
Houston Texas Police Chief Troy Finner Gives Update On 264,000 Dropped Criminal Cases Since 2016


Houston Texas Police Chief Troy Finner Gives Update On 264,000 Dropped Criminal Cases Since 2016

#Houston #Texas #Police #Chief #Troy #Finner #Update #Dropped #Criminal #Cases

#houston #houstontx #truecrime

Follow my 2nd channel @logicaloddity to keep up with my thoughts on this issue.


Figured I wouldn’t let my Criminal Justice degree with a concentration in Investigative Forensic Science go completely to waste. Let’s discuss and help spread awareness. #truecrime

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50 thoughts on “Houston Texas Police Chief Troy Finner Gives Update On 264,000 Dropped Criminal Cases Since 2016”

  1. 2nd Channel @logicaloddity


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  2. This is not just in Texas, it's every state, how many times do we see criminals going free because of Judges. The police have to go by the rules, it's the higher ups that's the problem. Texans need our help, there are so many people coming across the border, they don't have the man/women power to handle everything. If we can't stop the crime coming from Texas, then this country is in big trouble, we need police officers signing up like crazy in Texas, we have to protect our borders. We have to protect our Homeland, we have to protect our people, especially our children. Most people look away, they don't want to believe what's happening in Texas, or other places where crime is sky-high, some people rather believe the media or corrupt politicians, and no matter how you look at it, this is political. Americans can't even go by their border, because it's too dangerous, how messed up is that. Politicians are turning this country into a crime-ridden place. I'm 60, and I never saw crime this bad, and it's all over the country, it's not in big cities anymore, it's in small towns. This is one out of millions of cases.

  3. I'm definitely going to check out your other channel, Julez! Thank you for bringing people's attention to this horrific situation. Whenever a woman has gone through an assault, its frightening enough just to go and ask for LE's help. But for the case to be tossed, over-looked or miss-categorized?? Houston better be ready to get sued….multiple times! One of my friends works late at night and often has to walk to her vehicle. I asked if she had pepper spray or anything, and she said no. I'm ordering her a darn stun gun.

  4. I lived in Houston half my life. Left over 20 years ago and never went back. I seen it go from a nice city to a horrible place. The corruption is beyond belief. The police are psycho paths, no joke.
    I'd advise anyone to stay away. It's not worth it. You've been warned.

  5. 4:30 when you make more sense to suspend like misdemeanor drug charges small shoplifting charges small traffic violations

  6. 4:42 maybe if they don't have enough staffing, they should have to provide DAYcare, formula ,diapers, blah blah blah for all these women who get raped ,and are forced to become a SINGLE PARENT .
    Half his dna . Wth. 😢 @Julezofalltrades

  7. I guarantee there is something coming from the top regarding this.
    I keep thinking about here in NY with all the dems trying to close prisons like crazy and it isn't just around here or Texas.
    I have had a feeling a long many years now, this is all part of the plan. It's been about 20 years of tearing down the Civil structure of our society, and crippling our homeland security and law. I maintain this really stated being clear during the Bush Sr. years.
    Just my opinion and to my thinking, this is both political, as well as true crime worthy for what it's worth.
    It is also NOT a party issue. NO issue is about party anymore.
    All sides need to be razed and that swamp needs to finish draining.

  8. Do these full-grown, children that are "in charge" need a field trip down to the nearest prison? You can sure get a short lessson on what happens to those that won't stand up for themselves!!!

  9. Houston used to be the hardest place I'd ever been. I couldn't believe how the whole city bent over to mask mandates and just punked put, in general! And even the gas stations in Hawaii are less of a rip off! Now Houston is going to be Gotham City with no Batman. 😳

  10. My sister was murdered in 2020 in Houston. 4 people were arrested. But at least 3 others were involved . One of the 4 killers was just convicted in January and sentanced to life. One took a plea for 12 years. One agreed to testify against the others in exchange for a lesser sentence. And 1, the wife of the one already convicted is awaiting trial. The 4 arrested were originally charged with capital murder which carries the death penalty. 3 years in, the DA calls me and says they just sent off the dna for testing but it will take 90 days to get back, but the trial is supposed to start in September 2023. She tells me they have little evidence as the detectives didn't do their jobs well, and she needs the dna. She says she is going to ask the judge for a continuance but if he wont grant it, they will have to drop the capital murder charges and recharge them all with regular murder. And thats exactly what happened. She also told me they were going to tri them 1 at a time and depending on if they get a conviction or not depends if the tri the rest. If no conviction the other 3 walk. Luckily the first trial received a guilty verdict. But the 3 others involed separate of the 4 already locked up, had their charges dismissed for lack of evidence. Those 3 are part of that 264,000 dropped charges. And to add insult to injury, the DA tells me that in the state of texas convicts do around 50 percent of their time and are released on parole. Meaning that since they screwed up and dropped the capital murder on the 4 still in jail, the one convicted received 25 years which is a life sentence in texas, unless its stipulated life without parole. Which this was not. This man who murdered my sister will be eligible for parole in 12.5 years. The one that took a plea for 12 will be eligible in 6 years.
    People keep telling me, at least they were convicted, but thats not good enough for me. Thats not justice. My sister doesn't get to live anymore. Her children will grow up without her. These people will get out and be able to have a regular life again. Where is the justice in that?
    When i saw the title to your video, i knew immediately it was legit. Houston law enforcement is horrible. They took absolutely no evidence from the actual murder scene, and the only dna they had was found in my sisters abandoned car. A random property owner, saw people ditch my sisters car on her land and she called police. They ran the tag and realized the car was a homicide victims car and called CSI. inside my sisters car were her bloody clothes she had been wearing when she was murdered. This is what was sent off for dna testing. It fortunately contained dna from 3 of the 4 suspects as well. This is the only physical evidence they had to get a conviction with.
    Bu t my family is nobody. We dont have money or connections, so my sister was treated as such. We dont even know how she was murdered. They never got a straight answer. After she was murdered she was taken apart and thrown into the san jacito river like she was trash. They never found all of her so they couldn't determine how she was killed.
    My families story is just one of the many horror stories of this city and department. I guess i should feel fortunate that at least we got a conviction. Its obvious there are many who wont receive anything.

