all that want peace. We must do it properly, not in the way the Democrats do it. Trump is not a BAD MAN. The Democrats have made people believe this through their words of hate. Invite friends, & family to a rally. Let them be surrounded by good people. Welcome them home. Use kindness not hate. ALL ARE WELCOME IN TO MAGA. Peace ✌️

  12. This dude is an idiot. You do know another man, a firefighter was KILLED by the same shooter trying to protect his family. What is this idiot talking about it being an airgun. He is also so rude over talking his guests .

  13. Let each other get a full thought out. It's ridiculous. It's considered a skill to listen. I felt sorry for Kinsey.
    Terrible interview.

  14. You make great points but you say you love Kinsey but not enough to stop interrupting her and let her make her point.

  15. Why have kinsey on and speak over her every minute and its very disrespectful to say all those leary jokes 🤢

  16. CNN, The Washington Post, MSNBC isn't the first idiots to blame President Donald Trump for his own attempted assassination! Totally disgusting! These people forget Trump is also a husband, a father, a grandfather, a friend, a man! He's a real person you know. His family was there. His family was watching live they all watched him come millimeters from death! And not only that but other people were injured and a husband and father was murdered right in front of his wife and daughter protecting them. He died a true hero, father, husband, and man. 🙏🙏🙏 I really can't believe the way some people are talking about this. July 13th was a tragedy for America and all involved and their family's. We should all pray for them 🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕯️

  17. Will that blond person stop interrupting and LISTEN. Get your Ego out of this blondie

  18. Why ask Kinsey on the show, if you just constantly want to enforce your own opinion, over listening to what she has to say?
    These two presenters should have just ranted, on their own.
    Danielle and this guy should have shut up, rather than keep shouting over Kinsey.
    I couldn't watch it, to the end.
    Dreadful reporting. ☹️

  19. I’m leaving because of that commentary not allowing Kinsey to get her message out but their interruption

  20. wow, this wasn’t a great discussion. multiple cringe-worthy comments by the gent. rather get the facts and do not treat Kinsey with such disrespect. yikes. this was bad.

  21. What’s the point of inviting a guest? The 2 anchors treated Kinsey as if she was invisible!

  22. Very shortly into this "interview". The poor girl couldn't get a bloody word in. Why did they have her on there. The "interviewers couldn't keep bloody quiet. I've had enough of this. Poor girl listening to these two banging on for god sake. Bloody ridiculous

  23. Kinsey deletes any comments not in line with her opinion. Kinsey doesn't like freedom of speech. Now I know why I've read so much negative about her.

  24. Oh cmon! NOT an assignation attempt. It was a WWE, Vince McMahon fake blood photo op.

    Trump slowly lowered himself to the ground. A short female SS officer was used to stand in front of Trump so as to not block the camera shot. None of the agents have ANY stress on their faces whatsoever. Watch footage from the shooting of Reagan. You will see actual stress on the agents faces.
    At one point the short female SS agent is almost smiling as she bends forward in front of Trump so as not to block his Hitler salut and the agent just behind and in front of diaper Don has a relaxed face as he looks into the audience for the cameramen. He is not reacting at all as though there is an active shooter.

  25. Wrong! CNN has not called it just a mere incident. CNN has actually properly reported on it throughout and I am in the US at the moment so I see it first hand.
    It is also incorrect that the ‘media has lied to the American people about Biden for the last 4 years’ – they haven’t
    I am as critical about Pres Biden as many others and I also wish he’d step aside.
    But you want to talk honest and factual reporting – then do it with this clip and don’t perpetuate the lies you so openly seek to condemn
    I was hopeful you would err on the side of truth but then was reminded that this news channel is just another Rupert Murdoch creation…

  26. The Lady next to the guy is full of it…when he talked about people not having money…they are lucky to have good jobs etc. but she shrugs her shoulder like "too bad, so sad" and then she sits there with a dress that is way to small, buttons popping…embarrassing. If you have it so big get a dress in YOUR size.

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