
How to Stop the Cops From Holding Your Door Open Without a Warrant #KnowYourRights


How to Stop the Cops From Holding Your Door Open Without a Warrant #KnowYourRights

#Stop #Cops #Holding #Door #Open #Warrant #KnowYourRights

The best way to protect yourself from cops making their way into your home without a search warrant? Buy a camera that shows a live feed and that records footage! 🎥 You can see exactly who is at your door, and sometimes, you can even talk through these devices and ask the cops what they want, without revealing you’re home. 🏡

Not to mention, a Ring camera, or any other camera that saves footage, is an excellent way to get your own evidence if the police violate your rights. I see cops hide their body cameras or footage getting deleted all the time. Gather your own evidence to protect yourself!

Remember, you do not have to answer the cops if they come to your door. As an attorney, I suggest you NEVER answer the door unless they have a valid search warrant signed by a judge. They are trained to try to make their way inside and look around for evidence you’re breaking the law in some way.
criminal lawyer , How to Stop the Cops From Holding Your Door Open Without a Warrant #KnowYourRights, attorney reacts,cop at door,cop cam,cops at door,criminal defense,know your rights,lawyer reacts,legal tips,police at door,police cam,police footage,protect your rights

29 thoughts on “How to Stop the Cops From Holding Your Door Open Without a Warrant #KnowYourRights”

  1. If they have a search warrant, they will kick in the door and they will not knock. If you're lucky and they'll give you 3 seconds to get to the door so when they kick in the door hit you in the face. Can you get knocked out by that?

  2. Where I live, if the cops have a search warrant they won't even knock they'll just Smash in your door, you won't even have to worry about opening the door or not

  3. I got a storm door made of metal with metal bars and glass panes so I could see through it and it locks so I’d probably use that

  4. I think I'm going to go with the old fashioned people because the cops can buy your information from your ring camera

  5. The peephole doesn't work….they'll stand to the side where you can't see them. They're not total idiots. Though not far from it.

  6. I can see through the front door anyway.
    I also have a lockable screen door too.
    PS How do you KNOW if the search warrant is REAL or not?

  7. Don't buy a ring doorbell, they can use the recordings against you. The videos are downloaded to their servers and can be used against you.
    Buy a camera system that you can keep the recordings and store them where they cannot be used against you.

  8. The cops would come by times a day in a 24 hour period 3 o'clock in the morning, 4 o'clock in the morning. Blah blah blah blah never answered a door they did Desper 3 to 4 years. Never answered the door f*** them.

  9. Beyond a reasonable doubt, the people are afraid of cops, I personally been victimized by them and cops a cps took my kiddo without any warrant or court order, when he was at his mother's house

  10. You don't have to open your door even if they have a search warrant because the will simply break in to serve the warrant. The downside to that is you have to have your door fixed.

  11. I totally get what you say and have done it but police now are covering the peepholes and cameras. A complete video would help with multiple and even hidden cameras would help and filing complaints on any LEO who would cover or obstruct visibility to hide their presence.

  12. Bored up the front door nothing ever comes to the front door that's worth any value. Can't receive unwanted visitors very easy when You don't have a door there to answer

  13. Alternatively: a storm door, that you keep locked.
    You can open your front door (after checking via a peephole or ring camera), and there's still a door in the way.

  14. The fact we have to retrain ourselves to not have a cop violate our rights doesn't seem like the right solution.

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