
How to LOSE Your Own Self-Defense Case 😒😅 #LawyerReacts


How to LOSE Your Own Self-Defense Case 😒😅 #LawyerReacts

#LOSE #SelfDefense #Case #LawyerReacts

As a criminal defense attorney, I see people get themselves in trouble for self-defense all the time! People love to act macho after they get in a fight. They say, “I wasn’t even afraid,” or, “I had that situation under control, he just needed to learn a lesson.”

These statements make proving you were in fear for your safety in court VERY difficult. Remember, acting in self-defense means you were in fear for your wellbeing or safety, so DON’T act like a big macho guy.

criminal lawyer , How to LOSE Your Own Self-Defense Case 😒😅 #LawyerReacts, attorney reacts,castle laws,defend yourself,lawyer reacts,protect yourself,right to self defense,second amendment,self defense,self protection,self-defense

27 thoughts on “How to LOSE Your Own Self-Defense Case 😒😅 #LawyerReacts”

  1. That is only what weak men tell when they're trying to boost their Eagle. Tell the truth man don't put no fucking ten on too

  2. That's why cops don't give statements immediately after they get caught doing something. They get a lawyer up session to see how they can sanitize their actions.

  3. If you were really in control of the situation – there would be no need for you to defend yourself.
    The fact is – in a self defense case – you are at the disadvantage of responding to a planned attack chosen at the time and place of the attacker.
    Added – you are at a second disadvantage of now having to defend yourself from accusations made by the state because you killed some POS career criminal.
    Finally the third disadvantage of a civil liability / wrongful death suit by the POS attacker's family that will no doubt include boy scout photos and bible study testimonials.
    YOU the innocent man who defended his life or family's life is at EVERY disadvantage in a self defense case. Managing your physical defense is ONLY half the battle.

  4. Move to Texas and before you get into a fight call the cops and say you want to have "mutual combat". The cops will come out and referee the fight and when it starts to go one sided the cop will break up the fight and at that time you are allowed to go about your day.

  5. Nothing is hidden, really? Who's coke was found in the white house? Why are so many released documents blacked out? Where is the trillions misplaced by government?

  6. My self defense situation I always told everyone afterwards I was afraid of losing my life and spoke truth to them about it, the police aren’t going to leave a stone unturned. These situations are real big deals and they know the fifth amendment so there going to try and get your words from every other party around you. Just speak truthfully.

  7. I’ve said when I am being bullied, or in fear, “touch me and I will sue.” More intimidating than “I will call the police.”

    Used to say “I will defend myself even if I lose an eye.” Might be true, but it be used against me.

    So sticking to “Don’t even spit. That’s going to be a reason to sue. That’s assault, a biohazard, and don’t try.”

  8. So, even though some people like myself will tell others, I was in fear for my life. What if the others decide to lie and say I wasn’t then I’d be in the same trouble and 90% of people out there nowadays do not tell the truth so let’s do the math.

  9. The police are third party interlopers and have no jurisdiction over private matters because they're not obligated to protect the public at large.

  10. What he is saying is keep your big mouth shut! Never let people know that you were not in fear for your life, especially when that is not the case. People don't understand that the cops are looking to charge you even for protecting yourself.

  11. So what you are saying is that it is illegal to defend yourself unless you are afraid. That is dangerous.

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