
“Humza Useless” | Mike Graham Blasts The SNP’s New Hate Crime Law


“Humza Useless” | Mike Graham Blasts The SNP’s New Hate Crime Law

#Humza #Useless #Mike #Graham #Blasts #SNPs #Hate #Crime #Law

Police Scotland have been accused of ‘making it up as they go along’ in the wake of the SNP’s new hate crime laws being introduced.

In the first 24 hours since it came into force, more than 3,000 complaints have been made to police and officers are having to be pulled from other areas of the force to cope with the deluge.

Speaking to Mike Graham, journalist and broadcaster Candice Holdsworth said: “It’s so ill-planned, how are they going to implement this?”

Mike says: “Any decent barrister would demolish this in a court of law and say you’re basically making it illegal for people to say things which are true.”

Meanwhile, lawyer and broadcaster Andrew Eborn thinks the new legislation is going to encourage people to push the boundaries of the law.

#talktv #mikegraham #humzayousaf #hatecrimes #law #snp #scotland #parliament #police

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29 thoughts on ““Humza Useless” | Mike Graham Blasts The SNP’s New Hate Crime Law”

  1. What about Useless’s white, white, white speech. That is definitely hate speech, report him now please our friends in Scotland 🙏

  2. I think the a large majority of Scots WILL be recorded on this ludicrous 'Non Crime Hate Register.

    I live just outside the North of Glasgow and I do not know anyone who supports this nonsense Law.

    Protests have already started and people from groups of people are joining together to oppose it.

    We won't give up without a fight! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  3. This is a ploy to stop the masses directing their anger at supposed governments/administrations, by having the masses directing their anger at each other.

  4. So they say they will investigate every single reported incident, yes? If they then say they can only pick and choose what to investigate as they don't have the capacity, then are they not Actively discriminating against those people whose claims they decide not to investigate?

    And where they have a built in filter to decide who to investigate and who not, then they will be evidencing an inherent bias.

  5. How do you find a 'reasonable' 'person' without a jury and a judge ;like the one that prosecuted and found guilty Sam Melia?

  6. All politicians are useless. The best ones we ever had were… Oliver Cromwell and Winston Churchill.. this lot today only serve themselves and everyone who is not white English..

  7. Rome CREATED Islam. Catholics aint CHRISTIANS NEITHER……4 billion of you fools follow a made up corrupt system of values and doing the work of the Jesuits you mugs

  8. It's about time asylums were opened up and these shouty minorities were relocated,and not having laws to accommodate them,and new words invented.
    I've never had a problem with Transit vans.

  9. Hey Humza, if Scotland is so horribly White, then the airport is ——————–> Thattaway!

  10. Devolution is purely gifting naughty kids with privileges…….Scotland and Wales is fkd eversince.

    The boot of westminster….was fine gor 400 yrs……..too many non indigenous in power…….Liberate? CALIPHATE

  11. It’s obvious police Scotland won’t take one of the richest women in the world too court.

    It’s the low income people who work that we should be worried about.

    They have the most to lose (job+income)
    Plus are unlikely to be able too afford quality legal representation!

  12. This is terrible . My mate has lost all his work since this started all week . He is a drag queen called , Professor DumbleDoreen . The northern working men’s clubs n orange halls loved him . Went down a Stormy Daniel’s as they say . Now wae all this English interference the guys jobless . Hope your all pleased wae yirsels . Sàor Alba no chara’s .
    By the way , Celtic fans are allowed to attend games at Ibrox . At least do your homework

  13. It should be noted this breaks Article 10 of the ECHR…… as does "The Online Safety bill" introduced by Sunak and Starmer.

  14. It’s more the religious hate crime that is worrying. Bringing in blasphemy law through the back passage.

  15. Diversity hire leader in Ireland… Total disaster!

    Diversity hire leader in England…
    Total disaster!

    Diversity hire leaders in Scotland..
    Total disaster!

    New diversity hire leader in Wales.
    A car crash waiting to happen.

    This is why you should hire people because of their TALENTS.
    Not because they meet a certain quota 😉

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