
How to Keep the COPS From LEGALLY Entering Your Property #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #Constitution


How to Keep the COPS From LEGALLY Entering Your Property #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #Constitution

#COPS #LEGALLY #Entering #Property #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #Constitution

So, you don’t cops meandering on your property… How do you keep them away? Believe it or not, if you don’t have a gated fence around your home, the courts have ruled that cops can enter your property. They say you don’t have an expectation of privacy if you haven’t limited the public’s access to your door.

Here’s what to do to prevent this: Get a fence with a locked gate. If you want complete privacy and protection against the plain view doctrine, get a privacy fence. Hang a no trespassing sign on your fence in clear view of the street by your home. ALWAYS lock your gate when you don’t need it open. This should keep the police from LEGALLY entering your property and snooping around.

And, if you’re thinking the cops will never find their way on your property, as an attorney, they absolutely DO look around innocent people’s properties.

criminal lawyer , How to Keep the COPS From LEGALLY Entering Your Property #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #Constitution, 4th amendment,attorney reacts,civil rights,constitution,constitutional rights,criminal justice,defense lawyer,fourth amendment,know your rights,lawyer reacts

44 thoughts on “How to Keep the COPS From LEGALLY Entering Your Property #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #Constitution”

  1. You’re welcome to approach my front door. There are even chairs so you can relax until you get tired of waiting.

  2. Great Video. Very Informative. Keep Giving Us This Great Knowledge To Protect American's Privacy. Some People Are Soo Ignorant That They Refused To Respect Others Privacy. Great Video. Love It.

  3. The assumption that a path is for anyone other than the home owners is easily dispensed with. Case Law is created all the time.


  5. That's bullshit. Because I guarantee at the judges house, they have paths to there hous, but they don't want me to just Walk up to there back door. Gate or no gate

  6. Post a sign revoking implied license to enter upon the property. When you do so, they cannot ever enter upon your property unless you invite them, there are exigent circumstances, or they have a warrant. “Knock and talks” or even complaints from a neighbor are not permitted.

    That’s according to the precedent set by the 10th Circuit Court in 2016.

  7. Remember that cops are the government's protectors and not yours. They are there to find anything to punish the citizens for.

  8. What if you are talking to an officer, cause my common sense would tell me to lock the door behind me but maybe that would give them reasonable suspicion even though it’s for privacy sake

  9. What if I don't have a gate, or sidewalk, or fence? Just grass in-between the sidewalk and front door.

  10. What about having no trespassing signs on the sidewalk b4 the gated porch? Im in the country so big yard big porch multiple entries one main gated entry at door……the trespassing signs on steps b4 gate

  11. Too bad in many jurisdictions you have to have some form or public access to your house ie no fenses past the side of your house as an example

  12. It’s called a “knock and talk” you don’t really need a pathway or gate. Police are allowed to walk up onto your curtilage and knock and ask you questions as long as they are not actively conducting a searching. Doesn’t matter if you put up a “no trespass” sign or not.

  13. If I leave my front door unlocked, am I providing entrance to my house to the pigs as well? Maybe if I don’t close my bedroom door, I’m inviting tyrants into my bedroom? As usual, the legal system provides more thug friendly BS for us to be mired in!

  14. that is messed up. how is a path public access? it is for my privet convenience. if it is public access then i can walk a path to someones back yard and fit by the pool that path leads to and it is not trespassing?

    no sign should be needed. my house is not a business or government building. it being privet is the default.

  15. well that isn't exactly true. Curtilage "an area of land around a house and forming one enclosure with it." Curtilage provides a reasonable amount of privacy to ones dwelling or "castle". It usually includes yards, driveways, porches, gardens, and outdoor areas closely associated with the home. Curtilage receives 4th Amendment protection against warrantless police searches.

  16. that is nuts. friggin legal system and manipulation and twisting of it probably has our forefathers turning in their graves.

  17. Easy solution, no trespassing sign. If they step foot past it, theyre now trespassing and can be sued

  18. Have a 7' privacy fence surrounding your property. Then cops need a warrant to even come onto your property.

  19. Have one of those metal gate doors in front of your normal door. It keeps the cop from sticking his foot in the door, I would recommend just not answering personally cause if they have a warrant they will come in anyway.

  20. Ahhhh.. you said front OR back door…. and here the "OR" is not an "AND". I mean because in Collins v Virginia didn't the Supreme Court establish that the drive way that leads from the street to an area on the side of the house when the driveway gets to the side of the house is curtilage?

  21. Cops Are NOT! you're friends!
    Bottom line, they go after ppl with jobs bc they know we can pay! Fn dirty cops

  22. Ah yes, the house steps that comes with the house is now considered public access? What next? If i left my garage open will it turn to a public parking spot?

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