
Humza Yousaf describes ‘bad faith actors’ criticizing hate crime law at FMQs with Douglas Ross


Humza Yousaf describes ‘bad faith actors’ criticizing hate crime law at FMQs with Douglas Ross

#Humza #Yousaf #describes #bad #faith #actors #criticizing #hate #crime #law #FMQs #Douglas #Ross

Humza Yousaf described “bad faith actors” standing against Scotland’s hate crime laws as he was labelled the “only person in Scotland who seems to think the Hate Crime Act is working well” by Tory leader, Douglas Ross.

The SNP leader brought the legislation through Holyrood as Justice Secretary, but since it commenced on April 1, Police Scotland have been inundated with thousands of complaints. More than 9,000 were recorded in the country in the first two weeks, with less than 500 actually being investigated as crimes.

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#DailyRecord #HumzaYousaf #HateCrime
criminal lawyer , Humza Yousaf describes ‘bad faith actors’ criticizing hate crime law at FMQs with Douglas Ross, Daily Record,hate crime,hate crime act,law,laws,trans,transgender,orientation,sex,disability,race,religion,scotland,scottish,parliament,humza yousaf,snp,douglas ross,tory,conservative,fmqs,first minister’s questions

35 thoughts on “Humza Yousaf describes ‘bad faith actors’ criticizing hate crime law at FMQs with Douglas Ross”

  1. The wannabe fm of gaza is trying to get blasphemy laws in thru the back door. As a Scot, we absolutely cannot stand this hypocrite!!

  2. Laws and punishment are not decided by victims, victims can not be impartial about the issue. I say this as someone who was the victim of a hate crime based on disability and it would be stupid to let me craft the legislation.

  3. This dude only made this law because he's such a baby and couldn't handle the public taking the piss out of him, which Humza, may I remind you, IS EVERY FUCKING MINISTER!

  4. he’s changed the far right racists into bad faith actors the amount of times he mentions his new ridiculous description of the majority of Scotland is up there with the amount of times he mentions white in his blatant anti white raciest rant

  5. He wanted this to sneak back in blasphemy laws. He says thousands weren't crimes yeah what a waste of police time

  6. When saying Christians should take a stand is illegal but a Muslim saying death to all gays is all good they pick and choose who they visit. Maybe real crimes and not hurty words. Crimes that aren't seen stolen bikes break ins meh words are more important goodbye freedom of speech

  7. This hate crime should work both ways. What about the hatred from immigrants to British people? The act is all about racism with him!

  8. The first minister thinks, that if he uses diplomacy, that makes him right……..Wrong. he hasn't any British culture, only his own.

  9. Humza Yousaf is clearly inspired by sharia law.
    The Scottish people need to fight against it, or more laws will be forced and people could be put away for ‘medieval crimes’.

  10. As a SNP voter for the last 40 years , I now hate the SNP and what they have done/and are doing to Scotland .

  11. Freedom of thought = freedom of speech = freedom to hate .
    Inciting to violence etc, is already on the Statute books .

  12. Humza seems to be compensating for something. Unfortunately it seems, he's exacting his revenge on Scotland

  13. Humza talks about homophobia, etc etc..He can't possibly in believe in what he's saying.!! To be Gay in Islam is punishable by death! You are such a liar Mr Yousef. You are a liar! And I won't vote SNP again till your gone! Your political gain is Your only goal!

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