
How Oregon Will Continue Disarming Its Citizens This Summer


How Oregon Will Continue Disarming Its Citizens This Summer

#Oregon #Continue #Disarming #Citizens #Summer

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Oregon, have you had enough yet? Well your state legislature hasn’t. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses Oregon HB 2005 a bill, now signed into law, that will ban all undetectable firearm and ALL unfinished frames and receivers. This law is set to go into effect July 13, 2024 so Oregon, if you want to remain compliant with the law, you don’t have a lot of time left to do this. So learn what all of these new laws really mean to you so that you can arm yourself with education today.

Oregon HB 2005.
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criminal lawyer , How Oregon Will Continue Disarming Its Citizens This Summer, Oregon Gun laws,Oregon state legislature,80% lowers,3d printed guns,ghost guns,untreaceable firearms,unfinished frames,unfinished receivers,serial numbers on guns,3d printing,Oregon Constitution,Washington gun laws,assault weapons,high capacity magazines,ATF,FFL,DOJ,Gun control,gun seizures,crime in Portland Oregon,Illinois,New York,California,New Mexico,Colorado,Tennessee,South Carolina,Pennsylvania,Florida,Texas

23 thoughts on “How Oregon Will Continue Disarming Its Citizens This Summer”

  1. Kotex can kiss a frogs ass this will not stop Oregonians from printing their own items. This will be brought to courts and held up. This bill does only one thing violate the us constitution

  2. Idaho looking better and better everyday. How do we get our state back? The 2nd amendment is pretty clear but yet they somehow keep infringing. I don't get it.

  3. Nobody wants to hear this but we can thank FFL's for all their hard work on complying with the state and feds for decades. FFL dealers sounded cool back in the day, now its the FED's inside scoop on who's who of gun buyers, decades of receipts kept. You know if we had all just kept buying guns from the back pages of the local paper we wouldn't be in this mess and the gov wouldn't have the upper hand, it all starts with compliance and blindly trusting your gov who is literally trying to kill us. America did this -> “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” is a quote and motto attributed to Benjamin Franklin. And now doesnt like it, oh how far we have fallen from the Republic.

  4. 3D print using metal.
    3D print plastic on demand.
    And any suitable metal pipe at Home Depot is a shotgun receiver.

  5. So, someone uses their home shop laser engraver and etches a serial number onto their personally manufactured firearm. They are subsequently questioned if said number was provided by a licensed individual to which they get cheeky and say "Sure it was! Prove that it wasn't!" Thus Oregon shows their hand, pulls up their 80% gun registry and shows their violation to the law to show your violation to the law??

  6. I’m glad I fled the state for AZ. Sad I was forced to leave my home for the last 30 years…

  7. As fucked up as this is, I am much more concerned with how they plan to implement. How would they know if someone doesn't comply exactly? Are they going to try and track down every 3D printer in the state for example?

  8. "in accordance with federal law" seems ambiguous when federal law doesn't require serialization for "PMFs" privately made fire-arms for non-commercial purposes as long as they are detectable.

  9. Welcome to Communism. The government is going to make everyone out an outlaw as it is. The government is going to get all the guns. Allegedly, China is supplying criminals with machine guns. Too bad the government isn't responsible. Either way, the government is going to take you to jail whenever they want. When a right is taken down, they all go down. The rule of law is what democrats make it. A whole lot of lawyers are going to be without a job. The government is going to make you out to be an outlaw in the end anyway. You have a judge who says it's unconstitutional that illegals can't have a gun. I bet the ATF won't have anything to say about that. I believe this judge. She's in Illinois and a democrat. We're going to get our ass handed to us by way of corrupt state legislatures and law enforcement.

  10. How do they go against the constitution? Those in office took a oath of office to support the Constuction .

  11. As a conservative Oregonian veteran for over 50's. The democrats care nothing for it's citizens but want total and complete control. There is no representation for any other political group in Oregon because of Democrat control for over 30 years.

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