
How the Criminal Justice System interprets the terms Not Guilty and Innocent. #shorts


How the Criminal Justice System interprets the terms Not Guilty and Innocent. #shorts

#Criminal #Justice #System #interprets #terms #Guilty #Innocent #shorts

#notguilty #innocent #criminaldefense #lawyer #law

Music is Intrigue Fun by Musictown.

Content provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice.
criminal law , How the Criminal Justice System interprets the terms Not Guilty and Innocent. #shorts, not guilty,innocent,criminal defense,lawyer,law

6 thoughts on “How the Criminal Justice System interprets the terms Not Guilty and Innocent. #shorts”

  1. So what is the difference law and society under sociology with law and society under criminology

  2. I know some states have passed laws protecting citizens for resisting UNLAWFUL arrest. Do Colorado citizens have this right? Thank you for your videos.

  3. In those countries whose laws started in England, as far as I know, Scotland is the only one that has 3 available verdicts. Guilty, not proven, and innocent.

  4. Two courts:
    Private: courts-not-of-record
    Private courts with civil jurisdiction; NOT "civil law jurisdiction"; NOT criminal jurisdiction
    Of private and foreign law society courts-not-of-record that proceed by contract law by you pleading you enter a contract with the private court of the private law society's "due-process" that contains no "law"; where all actors (defence law society members; private prosecuting attorney; law society member sitting in the seat of the judge; by rules made by the private and foreign law societies rules of court; and that's why the party in the seat of the judge rightly calls the court "my court". and that's why you cannot film in their private courts that are NOT clothed with any lawful or any public jurisdiction power or authority; and instead operate strictly by contract law; when you plea you enter a contract with these private and foreign courts-not-of-record that only have civil jurisdiction; under a normal state of law!!!
    He said "you plead not guilty and set "your" case for trial"; but it's NOT your case; you didn't bring it; and you do not have to prove it; because it's NOT "your case"……and even by their private process a "show cause" should be accessible long before talk of a trial…..the establishment of an actual case first properly commenced and duly recorded with the proper court.

    Public: court-of-record
    The only court with the lawful and public jurisdiction power and authority to fine and imprison.
    that proceeds according to the rules and principles of the common law; known as "due-process-of-law" were by "trial-by-jury" (as opposed to the law societies "jury-trial); the evidence is examined by the jury who will determine (all questions of law and fact) if there is enough evidence to proceed to a criminal trial-by-jury by producing a
    "true bill of indictment";
    and if the case is proven to the second jury; that jury produces a

    And what does your "party-in-the-seat-of-the-judge" or you "jury-trial" produce???
    A true bill???
    Imagine that!

    That's what's you get with over 100 yeay of lawless; Godless; and moral-less: abnormal state-of-law (war and emergency) for over 100 years: private courts of civil jurisdiction of common law jurisdictions, a coup from above!

  5. this is the actual law advice we need. not the influencers on YouTube saying "oh yeah dont pay your ticket the cop will never show up to court". Let me tell yah, from all the police officers I've talked to they show up to court every time without fail with a BIG SMILE on their face because you just made their day a whole lot easier. 🤣👍

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