
Husband’s EX-Wife Hires a Lawyer To Get Child Support From ME After My Husband Passed Away & Now…


#Husbands #EXWife #Hires #Lawyer #Child #Support #Husband #Passed #Now..

My husband passed away and left me with our two kids. He also had kids with his ex-wife and now she hires a lawyer because she wants me to pay her child support since my late husband can’t…

#childsupport #toxicmarriage #listening
lawyers near me , Husband’s EX-Wife Hires a Lawyer To Get Child Support From ME After My Husband Passed Away & Now…


26 thoughts on “Husband’s EX-Wife Hires a Lawyer To Get Child Support From ME After My Husband Passed Away & Now…”

  1. S2. YTA. Wow, just wow. Mom of the year here. The daughter needs to go nc with the mother and leave her with her step golden child.

  2. It's not an honor if the person was pressured into using a name. An honor is supposed to come from the heart.

  3. If you have to bully, harass and emotionally manipulate someone into an "honor" name, all the honor is long gone. What a bunch of selfish jerks!

  4. First story, women try this to men all the time. Male babysitters, neighbors, how many Reddit stories have we seen of that? Why did Reddit act like this was something unheard of? Oh because when bad things happen to women Reddit actually cares, gotcha.

  5. S2 Why are people butt hurt. the bride decides on who to invite, and op has the choice not to go if someone didn't get an invite.
    The issues that arose from the the separation with ex and turning the daughter, the op tried to help the daughter but it didn't help her and with the blending of the family, at some point the op would have given up or stop caring.

    Honestly do you think the father would have stopped his smear campaign when the daughter went over to his house?
    Does the op not have her own feelings to consider as well or is it just the daughter that has feelings?
    Why is the op an unreliable narrator?

  6. 1) OP is under no obligation to treat someone else's children as if they are her own. OP needs her own attorney. She has clearly done everything and more to share benefits with his kids in this bad circumstance. OP needs to stop going out of her way to help this woman. The kids are old enough now to figure out what kind of relationship they want with OP, but most of all OP gets to determine what kind of relationship she wants with them. OP is not the parent, not their guardian, does not have any legal or financial responsibility for them.
    2) Sorry this happened OP, but who the daughter wants at her wedding is entirely up to her and how can OP wonder about this exclusion when she says they never got along, hate each other and this hasn't changed. YTA for pulling this BS and giving such an ultimatum. Shame on OP. For mom to exclude herself from the wedding seems like a gift to her "bio-daughter" and probably has killed that relationship for good an all and I imagine that won't change.
    3) Sounds like OP has a good and sensible friend. It is too bad this accident happened, but trying to blame OP for this is disgusting. Nothing OP did was wrong. OP needs to call this relationship over from this threatening, emotionally abusive, immature, irresponsible AH.
    4) Oh good grief, I understand she is upset this item was broken, but that is entirely on her for being stupid, refusing to listen and learn. Now trying to blame OP is ridiculous, but she is really upset about her grandmother and about breaking this keepsake, so go easy on her.
    5) I think that was really nice to honor the nurse by using their name. None of the relatives have any say in what OP and his wife name their youngest. Good for OP for telling them to knock it off and explaining what it would take to get an honor name.

  7. #1 goofy greedy ex needs to apply for social security benefits for her children, can't believe her lawyer did not tell her that. or maybe she knows and is trying to double dip so she does not have to work.

  8. Absolutely not. You are not obligated to pay child support for the ex wife’s kids. Not on paper didn’t happen! You are not legally obligated

  9. Story 2: you shouldn't get married if your kids are not fully on board with it. If the kids don't like your partner or any future step siblings (or vice versa) you are not well-matched. No excuses. None of that "whoa is me, why should i have to be alone forever just because my kids want me to" bs.
    You. Are. Incompatible. Period.

  10. Butter Cooler Story. "Not the time for I told you" Please will people be adult about things these days. OP told her how it operated and she called him dumb then broke the thing because she was the DUMB one who was trying to use it incorrectly. That is precisely the time to say "I TOLD YOU SO!" Learn you fools.

  11. Story 1 NTA: I bet the OP is from the united states. I heard there that a woman can get child support from a complete stranger just for looking at her kid. But that aside, OP needs her own lawyer to stop the harassment and file charges against her husband's ex-wife.

  12. You don't have to do anything for them you are not the dad you should not have give her anything

  13. Late teens (17/18) – 12 is 5 or 6, not “in the womb”… reddit needs to learn more math

  14. Bio Daughter story, OP don't be surprised if you too are not invited to the wedding or your Bio daughter's life. She will cut ties, go no contact and you will never see any Bio grandkids.

  15. Story 1, countersue for child support from her because you are taking care of her kids. 🤣 See how that goes over.
    Seriously you don't owe her or her kids Anything.

  16. Story 5: NTA, you have the right attitude for honor names (well at least for a person who is still alive). It is weird to "honor" someone who is alive that really didn't do anything other than what is required by law (AKA the "I raised you" argument).

  17. Story 4: NTA, you set it up properly, she choose tell you you were wrong and set it up wrong, leading to it breaking.

    This was the definition of a no win situation.
    1) let her do her own thing and break it = she blames you
    2) tell her she is wrong on how it is set up = she yells at you, then sets it up wrong and breaks it and blames you
    3) tell her to look up how to set it up online = she yells at you and says "I've seen this thing in use for decades, I know what I am doing", then brakes it.

  18. Story 3: NTA, you were in an abusive situation, escaping it was the right thing to do. I suggest you continue that and dump him, especially now that he is blaming you for his actions, that led to the accident.

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