
How to fix our broken criminal justice system | Robert Barton | TEDxSanQuentin


How to fix our broken criminal justice system | Robert Barton | TEDxSanQuentin

#fix #broken #criminal #justice #system #Robert #Barton #TEDxSanQuentin

After having worked with hundreds of prisoners, victims of crimes, and correctional officers and administrators, California’s Inspector General has a pretty good idea of what’s broken and why in our prison system. Listen to his talk to learn what we all must do in order to fix these system and improve public safety.

Robert Barton currently serves as California’s Inspector General and is responsible for oversight of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, including critical incidents, internal affairs, complaints, medical care, use of force, and other legislatively requested reviews. He chairs the California Rehabilitation Oversight Board reporting and making recommendations on rehabilitative programs for inmates and parolees. He began his public service with the Fresno Sheriff’s Department in 1984, while completing his B.S. in criminology at CSU- Fresno. He graduated from UC Davis King Hall, with his JD in 1988. He then served as a prosecutor in the Kern County District Attorney’s Office and from 2000-2005 supervised the gang, prison crime, juvenile and truancy units. He was then appointed as a Supervising Assistant Inspector General in 2005, before being appointed in 2011 as the Inspector General. He holds a lifetime Community College instructor credential in law.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
criminal law , How to fix our broken criminal justice system | Robert Barton | TEDxSanQuentin, TEDx,crime,criminal justice,prison,freedom,human rights,law,reform,public

46 thoughts on “How to fix our broken criminal justice system | Robert Barton | TEDxSanQuentin”

  1. I think that using the Grinch at the end was silly. Overall, I agree that our criminal justice system needs a big update.

  2. Here in Pasco County Florida Dishonorable Judge Alicia Polk has put a burden on my family which has cost us financial loss, depression and frustration. With her biased abuse of power the state Florida has completely failed to hold her accountable for poor decision making in trials. At what point do we the people actually get justice with a broken system?

  3. I see woke people as screamers flailing their arms hysterically with drool running down the side of their mouth.

  4. His transformation story seems made up. No real fear of incarceration currently exists. Make jail and prison a place you really really don’t want to go to. Hard labor. Boot camp on steroids. Busting rocks. More intense with much shorter sentences. Longer and longer for repeat offenders. Forget rehabilitation. It doesn’t work. Punish HARD!

  5. I like the message. However, I believe we shouldn’t use prisons for punishment. We should only use prisons for society’s safety. Let’s find a different solution for those considered not a threat to society. Most people want reparations anyways. Also, Albert Einstein didn’t say that insanity quote. So saying that Albert Einstein said that over and over again is insane lol.

  6. Our system is too harsh??? California has basically legalised robbery. What drugs is this guy smoking???

  7. Something needs to be done to speed up trials and judgements. 4-5 years is ridiculous, a year at the most
    Is what it should be at the most.

  8. its never going to be fixed becuase it working just fine for the demons that run this world
    their geting what they want from it so thats all they care about are system is rigged to work in servitude to them
    those placed in the crimnal justice system are been used as food the whole system is about control and slaverary noting else
    everything in relation to the system is one thing been masquerade as another

  9. What I'm tired of is hearing this quote over and over. Einstein never said this it was first published in 2nd edition aa recovery books and has been misattributed ever since. The only people who use this quote are alcoholics, low level group therapy leaders or drug court bureaucrats.

  10. The justice system is broken on purpose. Free citizens unite and take your safety into your own hands. instant citizen justice.

  11. I'm actually working on a criminals justice project for class now listening to opposing views of the system I would like to enter this career to make a difference but hope that wont make me an outcast

  12. Ok so serious conversation here… did he just suggest transformation but didn’t actually clearly define any way to do that or what we can do to the system itself. From what I got out of it is he suggests that we create some kind of system that gives opportunities to criminals but didn’t suggest anything as far as an actual answer… he is basically saying that the system need to be reformed but gives no suggestions on how

  13. Interesting discussion. Unfortunately too many liberals in our country. Bring back the guillotine in public hangings along with swift justice and you’ll see crimes especially violent crimes plummet. If you have ever been a victim of a violent crime you will agree with me. Punishment is designed to punish as well as deter. Period

  14. I do not completely agree with him because a person can fake transformation for parole and trusting every criminal hoping that they will change and lead a just life after been convicted is a fallacy. It might be a excellent theory but my dear friend it need to be implemented, which is a impossible task because every person and their thought process is different.

  15. There is man in Tampa, FL that is prisoner in his own land because of the judge didn't want to look at the evidence and no one cares even the news. If anyone knows a good attorney please let us know.

    The justice in this country has a problem, how do you fix that so the judges can't do that to other people just for lies?

  16. Need more training and re-entry programs. Low level trade schools so that ppl can earn a living when the get out. Sheet rockers, landscapers, roofers, concrete laborers, road crew. We are at a major labor shortage in this country and prisons are full. Major problem. I used to sell drugs for money. Now I hustle carpentry.

