
Humza Yousaf and Douglas Ross clash over Scotland’s new Hate Crime Act coming into force next month


Humza Yousaf and Douglas Ross clash over Scotland’s new Hate Crime Act coming into force next month

#Humza #Yousaf #Douglas #Ross #clash #Scotlands #Hate #Crime #Act #coming #force #month

Scotland’s First Minister has said “disinformation” is being spread about a controversial piece of legislation due to come into force in April.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act was passed by MSPs in 2021, creating a new offence of stirring up hatred based on protected characteristics – matching a similar offence of race already on the statute book.

The law – which also consolidates other hate crime regulations – has proven controversial since it was introduced by the Scottish Government, particularly around its potential impact on free speech.

This week, reports emerged the police could target performers under the Act, based on training undertaken by officers.

Speaking during First Minister’s Questions on Thursday, Humza Yousaf said: “There has been a lot of disinformation that has been spread on social media and some inaccurate media reporting, and indeed by our political opponents, so I’m hoping in this exchange we can shed more light than heat on what is actually in the Act as opposed to what is being said about it.”

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross said: “We opposed the legislation at the time and still oppose it now because of the impact it has on free speech for people across this country.”

He added that the Scottish Police Federation (SPF) said officers struggle to deal with “existing crime, let alone this new law”.

“Humza Yousaf has reduced officer numbers to the lowest level since Police Scotland was formed, now officers are being told to not investigate actual crimes, but instead they’ll have to look for the hate monster, police free speech,” he said.

“Criminals will be let off while innocent people are prosecuted.”

“Isn’t Humza Yousaf setting the police up for failure and undermining public trust in policing?”

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criminal lawyer , Humza Yousaf and Douglas Ross clash over Scotland’s new Hate Crime Act coming into force next month, Daily Record,hate crime,scotland,law,legislation,lgtbq,race,gender,bigotry,religion

27 thoughts on “Humza Yousaf and Douglas Ross clash over Scotland’s new Hate Crime Act coming into force next month”

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't a lot of his Conservative MSPs vote for the anti-free speech legislation that came before the Scottish parliament alongside Labour, the Libs and the stoneagers that make up the Green party.

  2. I can guarantee SNP fanatics will either ignore this entirely, or defend it as if there's nothing wrong with it.

  3. If ‘democracy’ is limiting our speech and thought. I want out. We need a constitutional republic.

  4. We are a white country! What he wants is a brown country! It’s not integrate its assimilate!

  5. When did we become China or Iran or any country that has dictatorships for a government. Scotland is a democracy, this law should not be passed under any circumstance, if we want to have freedom of speech. Vote him out as quickly as we can..

  6. Humza needs prosecuting under his own law.for his anti white rant about to many white people.vile racist

  7. With Cann In London It Was. Mate. Mate Mate. Are Up Here It's HATE HATE HATE See What's Going on ? 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧 🤬 .

  8. Please Tell Hamza to Free the Scottish By Packing His Bags And Stick His Cartoon HATE MONSTER Were It Belongs 😡🤬 .

  9. Everyone report usless to the police when this comes in. Remember his anti white rant. Well thats hate speach and raciest. Its still on youtube so report it to the police. Hate goes both ways usless !!

  10. I am glad I escaped Scotland before this freak was given the job. You jock that remain are a test. Islamification is coming for you. But you won't fight because you are all saft in the heid.

  11. So Scotland's 'First Minister' believes Scots are so racist and hate filled, he has to introduce a law specifically to tackle it. I think he 's got a bit of a cheek, especially when there's clear evidence of him bleating on about how 'white' people in Scotland have all the 'top' jobs. ( I wonder how many 'brown' people have 'top jobs' in Pakistan and India? And how many white people have 'top' jobs there ? )It appears to me that Mr Yusaf is a rather prejudiced individual and absolutely unfit for office. I look forward to him being booted out at the next election. Or preferably arrested for a Hate crime. I for one was very 'offended' by his remarks.

  12. This guy wants to warn of a undermining of his "fight against hate.." with a straight face he is the same person that went on an unhinged rant about Scottland and it's people of people too White.. I live all the way here in America and even i heard what this maniac said.

  13. The Scottish people were once a proud Warrior race that went to War, and died for our Freedom. Now we vote for foreign leaders to take away our freedoms, and we just roll over, and let them. How the mighty have fallen.

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