
How to TRULY become and STAY Fluent in English|The biggest mistake people make when learning English


How to TRULY become and STAY Fluent in English|The biggest mistake people make when learning English


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Hey Everyone! ) I’m Anna and welcome to my channel. Here, I post some useful information for English learners. I’m from Ukraine and I’ve worked on my English and accent, for the most part, on my own, but you can find out and trace my story by watching my videos. I’ve been studying American pronunciation for a long time, and I still do, and I guess I always will – because it’s not math. Learning a language, it’s a lifetime journey. I know exactly what it takes to become fluent and acquire an accent in a non-English speaking country, and I’ve never even been to one. And I’m sharing this information here – on my channel.

How to Improve Your Speaking Skills on Your Own / You Absolutely Must Do These Things!:

What To Talk About With Your Speaking Partner:

The Quickest Way to Improve Your SPEAKING in English:

How to SPEAK English FLUENTLY:

How I became Fluent in English:

english , How to TRULY become and STAY Fluent in English|The biggest mistake people make when learning English , #STAY #Fluent #EnglishThe #biggest #mistake #people #learning #English
, how to speak english,how to improve my speaking skills,how to improve my spoken english,why can’t I speak English,learn to speak English fast,the fastest way to improve speaking skills,how to improve speaking in English fast,how to speak English fast,how to speak English like a native speaker,where to find English teachers,how to become fluent in english,how to speak fluent english,how to improve english,how to learn english alone,improve english speaking fluency

36 thoughts on “How to TRULY become and STAY Fluent in English|The biggest mistake people make when learning English”

  1. 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸😅😅😅😅😅 çok güzel ve düzgün bir İngilizi sohbetin soyali teori 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 sosyal keçi 🐐 toplumda ülkeler insanı diyalog öğrenim değildir akla yabancı ülkelerde yaşam deyince insanlar kendini batamamiş Titanik zanneder yuntem bu fikirim yabancı Bir ülkede yaşarsam köylerde yaşamak daha mantıklı 😅😅😅

  2. That's all sounds great. But if you live alone and haven't anyone to speak with you in English that's terribly depressed. Sometimes would think "why the hell I begin to study all this stuff if I've nobody to speak with"

  3. Never study English.
    This is only language to communicate to someone….😅

    You only think how you can process your thoughts on present past and future….

    You you control on the 3 tense then I don't think people need class for English…

  4. I am ethiopian , grade 11 student, I want to be fluent in English but almost there is no english spiker In my what would you advise me to do?

  5. Could you please help me, i really want to learn English because i want to move abroad for higher education. But my English is very poor, i understand English very well However i made mistakes speaking, specially writing grammatically. While writing in a English language i am very confused and make mistakes. So would like to suggest me how do I solve it, how do I speak or writing without make mistakes. Thank you

  6. A very interesting video, from today, I can't learn or study English. Let me go ahead by following your insights.

  7. Thank you for giving me some information about learning English
    And I think it was really useful to follow your advice my teacher
    Once again, I would like to thank you so much
    Finally, is it correct what I wrote in the comments? You must tell me please 🙏
    I am waiting for your answer without patience.

  8. Tbh, Just try to immerse yourself in English. Like everything that you do, do in English. For the first time it might be difficult for you but when you'll do for the long time. It'll become very easy for you.

  9. Si hablas tan deprisa nunca podremos entender lo que dices. Y si te podemos entender quiere decir que ya no nos hace falta lo que cuenta. Piensa que tus mensajes van dirigidos a quién está aprendiendo inglés no a quién ya sabe

  10. Anyone trying to pronounce English May succeed, but there is a problem with perfect pronunciation!! Haha, I would like to find an injection that affects the longuage alone without any effort.

  11. It means that we need to listen n speak to the native. Eventhough that we don't understand English but if we listen to it every single day it can be increase our English skill.

  12. ❤🇺🇦 Дякую за працю!!! Випадково натрапив на відео, уважно слухаючи Вас раптом чую Ukraine 🙂
    Мега приємно!
    Успіхів Вам, Анно!
    Слава Україні!

  13. Listen to BBC World Service every day and make a debate in your head (in english of course) about the news !

  14. Reminds me couple days ago, i didn't know what the word curtain and stove is. I need doing flash card maybe. Because i didn't know how to name each of items around me.

  15. The best way to learn English and enhance your level is to acquire it passively , by using it to learn stuff you're interested in.

  16. Um idk what to say, but how I started is by just reading a dang dictionary, I first study 3 letter words, 1 syllable words etc and started memorizing them and later incorporating them in a sentence to create a conversation, as much as I loved speaking English, I still studied, but I never really bothered learning about what all the individual words mean, I only needed to know how to use them in a sentence, because I only know English to converse, I started learnjng when I was 2, it's not that hard, just don't overthink things, start listening to english movies with subtitles on, and pair it with learning more and more words, phrases, sentences etc, you can start checking your pronunciation and your accent on movies, and you'll eventually get the hang of it

  17. Hi miss, I wacth all your videos, I'm learning english as well, I live in colombia, I admire you too much, you're pretty cute, so beautyfull, Sorry for asking , are you living in ukrane at this moment ? What is it like ? I mean, is it possible to live there with war ?

  18. Não sei o que eu acho mais dificil, escrever em inglês ou falar em inglês mas eu quero muito aprender.
    Só que eu tenho vergonha de tentar e errar.

  19. i dunno why, i'm able to talk and listen to people already, but i can't get some idioms and there's always some words that i dont know and this is boring, and i dont know if i have to study or just keep talking to people on discord, but i think discord is only useful to u to improve u speaking and listening.

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