
How to Know if You’re Being DETAINED 👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts


How to Know if You’re Being DETAINED 👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts

#Youre #DETAINED #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts

Did you know cops need reasonable suspicion to detain you and ask for your ID? Some cops don’t even know this! This is something the Supreme Court has decided on. It is within your rights to not identify yourself if you are not reasonably suspected of a crime.

One way to find out if you’re truly being detained is by asking if you’re free to leave. If they say no, you are being detained. If you feel this is an unjust detainment, fight it in court, NOT on the side of the road.

criminal lawyer , How to Know if You’re Being DETAINED 👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts, attorney reacts,constitutional rights,criminal justice,justice system,know your rights,lawyer reacts,protect your rights,stop and identify,we the people

26 thoughts on “How to Know if You’re Being DETAINED 👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts”

  1. Imagine we are wolves and we're all in a giant pack. The cops are the alpha wolf and we are the ones that show our belly.

    By standing up to the "alpha🤡🐷wolf" a fight will more than likely occur. The people that stand for their rights are true Patriots. I show my belly because I can't afford to stand up for my rights. And there's hardly any point to it when the cop the judge and everyone else is a corrupt 🤡

    It's essentially a kangaroo court! tell me please how do you fight that go ahead smart people of the world 😂

  2. The place to fight is “in court “ and, of course…”while paying a lawyer “. How convenient for you

  3. I can't believe what I hear when I watch channels like this, how can a system be so messed up that the cops always have problems whit people ho are just diks ore clearly did something illegal but just abuse their"rights" and get away whit it.Ore civilians ho cross the way whit a unreasonable cop ho abuses his power and ruens your day ore live. I will never understand Americans.

  4. Yeah.. no… not everyone has time for court bro..I’m not letting my rights be violated in the street

  5. But as a free constitutional citizen of the United States, you should not have to fight for your liberties in a courtroom.

  6. Never give up your ID willingly. They'll make something up. They are not your friends. They're job is to arrest you and take your money.

  7. The cop, ahem tyrant, will lie about whatever they need to. Avoid answering the question. And next be flat out ignirant if the law

  8. Many ways cops use to keep you is, "I'm conducting an investigation," or, "I perceive the oder of…"

  9. The only thing true he said was fight in court and don’t fight the cop. But some people are too stupid to comprehend that.

  10. Yeah police had the ability to kill you on the roadside and make it look like your fault the best thing to do is just go ahead and give your And defend yourself in court

  11. What would one say or do if a judge sides with police regarding an illegal arrest or search?

  12. Fighting in the courts in an equal battle field. The cops have the advantage and you ALWAYS lose because it takes your time and money even if the charges are dismissed.

  13. Detention does not equal requirement to ID. Cop must have RAS or PC that the person is involved **in a crime**. No RAS, no ID. Also, if the cop refuses to answer the "free to go" question, ask it again, differently: "Am I free to go? If you do not specifically SAY no, I will assume YES and LEAVE". FORCE the answer. FORCE the statement of (unlawful ) detention. FORCE the position of being able to destroy the cop's qualified immunity and take rheir house and pension… As for fighting in court. True. But policing in America is fast approaching the point where citizens have had enough – and will start fighting it on the street. If even 1% of the population stands against them, the cops cannot win. Maybe this should have pointed out to them, so maybe they'll stop being bad cops – and the good ones will actually DO something about the bad ones…

  14. They cannot detain you, unless you have committed a crime.
    To this guy: you a chump and I see you kid!!!!

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