
How Career Criminal Adam Montgomery got Custody of Harmony Montgomery


How Career Criminal Adam Montgomery got Custody of Harmony Montgomery

#Career #Criminal #Adam #Montgomery #Custody #Harmony #Montgomery

DAY 7: #AdamMontgomery was granted sole custody of #HarmonyMontgomery in 2019, despite being a career criminal. CourtTV’s Vinnie Politan dives deeper into the heartbreaking custody case.

00:00 Closing Arguments with Vinnie Politan
01:51 WHY?
06:42 Matt Johnson Reports
07:03 Portland Pie Co. Workers Testimony
11:06 Maintenance Call
14:05 Witness Rose Smith’s Testimony
18:20 Harmony’s Mother
20:45 Adam’s Criminal History
22:43 Expert Analysis

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24 thoughts on “How Career Criminal Adam Montgomery got Custody of Harmony Montgomery”

  1. 00:00 Closing Arguments with Vinnie Politan
    01:51 WHY?
    06:42 Matt Johnson Reports
    07:03 Portland Pie Co. Workers Testimony
    11:06 Maintenance Call
    14:05 Witness Rose Smith's Testimony
    18:20 Harmony's Mother
    20:45 Adam's Criminal History
    22:43 Expert Analysis

    #CourtTV – What do YOU think?

  2. He did this for money and spite against the bio mother…he’s a pos and should never be let out…he didn’t take the stand because he’s guilty asf

  3. What in the hell happens to cause a little girl to go missing for 2 years? Why did it take her mother so long to notice? It makes me sick. I dont feel sorry for her mother. Dont feel sorry for kayla either but the fear she experienced for her and her other children must have been crippling. She does deserve to be held accountable and i wonder if adam ever left why she didnt call police. I guess im on the fence w her because its obvious she was physically and mentally abused and broken. Would not trust her as far as i can spit. She s weak and pathetic!

  4. Why in the hell was Adam allowed to schedule or reschedule a CPS visit?? I’d think it would be like the police, they can show up whenever they feel like it! there should be no scheduled visit or heads up, they should just pop in randomly so they can see the true living situations of these kids! Y’all’s hand are dirty in this case, She would be alive if they did their job! Kayla and the case workers should all do jail time! Kayla started talking after Adam got a girlfriend, she would’ve taken this to her grave if he didn’t dump her for someone else! What kind of woman says let’s go get Burger King after watching him beat on a child – i couldn’t eat all week after watching this horrific nightmare, i would’ve thrown up if i was in that car witnessing him beat that little girl- Kayla hated her too, Obviously Kayla wanted her gone too! She’s just as guilty! They should both get the chair & cps caseworkers should do jail time for not protecting her!

  5. I think he hated her and her mother,and did it to the mom,you have to be cold to beat a child to death and brain dead to sit next to this devil and not alert someone before she was murdered.

  6. Unbelievable to me that a reporter just said said “Cowobberating” with a straight face 7:06

    like sir…..does that sound correct to you?

  7. He took custody to harm Chrystal because he is a narcissistic psychopath period!!! He sounds utterly ridiculous blaming Kayla for her death especially after the stomach turning testimony she gave! Its quite a bit detailed to be made up by her and the other witnesses reporting him admitting the abuse. He should not have been let out of jail in the 1st place! God bless that little angel 🥺❤️ in heaven 🙏 daddy can't hurt 🤕 you anymore. Justice ⚖️ better prevail in this case Harmony deserves it since shes been failed by too many people that their only job was to love and protect her!!! 🙏❤️⚖️🕊️🌹

  8. All these comments are superb regarding A this ADAM and his cronies …shudder shudder Yes how many drug filled Adams are committing the same ugly ugly demented horrors 😊

  9. This Addict A Montgomery .. ( who keeps on … breeding 😱) surely is insane , and so are the people responsible , for their misconduct 👹and enabling the abuse and murder of poor little Harmony.. ALL THIS MOB ARE SICK SICK SICK

  10. Fancy naming her abused child (Even whilst pregnant on drugs) the name HARMONY 😩…. THE DEAREST LITTLE GIRL NEVER KNEW what harmony meant😩🤮😱🤬The wholeMotley Mob seem unhinged .. ignorant to the hilt , AND SHOCK HORROR ….keep having MORE CHILDREN who will inevitably DIE INSANE STUFF

  11. So, is the Mass, judge going to share a cell with that upstanding father????? No? Only then will there be justice for Harmony.

