
How to speak English like a native speaker


How to speak English like a native speaker

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, english,english language,learn english,linguamarina,marina mogilko,linguatrip,english with linguatrip,things native speakers say,things americans say,native speakers never say

24 thoughts on “How to speak English like a native speaker”

  1. (English)

    Dear brothers and sisters in Yeshua, I greet you in the name of Yeshua.

    My name is Seon Ha.

    2004 Yahweh God's Word,

    You must go there. It's time to close the world, but my sons and daughters don't know me yet.

    Unless you are blind people who can not see, if you lift your eyes up and look at the sky, you will be able to see the signs of the sky.

    Do you know this facts?

    1. The clouds in the sky are gradually coming down to the ground.
    2. You can see the super moon and super sun every day.
    3. Looking at the pink sky.
    4. Chemtrail (chemtrail) is being sprayed like crazy all over the world 24 hours a day and night.
    5. The moon is spinning round and round.

    Nibiru and the planets are coming from behind the sun. If you pick up your phone and take a picture of the sun on a clear day, with no clouds and no chemtrails, you can see Nibiru and the planets behind the sun.

    The sky around the world is still spraying chemtrails like crazy, 24 hours a day, night and day.

    Chemtrail planes fly a little higher than normal planes, are white planes, and spray white chemicals.

    Normal clouds are composed of water, but the clouds look lumpy like a very large wad of cotton due to the chemtrails being sprayed in the sky.

    Clouds are gradually descending to the earth all over the world, and God has shown me through a vision that the time when the clouds come close to the ground is the time of the rapture.

    You're partially viewing the pink sky right now. But when the time comes, the skies around the world will be completely covered in deep pink. At that time, even the air appears purple. At that point when the sky looks pink and even the air looks purple, the axis of the north and south poles change. Terrible cataclysms are about to take place on this earth.

    People will see two suns floating here and there, and people will see big white planets floating in the sky here and there, and they will be amazed at the white planets. White planets are will be visible to the naked eye.

    You will see a super-large red planet in the sky when the sun rises and sets, you will see a white super-large metallic colored planet floating in the sky in white that looks like DISK in the sky, you will see the sky is purple, you will see the sky everyone will see the 24K gold light falling from the sky.

    When you see these things, know that Yeshua God is coming very soon, prepare yourself.

    Nibiru's position is now behind the sun, coming, coming, coming. Because Nibiru is like the sun, it has light and heat, and it is coming closer and closer from the back of the sun, so the sun is super sun every day, and the moon that looks bright in the sky with the light of the sun is also seen as a super moon.

    The moon seems to spin round and round, but the moon does not spin round and round. The reason why the moon seems to spin is because there are two light beings in this universe, the sun and Nibiru. The position of Nibiru is not constant, it is still approaching at a very high speed.

    I will explain through the vision God has shown me, but NASA is reporting that it is estimated to be 280 light years away. Neither NASA nor anyone in the world knows 100% exactly what those beings are.

    The movement of Nibiru and the planets is very fast. So, some observe Nibiru around the sun, some do not, because the movement of Nibiru is very fast.

    As a result of the current vision shown by God and the results of observation through the FAA Weather Webcam, Nibiru and the planets discovered are roughly: Nibiru, red planet, white planet, white eyebrow planet, purple white planet, there are white planets in white series, super-large red planets, super-large metallic disk-like planets, but only the Creator Yahweh, the Holy Spirit, and Yeshua God know the exact details.

    The important thing is that Nibiru and the planets are now approaching, and if you pick up your phone and take a camera at the sun, it will be captured, and it is getting closer.

    As a result of observing video from the Hawaii Astronomical Observatory from approximately January to July 2023, the media is falling significantly. The very strange moons are getting bigger and bigger.

    The number of very suspicious moons is not one, but several, and the locations of very suspicious moons change frequently, even within about two hours.

    These very strange moons are neither Earth's moon nor stars. The most suspicious moons are those among white planets.

    There is no one on this earth who can explain the existence of Nibiru and the planets, even if they are scientists, except the Creator Yahweh, the Holy Spirit, and Yeshua.

    According to the visions shown by God from 2017 to 2023, Nibiru is a sun-like entity, and there are several planets within it. According to the vision God showed me, there is a red planet, there are white planets (there are a lot of them), there is a super large red planet, and there is a super large metallic colored planet that looks like a DISK.

    Now people will see two suns floating here and there, people will see the planets appear white like clouds, or they will look blackish and have very large planets floating in the sky, planets will be visible in the night sky as well. .

    Whether you watch news, sports, advertisements, movies, dramas, documentaries, etc. through your TV screen, you will see white planets, a super-massive red planet, and other planets where the sun is positioned. Take a close look at the scene showing the sun on the TV screen.

    If you take a picture of the sky with a camera, the planets will be captured. Soon you will be able to see the planets with your own eyes.

    People will see a super-large, metallic-colored planet that looks like a DISK floating white in the sky.

    People will see that the sky is purple. You will see 24K gold colored light coming down from the sky.

    You will see the sky completely covered in dark pink. God showed me that the axes of the North and South Poles will change at that time. At that time, a great cataclysm will occur on this Earth.

    When a great cataclysm occurs on Earth, this cataclysm will be at ocean level. The sea will move, enormous large ships will rush in, large ships will be washed up, and a great cataclysm will begin.

    As we look at the reality that is currently in front of our eyes, I encourage you to take a good look at the facts and prepare yourself for the return of Yeshua.

    Yeshua is coming very soon.

    Always be spiritually awake.

    Only Yeshua!

  2. I'm American. I normally say: "Fala comigo, o que que vc ta arrumando?. Como um bom mineiro que sou"

    America is not only the U.S. think about it.

    Have a nice day!

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