
HUMZA YOUSAF INTERVIEW: Hate Crime Law and ‘insider’ plot to oust him


HUMZA YOUSAF INTERVIEW: Hate Crime Law and ‘insider’ plot to oust him

#HUMZA #YOUSAF #INTERVIEW #Hate #Crime #Law #insider #plot #oust

Humza Yousaf marked his first year as SNP leader, giving an exclusive interview to the Scottish Sun.

Our Political Editor, Conor Machett grilled The First Minister on a range of topics including Independence, Brexit, controversial Hate Crime Law, Kate Forbes and SNP ‘insider’ plot to oust him if they lose 20 seats at next election.

– Contents of video: –
00:00 – Weakest SNP has been for decades
02:34 – Independence 10 times worse than Brexit
09:02 – Hate Crime Law
15:21 – Michael Matheson iPad scandal
21:06 – Will you quit?
22:57 – ‘Insider’ plan to oust you


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criminal law , HUMZA YOUSAF INTERVIEW: Hate Crime Law and ‘insider’ plot to oust him, humza yousaf,scotland,Scottish,scottish government,Edinburgh,SNP,scottish national party,Holyrood,Scottish politics,British politics,politics,UK politics,gb politics,Scotland politics,nats,news,scottish news,political news,UK news,snp news,British news,snp latest,humza yousaf scotland,snp leader,snp latest news,hamza yusuf snp,humza youseless,humza yousaf the scottish sun,humza yousaf interview,kate forbes,michael matheson,ipad scandal,indyref2

22 thoughts on “HUMZA YOUSAF INTERVIEW: Hate Crime Law and ‘insider’ plot to oust him”

  1. Look at the state of him. He doesn't even believe his own BS. I didn't vote for Salmond or Sturgeon, and I won't vote for Useless!

  2. The fear and paranoia he's tried to install will only come back to haunt him. People in Scotland will be voting Tactically next time round. SNP are finished!

  3. 😮 I didn't recognise him without his straight jacket!! What makes it worse is he prepared to lie!! What a plonker!!

    This man is ripping the heart and soul out of a great nation!

  4. The Hate Crime Bill serves a purpose… to instill fear into opposition of SNP and create a STASI style Hit List! Welcome to Scotland… officially a One Party Totalitarian State run by lunatics!

  5. He even lied about IPad minister immediately paying the bill. As I recall all hell broke loose because they tried to charge £11k bill to the tax payer and got caught.

    Someone in the SNP will have signed off on that and given the size of the bill it would have required someone senior.

  6. Wow! Excellent interview. Humza Yousaf.. deluded and opaque as ever! He was definitely uncomfortable.. constantly shifting in his seat, gesticulating en mass and lied en mass! He is everything that is wrong with Scotland! Even thinks he'll lead Europe to where ever. He's deranged, deluded and has failed in everything he's touched. This man has ripped the heart and soul out of Scotland.

  7. Very soft interview / meaningless / fiscal levers ? / history of economic disasters / mental laws

  8. There are no challenges that the SNP can overcome, they are totally irrelevant to the future and success of Scots and Scotland. Humza yousaf is a self deluded fool.

  9. " One of the most pernicious and dangerous pieces of legislation ever produced by any government in modern times in any part of the UK" JIM SILLARS veteran SNP

  10. Calm, relaxed but not humble. Has all the answers. No signs of an apology for his "white" speech. He is a master at speaking in generalisations and never backs anything up with solid stats.The cat has pis_sd on the lion and will regret it soon.

  11. By god I'm thankful Humza Yousless can't get his hands on UK financial levers. He and his fellow charlatans have made Scotland an awful place to live. Under devolution Scotland has become the worst of the UK countries. I pray for the UK Parliament to shut Holyrood down.

  12. Education, NHS, Roads, Waiting Times, Ulez, Child poverty, homelessness,… on and on everything is a MESS and he concentrates on a Hate Crime Bill

  13. Is Kate not too honest about person to consider positively a position in a useless led cabal?

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