
Humza Yousaf’s Scottish hate crime law causing SELF-CENSORSHIP by academics


Humza Yousaf’s Scottish hate crime law causing SELF-CENSORSHIP by academics

#Humza #Yousafs #Scottish #hate #crime #law #causing #SELFCENSORSHIP #academics

‘We shouldn’t be afraid of what we’re about to say, especially in academia!’

Journalist Ramina Frohar hits out at self-censorship by academics caused by the introduction Scotland’s new hate crime bill.

#scotland #humzayousaf #academia #university #snp #uknews #gbnews

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criminal lawyer , Humza Yousaf’s Scottish hate crime law causing SELF-CENSORSHIP by academics, GB news,SNP,Humza Yousaf,Scotland,Scottish National Party,First minister,government,parliament,Holyrood

43 thoughts on “Humza Yousaf’s Scottish hate crime law causing SELF-CENSORSHIP by academics”

  1. As an academic, I do not fear the law at all. The implementation of the law has been awful, hence all of the unqualified concerns, but overall there is nothing to worry about. There is no violation of Freedon of Expression.

  2. When is the next election here in Scotland ? Can anything be done about the SNP and this law before then?

  3. I’ve noticed a change in peoples behaviour and not for the good. It’s forcing a person/group of peoples morality on the rest. People cannot be themselves for fear of offending anyone by literally anything said. Debates at universities and elsewhere will be severely watered down. Plus it takes away from serious crimes to be investigated. I do hope this law can be repealed!


  5. In other words, the law is doing what it is designed to do and brought in by the buffoons it will affect even more !

  6. It's undemocratic so it falls at the first hurdle. If we can get one to the high courts on appeal we should get the law scrapped

  7. It amazes me that people will protest a war that the UK is not involved in but that Scottish people seem to be just well …not doing much. My Grandma from Thurso would have sorted it out …different generation I guess.

  8. There are two issues that can see. Firstly everybody, even the most extreme racist, considers themselves to be reasonable – if they did not they would modify it. Secondly Scotland, for very good reasons, attracts a great deal of tourism and that brings large amounts of revenue. I see a future situation where people will not visit Scotland as they might worry about feeling uncomfortable about what they can say. This could well result in a financial crisis in Scotland.

  9. The rise of the hate crime police.NUTS ! It's as bad as the 'morality police' ! Insidious take over. Remember who is in power as first minister This country is gettinng too scary mmm

  10. Nobody expects the Scottish Inquisition, their chief weapon is injustice, injustice and a blind devotion to a mindless dictator.

  11. I cannot believe no one has worked out how immigrants are actually being sent to our country to destabilise us & it’s working! Just like Putin did before he attacked Ukraine. This world is fkd so I will say what I want to whom ever I want. Otherwise leave me in peace

  12. Just ignore the bullshit "law".
    The police and corrupt politicians can't tdo anything to stop us.

  13. How can any white person vote snp while Humza is leader ? His rant on white people precludes our families from future positions of power if we follow his thinking. When immigrants came to Scotland it was thought they would eventually integrate to our culture which has not happened, instead they seek power to instill sharia law and force a foreign culture on us.

  14. Dear God! Academics aren't intelligent enough to read and understand the .law to find out what constitutes a hate crime. It is NOT hard and it is NOT vague.

  15. This law is madness on stilts!! Utter madness!! It is open for maliciousness, vendettas, personal gripes etc. And at what cost to freedom of speech, let alone a fiscal drain on tax payers and police services. Absolute madness!! Reminiscent of Germany in the 1930's…..

  16. I was a professor. I walked out of my job when the woke activists came in and stopped me teaching because they were offended by things I had been teaching for 30 years.apparently the students did not need professors any more. History is now of no consequence or value.

  17. Who ever voted this twit in deserve the dictatorship that comes with him. Sounds like Scotland needs to change its name to the Democratic Republic of Scotland. This is just overloading the police and courts with bloody rubbish.

  18. Look around the world and you see national political leaders violate the rights and freedoms of their voters. National governments must be dismantled in favour of regional rule. Then the voters will be able to talk to their representatives instead of being separated by Storm Troopers who answer to the PM. The new fascist dictator.

  19. Why is the Muslim minority (5%) telling the Christian majority (55%) what they can and cannot say. Scared of the truth? Last time I checked Scotland was a democracy. Vote this fool out of office!

  20. I reported humza for saying ppl that complain about his anti white speech are "far right" and that he's causing division, I was told they are not taking complaints about humza

  21. I am Australian and I thought we were the dumbest besides American for voting in a government that is ridiculous but I think Scotland has trumped us to the top.

  22. Of course , wht do you expect from a person named Humza😂😂 its their religion ethos to ban free speech

  23. History is indeed repeating, and not in any similar manner but frighteningly identical! The fear therefore is, that we are still 12-15 years away from being liberated and seeing these criminals publicly tried – and we also know the catastrophic damage the dictators will wreak on the civilian population before then! Why are we sleepwalking into this again???

  24. There is a simple way around this stupidity… it does not take a genius to figure it out….we do not want "so called" hate crimes against white Scottish people in this country. What needs to be said WILL, and IS being said, like it or lump it. Frankly, at the end of the day, the SNP will be demolished, sooner rather than later.

  25. SNP is in self destruct. Hamza is a recruiting agent for the Tories and Labour. What are they thinking?

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