
How Our Criminal Justice System Targets Communities


How Our Criminal Justice System Targets Communities

#Criminal #Justice #System #Targets #Communities

Van Jones, author, political activist and commentator, talks to us about how the U.S. imprisons more people than any country, and how that’s hurting our communities.

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35 thoughts on “How Our Criminal Justice System Targets Communities”

  1. Trying to rationalize for intentionally or willfully failing to take responsibility will not solve the problem. Take responsibility.

  2. Lying van dummy. 13% of the population committing 60% of the crime. Blaque people have a predisposition to criminality

  3. This is disingenuous, The swat team does not arrive at the door for the personal drug use of ANY person. They kick in the doors of drug dealers that ruin communities and lives. Regardless of race or economic standing. Dont fall for this skewed propaganda. These type activists always go too far….always. Right now because of criminal justice reforms, hardened violent criminals and murderers are being returned to the communities, where they continue to destroy lives and kill others.
    Remember…You were openly told that anti-police defunding and justice reforms would help the black communities by reducing the incarceration rates. The savings in funds were to be re-invested in community programs.
    As a direct result, the black on black murder rate has climbed nearly 300% while all other crime has skyrocketed.
    They know full well that this is happening….But they still claim it is helping the POC. And where is ANY of their righteous community programs ?
    Americans are trying to understand where all of the sudden spike in criminality is coming from. The answer is right here, all done under the guise of racial and social justice. Dont fall for it.

  4. We need help in the State of Indiana our due process rights are being violated immediately upon release.

  5. Please check this case D.A., V. D.P., just this a broken because he work inside the court he got away with child molestation no just this for the victim because he prosecutor us system broke you have money or you got position you get away with it

  6. This is the kind of well thought out and well-presented arguments that people need to be putting out to educate people and get change in society. This kind of rational thinking is getting drowned out by all the radical, loud mouthed, emotional activism in our country. Thank you for this post.

  7. So you are not talking about the fact that they were doing drugs but why they got caught?? So its not a matter whether a crime was committed but who gets caught?? and what happens to the fact that a crime was committed? we ignore that and focus on the race only? The issue is much deeper and rooted! In china the system is corrupted. They do not believe in presumption of innocence, defense lawyers are excluded from the investigatory stage and are limited and they have "reeducation through labor" which is a criminal sanction without a judicial trial. No need to compare us to China if you don't explain their criminal justice system, not to mention a Communist country. BUT I agree, funds should be used in a wiser way, more education and better programs but that's not an excuse to CRIME.

  8. This guy doesn't know the sistem? Always rich people have everything in their hands,and isn't exclusive in US,this is around the word. Go to Cuba or North Korea,the Elite have it!

  9. The majority of people in prison are there for violent reasons. The amount of people in prison who is caught with smoking weed is around 1-3%. Most drug offenses are drug trafficking offenses. I think Van Jones short video isn't detailed enough and seems rather one sided and not very truthful of the whole ordeal. But I'll agree with him on one thing though. Those who have money get away with more than poor people.

  10. Why always blame the system,why no asians or latinos or middle eastern etc.,etc? Must of your want everything so easy!

  11. As an immigrant, I’d say, it’s really not that hard to not to break laws🙃idk why y’all Americans whining about

  12. For Real.Im Still Suffering From A Crime I Was Convicted Of When I Was 14 years old.They Violated My Miranda Rights By Not Contacting My Parents

  13. I did illegal stuff and did my time… @1:30. Yes don't do illegal stuff and you will be put through the legal system. Bottom line.

  14. It is really good to see Van Jones and Bryan Stevenson speaking up on behalf of these Socioeconomic problems that are facing most communities here in America. I'm one of them at 49 years old and been without employment for 7 to 10 years. It's really a Injustice to me and my family and the Pursuit of Happiness. For I know that it's not Just. I look at it like this it's their lost also. Every person born into the world God have equipped them and we all have something to bring to the table. Whoever thinks otherwise is foolish. I had been living in Colorado and 2003 moved back to Oklahoma. It's been the wrong turn every since, it's like maybe what was the Jim Crow era. I feel like I have went back 30 or 40 years. It was the worst choices of my life. I Thank you guys.

  15. What happens to neighborhoods and communities, Facial recognition & Iris scanning, 10 Toes, Knees & Elbows scanners sitting ducks for Pandemics like (Covid 19). The government knows exactly what the problems is and the effect, results thereof, Now this is Evident. For the United States contributes in some way or fashion to causing humankind to Strive against one another and towards All races groups. And knowingly to be evil towards creating and keeping a Divided Nation. Look, Watch and Know

  16. Never have I heard such ridiculous wielding of the NARRATIVE fallacy so effectively stripped of statistical rigor.

  17. Van, thank you for all your hard work you do, in bringing awareness to a problem that's been in existence for centuries. A new tool is here, for the voices of the America people, "Creating Common Sense Conversation For Change". This "Injustice" in the U.S. rule of law, can happen to anyone in the U.S! "Mankind is not defined by the education and riches he acquires, but for the knowledge and wisdom he inherits in life" IAMV" Overlooked Justice Trailer: , God Bless you All

  18. 😒Dey arrested me for someone giving me a fraudulent check. & let me out after a few hrs. Dis a country that see black men as 3/5ths of a man. Whatchu expect.

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