
“How to Read a Case” with UVA Law Professor Anne Coughlin


“How to Read a Case” with UVA Law Professor Anne Coughlin

#Read #Case #UVA #Law #Professor #Anne #Coughlin

Professor Anne Coughlin explains how to read a case to first-year students during an event hosted by the Black Law Students Association. (Sept. 17, 2015, University of Virginia School of Law)
criminal law , “How to Read a Case” with UVA Law Professor Anne Coughlin, Legal Case (Website Category),UVA Law,UVA,first year,1L,Unviersity of Virginia,Unviersity of Virginia School of Law,Anne Coughlin,case,Law School (School Category),University Of Virginia (College/University),Professor (Job Title)

47 thoughts on ““How to Read a Case” with UVA Law Professor Anne Coughlin”

  1. the correct way is – this is the law , this is how it applies , these are evikdences amd probable scenarios : anything else is nonjust.

  2. Current List of Favorite Studies in College to take:

    1. Botany
    2 Mathematics
    3 Chemistry
    4. Economics
    5. Biology
    6. Computer Science
    7. Astronomy
    8. Political Science

  3. What I love about Law
    Is solving it's resolution
    getting all the evidence and facts
    and putting it together on that particular case, that is important for the courtroom.

  4. I.R.A.C.C . Method . Most cases chosen are chosen to show you the advancement or regression of historical precedent. Secondarily , a new or innovative type of analysis or rule. Most cases are appellate cases because what appeals courts do is refine decisional logic. Facts are also reduced at the appellate stage like a broth steamed.

  5. The audio seems be to be quite off and her mic got cut her off for a split sec during the entire lecture. It got on my nerves so much that I couldn’t follow it 🙁

  6. I would argue that a judge instructing the Jury how to rule is not how that's supposed to work. It literally creates this idea that if the Jury rules in a manner the judge (government) does not like it can be overturned. Which is not how that is supposed to work.

  7. With respect to the case… would it be advisable for both sides to break down the actions of the suspects and analyze the actions as to whether the actions, in and of themselves, we're an illegal act and, if not or if so, find evidence on either way? Also, wouldn't the satisfaction of evidence, be it REAL or intended or none at all, be proven to a reasonable person of the jury?

  8. Imagine we had Ted Talks- LEGAL. Perhaps fewer people might have been killed over plant medicine competitive destruction.

  9. I'm not a law student so I have no idea about these things but I find them interesting enough to listen to the classes. She mentioned the judge never gave general instructions on the overt act to the jury at all. Why would this be? A judge has decades of experience. Why would a judge with ample experience do something so drastic as to not provide the instructions on the overt act element to the jury?

  10. Excuse me professor, I would like to ask how the Justice Collaborator JC legal standing in American law against murder by design criminal law treatment committed by the higher rulers such as 2 star general of police that equal to local police chief and governor and a president candidate and a politician ?? Thank you very much professor.


    How do you explain to a man, who has been bogged in the swamp for decades, that there is a major gap between analysing economics in terms of growth and promoting clean energy. It is made so much harder to change contents while nor having the vision and capacity to overview the contexts. Added to that, new patterns require confidence, and this is not happening when trying to operate on hidden agendas that only come to light as they fail. Team work and schooling are not about bringing down participants to a deplorable level. Plus  when learning becomes based on experience facing corruption, it becomes.even stronger than theorical knowledge, and gets transferred from one generation to the next around the dinner table. One may have to go through much more pain because common-sense finds it hard to hatch through shells made of STEELE.

  12. One of the essential elements of the rule of Ipsa Loquiture, is that if an event or act or omission happened, while actually it was not supposed or expected to happen in the specific circumstances of the case, then there is a presumption or inference that the author of that act is deemed to be responsible for it, that is the meaning of the fact speaks for itself. However, the defendant can reverse such presumption, or such inference, by inducing sufficient evidence to convince the court to put aside such presumption which was based on Ipsa Loquiture rule. This rule was considered by the Supreme Court of Canada, just as another rule of evidence that needs to be subject to the rules of relevancy, materiality, admissibility in court and credibility. As to the fact corroborating intent, the right word is that the mens rea could be inferred from conduct, if the evidence of such conduct leaves no doubt that it is intended to commit the crime. The corroboration means the testemony that strengthen the probative value of another evidence. The evidence of mens rea is separate from the evidence of actus reus.

  13. This is unequivocally amazing and 1 of the best explanation of how to ferret out the details of a case. Back In! You give me hope!

  14. please stop with the "dock-TRY-null"… "DOCK-trin-all" flows from the tongue more fluidly, not to mention less pompously 🙂… i am teasing, speak as you wish… but seriously, you know that's not how anyone says it… OR IS IT?!? carry on…

  15. I need to file a law suit about child support against a lower court based on some statue 🙄 As a man no corporation can content with a human.. and every “government” official needs to be registered with FARA to even think about contenting with a Man/Woman

  16. I sure wish you did this video on showing law officers, business owners/managers, prosecutors, etc "how to read" STATE v. GREEN DOB 17 1967 😂

  17. “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
    ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭NIV‬

    ROMANS 10:9-11 “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame”

    Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

    “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.””
    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭19:10‬ ‭

    God wants us to believe in His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, who died for our sins 😀 When we truly believe in our hearts that Jesus is the Son of God, who died for our sins so we could have eternal life with God, we are saved from the eternal fire and have eternal life in Christ Jesus!! 💖 May God bless you all! 🕊💗🌸

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