  17. When the country’s own government has become the largest criminal enterprise on the entire goddamned planet. Any and all institutional fruit hanging upon the branches of such a cancerous tree would be thoroughly rotten to the core as well.

  18. Good people don’t generally go to prison… repeat offenders on serious crimes are bad people plain and simple… not worthy of rehabilitation

  19. It's simple. All you got to do is get the criminals out of congress and out of the court system.

  20. There's a reason the U.S has the highest prison population. Prisoners are profitable, especially in private prisons. Not to mention profits have been used to sway prosecutors or judges to convict those of non violent or low-grade crimes and have them subjected to harsh punishment, such as the Kids For Cash Scandal. I don't know about federal prison, but private prisons are especially brutal in dehumanizing prisoners and juveniles as young as 13. Their goal isn't to rehabilitate inmates, but to generate and maintain the highest profits through them. They do this by cutting costs, such as security, food, and healthcare and generating arbitrary laws and rule to get more convicted. They have driven the mass incarceration in the U.S sky high, harming families, communities and state governments. With the stocks booming since Trump won the election, private prisons around the country will be opening their gates for immigrants, and then closing them forever.
    U.S corporations have been financially exploiting anything they see as profitable, but this should be off limits. It basically says that your very lives and futures aren't as important as the money they can make off of you. The whole "don't do the crime if you can't do the time," idea means absolutely nothing in these circumstances. They'll find any excuse to put you away.

  21. It's NOT just about felonies and prisons- it's also about misdemeanors and jails. These insulated idiots have NO idea what 'boots on the ground' are experiencing. The 'system' is designed to generate income- and to keep income from being diverted to the undesirables. To maintain the status quo. To think otherwise is naive. These talking heads can talk until they're heads roll off- but there is a bigger mechanism at work here. That is why there are so many policing bodies in the U.S. i.e., increasing laws and regulations, occupational licensing- and increasing restrictions, increasing immigration, ALL of it!! This machine is intended to keep certain people poor- and keep the rich….rich. FACT!

  22. For most things in our universe, there is cause and effect. But for some strange reason here in America, we choose blame-aggregation over devising solutions to the issues we face now-a-days. And I truly believe that is because we are yoked under a monetary system that "we the people" neither own or control. Everything after that is a result of it's machinations over us. It has us at each other throats on a daily basis for the exclusive benefit of the elite 1% or so.

    The criminal justice system in America isn't broken. It's hopelessly rigged and fixed.

  23. This is what the we call in the retail space “opportunity” and this appears to be one of the most long-standing and turbulent issues in America. It affects those who are disenfranchised most; people of color and the poor. We MUST resolve this for a prosperous future and I hope with all my being to someday be a part of the solution. It’s even more flooring that this is the second comment on a Ted Talk. More people need to be aware of the system that hurts so many. The odds are stacked and we must be the generation that ends this cyclical repetition of harm to those who are the least likely to have a safety net. If you want change, come together. Those who are caught in the system can not reach upward social mobility. We must come together to transform this cruel justice system entrenched with racism and disenfranchisement. Please. If you read this, and if you care for your fellow man, do what you can to lead tomorrow into a prosperous day where equality is just and the justice system shifts its M.O. from one of partiality, to one of fairness and true justice for all of its citizens.

  24. brief what this guy wants to say is to fix the criminal system we just need that people accept the ex-offenders back in the society!!! yeah right.

  25. This video is 3 years old. Words are nice but they don't fix thing unless put into action. The progress being made in CA is not coming from you or the system, it is coming from the people who are fighting. Transformation does not happen over night, you are correct, but the system can destroy an innocent persons life over night. You continue to treat people like animals and expect them to leave prison as productive humans? It is the department of corrections, not the department of punishment. Punishment does not correct, punishment is punitive. You can start with getting rid of all of your mandatory minimums but of course, you do not want to do that because prosecutors like you have to surrender your power back to the judge where it should be. Stop incarcerating people hundreds of miles away from their family support unit. Visitation and family support is absolutely key to support and rehabilitation. If you want true change in your system let go of this tough on crime nonsense and start being smart on crime. Look at the prison system in Norway, Germany, Sweden. They actually work. The recidivism rate is around 20%. The US holds at around 80%. What we are doing does not work! It never had and it never will. But people like you have our society believing that those system are too cushy, too soft. Our society believes that prison has to be horrible and dangerous, that we need to make it as bad as possible so that people do not want to go back. A blood lusty society who believes that torture and treating people like animals is the answer. But we have to care about what works and our methods don't. Change does not begin with the individual, it begins with system. You just said that what profoundly changes a person is someone who cares about them. I agree that is true so stop making it so difficult for families and loves ones to to offer that support.

  26. Talk talk talk meanwhile the ppopulation grows. And ya continually exploited by big business. Whole towns, mostly White, live off the misery of prisons. Where are they going to work otherwise? Talk talk talk. Criminal justice. That’s an oxymoron.

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