  12. 💜💜 JUSTICE FOR HARMONY, that's all I care, alot of people should be hold accountable for HARMONY LIFE, but like always, everyone is going to point finger's but will not accept responsibility. Just given me JUSTICE FOR HARMONY 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  13. This interviewer was fantastic. He had every question that was going on in my mind. But I am still finding that excuses are being made and the Judge and the attorneys are being protected. Even though the Judge implies that there is no requirement for a guardian ad litem to be designated ( and she is working on this) I am not sure I buy the concept that the Judge was solely reliant upon the evidence put in front of him. It is my understanding that guardian ad litems are designated in cases where it is necessary and they didn't think it was necessary in this case for a special needs child? So, the lawyers get away with withholding evidence from the Judge and she ends up murdered? How is it that the lawyers are ethically allowed to "not give evidence" to the Judge? Are the lawyers being held on ethics violations? This is a passing the buck issue. NH. didn't investigate his living situation, so, they just didn't bring it up to the court and in order for the Judge. to remain " party neutral", he or she is not allowed to ask what. the home situation would be.? I can tell you one thing. This would not take place in New Orleans where they have a statute for relocation of a minor away from the other parent, 13 requirements for relocation away from the other parent, best interest must be considered as one of those 13 requirements and complete psychological evaluations can be mandated by the Judge who is responsible for the placement of the child. And both parents are required to be at the hearings and they do not hesitate to grant continuances. If there were 3 lawyers, and one represented Crystal, the very idea that a Judge can't say, " Where is the mother?" Why isn''t she here? Well, I want to hear what she has to say "does not seem to be over-reach for a Judge. The very idea that a. lawyer represented Harmony and had his own objectives and took the word of a special needs child of that age? It is one thing when the child is 14 years of age, but even in custody and visitation disputes, Judges in MA do not have to listen to a child and don't. They will listen to a 14 year old. This to me is very suspicious. Now granted, both parents leave a lot to be desired. and. the facts are that this child would have been better off with neither of them. But I have another take on this. As a Special Needs Child she was mandated under the law for special education IN MA. She was blind in one eye and would have needed accommodations. Why wouldn't MA or NH under IDEA require notification of an address? THE ANSWER TO THIS IS THAT THERE IS NO MANDATE FOR KINDERGARTEN IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. So, what is the story with child find in MA since she was placed with a MA family. To say that the Judge couldn't do anything else but give her to the father because no one presented him with the evidence? I just don't buy it. I don't. I don't care if this woman is a Judge and wrote a book and knows the law, I don't buy it. You can't tell me that this was due to the lawyers not presenting the Judge with evidence, especially when, see below, it was the Judge who ruled that the interstate compact did not apply. The mother was nor granted a continuance, this was a lawyer for the public interest who was getting paid peanuts by the state, The Judge didn't ask where mother was. That isn't prejudicial? How can it be prejudicial to ask where mom is ? Doesn't not asking the attorney where their client is make it look prejudicial toward the father? Would this have happened if the Judge was a female Judge as opposed to an older male judge who was about to start retirement? I think there should be an investigation of all 3 attorneys and the Judge. I assume the transcript was reviewed. If as was stated that each of the attorneys had their own strategy to place the child with the father and the child died, then it seems to me that they should be held accountable. Most certainly, this issue of cross state lines is a nightmare. And it would seem to me that there could have been a court order to place this child if necessary in a 24 hour special needs school with a guardian ad litem oversight – COURT ORDERED AT THE STATE'S EXPENSE. I'm sorry, something stinks here. And all because there was a judge on this panel being interviewed does not mean to say that I trust everything that was said. So for example, they are saying that investigations were not done and no evidence was provided to the Judge. But please read THIS Reporting from New Hampshire's Union Leader. This implies that the JUDGE RULED THE INTERSTATE COMPACT DID NOT APPLY. HERE IS THE QUOTE FOUND IN TEXT BELOW." The judge also ruled that the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children did not apply in this case, meaning a home study was not conducted to make sure Adam Montgomery’s home was safe. " THIS IS NOT JUST A CASE OF EVIDENCE NOT BEING GIVEN TO THE JUDGE. THIS WAS A CASE THAT THE JUDGE RULED AGAINST INTERSTATE COMPACT AND IT WASN'T DONE AS A RESULT. WAS HIS RULING VALID? THIS WAS A CASE OF NH DIDN'T DO THEIR JOB. MA DID'T DO THEIR JOB. THE THREE ATTORNEYS DIDN'T DO THEIR JOB. PROTECTIVE SERVICES DIDN'T DO THEIR JOB. SO DOES LIVE FREE OR DIE APPLY TO HARMONY MONTGOMERY? UNION LEADER JANUARY 2024: Relatives of Harmony Montgomery tried to have the 5-year-old move to Florida with one of them after her father allegedly relapsed on drugs and gave the little girl a black eye, according to state records.

    Another family was willing to adopt her but were told they couldn’t because her father, Adam, had been granted custody.

    The Department of Children, Youth and Families visited the family three times in the months before authorities say Adam Montgomery killed his daughter by repeatedly striking her head inside a car on Dec. 7, 2019.

    The DCYF records were included in the latest court filing by lawyers for Adam Montgomery, who is charged with second-degree murder in Harmony’s death. A month-long jury trial is planned for next month.

    Also noted in the records, a DCYF caseworker called Montgomery on Oct. 1, 2019, to ask why Harmony wasn’t enrolled in kindergarten. It’s unknown what steps DCYF took to follow up, but her death two months later went seemingly unnoticed.

    New Hampshire children are not required to attend kindergarten.

    Adam Montgomery has also been charged with assault for allegedly giving Harmony a black eye. At the time, he told a case worker Harmony got hurt playing with a plastic lightsaber with her half-brother.

    A Massachusetts family judge gave Adam Montgomery custody despite his violent past and the fact he had spent little time with her.

    The judge also ruled that the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children did not apply in this case, meaning a home study was not conducted to make sure Adam Montgomery’s home was safe.

    A report issued in February 2022 showed several failings, including a claim Harmony returned to Massachusetts.

    The DCYF reports disclosed Wednesday provide a timeline of the last six months of Harmony’s life.

  14. Our “injustice” system flat out FAILED little Harmony Montgomery!! There should be serious repercussions for the totally incompetent JUDGE who made the insane decision to award custody of Harmony to her sperm donor without granting her Mom a continuance with the proof that she had another court hearing at the same time, and for not exercising due diligence to look into the sperm donor’s living conditions or his VIOLENT criminal history!! That’s beyond incompetence, and that judge should be investigated and held accountable!! SO heartbreaking…💔 RIP precious Harmony, you’re safe in the arms of your LOVING Heavenly Father now.❤️

  15. It's not hard to lose track of a small child with a parent or parents that live in a car, that is getting evicted often because they are too sorry to pay rent, and they are not checking in with anybody that they are supposed to be.

  16. The troublesome news is that Adam wanted to be the dog 🐕 and doggy style judge picked up the scents and doggy years of custody of Adam and every dog has it's days and doggy years.

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