
Humza Yousaf’s ‘WEAPON’: Bev Turner BLASTS SNP for ‘CHILLING’ hate crime law


Humza Yousaf’s ‘WEAPON’: Bev Turner BLASTS SNP for ‘CHILLING’ hate crime law

#Humza #Yousafs #WEAPON #Bev #Turner #BLASTS #SNP #CHILLING #hate #crime #law

Bev Turner says Scotland’s hate crime law is ‘chilling’.

#politics #humzayousaf #snp #scotland #hatecrime #freespeech #woke

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criminal lawyer , Humza Yousaf’s ‘WEAPON’: Bev Turner BLASTS SNP for ‘CHILLING’ hate crime law, GB news,politics,hate speech,free speech,socialism,communism,truth,transgender,trans,lgbt,freedom,woke

43 thoughts on “Humza Yousaf’s ‘WEAPON’: Bev Turner BLASTS SNP for ‘CHILLING’ hate crime law”

  1. JK gets away with it because she is a celebrity, what about the rest of us, the small people, who the police will victimise.

  2. This law is designed to protect Feminists, LGBTQ+ and Muslims from any criticism. Most of the hate comes from these groups. It's tyranny by the minority.

  3. "No criminal charges." But has a non crime hate incident been logged against Rowling? She would not ordinarilly know about it, if it had.

  4. "Begin each day by telling yourself: today I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and selfishness – all of them due to the offenders’ ignorance of what is good or evil." Marcus Aurelius . No need for "Hate Laws" that crush free speech and lay the groundwork for the gradual adoption of autocratic ideologies. JUST GET A BACKBONE and get on with it.

  5. Sod sensitive souls what about the truth and nothing but the truth. Why should she have put it slightly differently, he is another fence sitter.

  6. The trans issue is a divisive smokescreen. Humza is foremost a Muslim and you know their take on lgbt issues. This was brought in as a blasphemy law to stop the criticism of Islam.

  7. Time to get Humza and his cronies that are in Britain not just Scotland OUT OF OUR COUNTRY.. FREEDOM OF SPEECH FOR BRITAIN

  8. 0:15 This is a Muslim bully imposing Sharia law in a Western democracy. It's thin edge of a wedge used by a Muslim whose doctrine does not tolerate homosexuality or trans. The law is an ass, on a gravy train.

  9. The two guests were skirting around the inevitable use of this draconian new law to silence any criticism of religion. Wet blankets. Does Scotland want to become a theocracy?

  10. Honestly all of this sounds like the first stages of imposing anti-blasphemy laws against a certain cult that came from the middle east in the UK!! Note.. women have at best half the value of a man or no value in that cult.. who got left out of this nonsense law.. the female gender?? Soon.. sooner than later you will not be free to say anything or raise the issues your country faces.. the cult you imported with the migrants will take over and calling it out will be protected under this law or laws like it!! I don't know which place or country will fall first but I know it is coming!! I see the state of the UK, the USA, France, Spain, Germany, Greenland, Australia (countries that have been invaded through mass migration and the importation of the cult that almost all of them follow) and the state of places like Irlandistan, Scotlandistan, Londonistan and Texas!! I see all the wars around the world.. the never ending conflicts.. the desires of a few in charge to obtain more power and resources.. the elites in the shadows pulling the strings for a global destabilization plan so they can come at the right moment and pretend they are our saviors as they go about obtaining more power!! I fear for our children and the future they won't have.. the freedoms they will lose and never know about.. the religions their nations were founded on that will be systematically erased as a cult is imposed on the people by violence and force!! Every single person who fought in both World War I and II did not fight and give everything for this to be happening!!

  11. It's his way of shutting up the indigenous people of this land it's his way of turning this land in to a Islamic state and he wants us to shut and let it happen

  12. From afar, my thoughts are that Humza "Useless" and the SNP want the Hate Crime Act in due course to encompass criticism of Islam.
    From there it is only a short step to Sharia Law in Scotland. 😞

  13. Only the sexual orientation/transgender identity issues of this dangerous hate speech law is being talked about and highlighted in the media. For instance, this law covers ageism, disability, race, colour, nationality, religion so why aren't these other matters also spoken about ad nauseam? I am suspicious the transgender topic is more of a distraction and that race and religion (one specific religion springs to mind) is the real big issue here. Hamza Useless is well known for his intense hatred for white people and I believe what this disgusting law will really police is immigration and anything to do with objecting or complaining about this subject. Let's face it, the transgender matter only covers a tiny minority of the population in Scotland compared to the massive issue of hundreds of thousands of criminal migrants being shipped into the UK.

  14. Bev these hate speech laws do not allow ‘fair and reasonable criticism in the public discourse’ as every criticism is now mischaracterised as hate and is so made illegal. You can legitimately have a reasonable (and critical) opinion about something without it being necessarily hateful, if not then how can alphabet people live in any neighbourhood of a mosque or church?

  15. As for the graffitti- If islam behaved differently then there would not be the reaction they get for their behaviour. If islam hated then they have brought it on themselves by their behaviour and should expect people to speak about it.

  16. Islam is not a race, so how can saying anything about Islam be racist, it maybe be bigoted but not racist. People say far worse about Christians. Can we speak about Mohammeds youngest bride?

  17. We should all object to the term 'hate crime'. The whole concept is a cynical, politically driven nonsense term. I'm capable of sounding off and criticising all manner of ideas and people… but is this hate? Can it be proven that i feel hatred or what i have said is hateful?

  18. How can criticising a belief be a hate crime. If you decide to take that personally that is entirely up to you.

  19. were are all these Transgender women hiding I am 63 years old and live in Leicester and never seen a transwomen but lots of media cover this and why do I keep getting Muslim adverts pop up

  20. prejudice towards characteristics including age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity and variations in sex characteristics. These extra provisions will add to the long-standing stirring up ( Look at the 3 words highlighted by *** a certain religious group will use and which has been brought into law by stealth with the others categories as a distractions **** "racial hatred offences" *******, we all know who is going to use this law the one who has a hatred of White White White White clearly a colour racist.

  21. Being critical of religion should never be curtailed. This is setting a dangerous precedent.

  22. The media social and main stream are looking down the wrong avenues, they are not reading between the lines, where the whole problem lies.

  23. Hamza Useless Yousaf has brought about this Law to protect himself , and should anyone vote against him he will accuse them of race hate, therefore protecting himself from opposition. typical dictatorship.

  24. It's been done so Islam can push itself big time…. So it can shout out that's someone is telling the truth about ROP and they don't want it… As for the female side a things… If a woman has bollocks it ain't a woman it's a warped gezza, end of.

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