
How Our Criminal Justice System Is Almost Entirely Negotiated Behind Closed Doors | Think | NBC News


How Our Criminal Justice System Is Almost Entirely Negotiated Behind Closed Doors | Think | NBC News

#Criminal #Justice #System #Negotiated #Closed #Doors #NBC #News

There is an ideal of the American criminal justice system where defense attorneys and prosecutors are equal, with a neutral judge and jury presiding over everything. U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff joined THINK to discuss why the actual system functions nothing like that.
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How Our Criminal Justice System Is Almost Entirely Negotiated Behind Closed Doors | Think | NBC News
criminal law , How Our Criminal Justice System Is Almost Entirely Negotiated Behind Closed Doors | Think | NBC News, Think,Latest Stories,NBC News Originals,NBC Originals,news,NBC,NBC News,Breaking News,US News,World News,Politics,Current Events,Top Stories,Opinion piece,opinion,controversy,controversial,NBC Think,NBC News Think,Criminal Justice,Justice System,American criminal justice,neutral judge,prosecutors,U.S. District Judge,Jed Rakoff,criminal justice,criminal justice reform,prison reform,justice system,us justice system,trial,court,courtroom cases

17 thoughts on “How Our Criminal Justice System Is Almost Entirely Negotiated Behind Closed Doors | Think | NBC News”

  1. I Would ❤ to believe that we have the utmost highest standards of law enforcement, justice, court hearings, judges and laws but I believe the complete opposite is true here. You have major corruption in places where this supposed corruption does not exist which Is a blatant deflection of the reality and truth about our systems. If it is not corruption is high incompetence and massive errors committed against law abiding peoples across the U.S. therefore I have no trust in this system nor confidence. Do not blame the people for their majority opinions about the system instead you should reflect on all of the lives ruined, altered and negatively affected by the supposed "law"…..need I pull examples from real life?…..they are countless. I Think things like quotas within the DOJ and career advancement based on pressurized arrests need to be against the law itself, why? It FORCES inaccurate cases or falsified cases to be made to be created against non criminal people that is called bullying. That is a hallmark of severe corruption. There are indeed people with integrity who actually know and respect citizens rights and the laws on this land but they are far fewer than those who knowingly break them.

  2. The role of informatics and personal relations in the spread of corruption and bribery in New York, how? This is an example that happened to me during a year and a half, with all the events recorded. In order not to doubt myself as I wanted many parties in the story:

    A member of the FBI , the husband of the daughter of an apartment renter who exploits people to the maximum extent, knows the police staff, who refuse to make any report against this woman in any assault. This happened to me and another person. (It reminds me of the police secretary in Egypt, who takes 50 pounds and ends the matter.) The complainant resorts to a human rights community organization because he thinks that it is working to achieve justice in the United States of America, only to be surprised that it is obtaining all the information in tedious detail, exploiting it, and conducting negotiations with the other party over the body of the complainant. (Its protectors are its thieves) It is the role of the information systems analyst in the service apparatus, and he has the ability to access all the information and he may be related to or know a member of the FBI. Thus, the exploitation and personal relationships cycle continue to achieve corruption with maximum efficiency. All of this is a real example that happened to me in Manhattan, in the heart of New York, and not in a random area or a country that he says is from the Third World

  3. And most people don't care because "those bad people deserve it". Just wait 'til a corrupt or incompetent cop sets their sights on you. Make a plea bargain and your lawyer will say you are fortunate.

  4. The American criminal justice system is an overflowing toilet.
    It's like they wake up early and go to bed late trying to think of ways not to protect the law abiding public.
    The Nicholas Cruz case, which took over 4 years just to get to the sentencing phase, confirmed everything I already knew about our disgusting system. It exists for the benefit of lawyers and judges but certainly not for the benefit of the people. Plus they take a generation to resolve what the private sector could resolve in weeks or months. I don't know how lawyers and judges look at themselves in the mirror, let alone draw a salary.

  5. Please check this case D.A., V. D.p., because he got money and and he work in court a prosecutor he got away with child molestation just the system in us are broken if you have money or position you got away with murder

  6. An accurate appraisal of our criminal justice system. The system is supposed to be adversarial, but the politicians have twisted the system to fit their own dictatorial desires into a inquisitional system to prevent examinations of government misconduct.

  7. Washington county Ohio and Athens county Ohio have targeted me since I was a child for government grant money locked me up based on lies and gossip and threnthen to send me to prison for 20uears afraid to take the risk of losing while the prosecutor hide the proof I was innocent I'll never take a ple deal again Ohio injustice system needs checked

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