  11. It’s only gonna get worse, too. I wouldn’t be surprised if you wind up getting strikes soon pertaining to what you’re talking about. Not because you’re doing something wrong, but because they don’t the truth out. You’re playing with fire doing this on YouTube.

  12. Seems to me this is the exact equivalent to cooking the books in any other business practice, but if you put your old two and two together it adds up to these boys in blue trying to make themselves look better than they are….. what their motives are one could speculate that there’s probably money involved somewhere

  13. You are going to find Abbott shipped criminals to Democratic States especially NY and Georgia

  14. Ohhh yes! And many other things! Don’t forget they have many homeless there from Louisiana after the hurricane Katrina. 250,000 evacuated and 40,000 stayed. That’s a big issue

  15. It's definitely important for everyone, regardless of gender, to learn self-defense techniques and be prepared to protect themselves in various situations. Self-defense classes and tactical training can empower individuals to feel more confident and capable in potentially dangerous situations. While carrying a gun can be a form of protection, knowing how to defend oneself physically is also valuable, especially in scenarios where using a firearm may not be feasible or appropriate. Learning self-defense skills can provide women with the tools they need to feel safer and more empowered in their daily lives.

  16. I completely understand Julez 😳this is just hard to listen to hard to take. after hearing about the four “illegal aliens”that were let go after murder is too much to understand where the world is coming from , and where are we going . I had discussed this with a few friends the other day and sadly I think in my opinion, it’s going to get down to the old Charles Bronson vigilante mentality. I cannot understand why police forces and our court systems are going as far off the rails as they are. I can’t even imagine being a mother and these things are happening to their daughters and sons.or even being a person who lives alone and have someone break in and assault and be set free, it’s mind-boggling to say the least😡

  17. Wow Julez….I have NO words. I think if I commented it would be political….thus I WILL NOT. Unbelievable….😳

  18. I live in Utah, and when I was graped, I went and got a grape kit done. When I was there, they asked me if I was going to press charges. Obviously, I said yes. The nurse then said her daughter did this. It took her 2 years to go to court. She had to relive what she had gone through only for the court to say it was a he said she said. The verdict was that the guy only got 1 month of community service and was let go. Her daughter wished she would have never gone to court. So, I decided I wasn't going to put myself through that. I was also told that only 4% of grapes are prosecuted. It makes me sick with how the justice system works. It's not right.

  19. In our town in southern california our town has 35 openings-the present generation isso spoiled.

  20. I'm sure the governor really liked seeing these illegals came back in . I wish my state had a governor like Abbott. It's crazy these victims should sue. I'm anti government as well. Most elections are fixed although i still vote because trying to do something is better than doing nothing.

  21. 2 rapes that we know of. If that animal was willing to tie up her husband and rape her I think he has way more crimes on his hands!
    Also, isn’t HOUSTON the same place all the shoddy police work was happening in that Rudy ‘run away’ case? Mom never arrested etc?

  22. WTF unbelievable, that’s maddening and disgusting. Thank you for bringing this to ppl attention

  23. I live just outside of Houston and that city is definitely a HOT MESS EXPRESS!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄 ugh!

  24. R survivor here. This is absolutely the worst and typical in cities. Women in every culture are, in the eyes of the state, absolutely disposable. Yes, stay protected at all costs.

  25. 😳😡 OMG. I just did the math. I don’t have the exact time line, but if this happened over a 3 year period that comes out to 241 RAPES per DAY!!! WTF. Were other types of cases dropped too? Or did some MAN decide that sexual crimes against women weren’t important enough… I hope they at least took the time to correctly complete the rape kits on these women so that there is evidence.
    This is unbelievable and totally unacceptable !!!
    Thank you for bring this to our attention. I have daughters and granddaughters living in Texas. I will let them know.

  26. This gave me a panic attack,I know where I live pedos can’t live near schools but now our POS governor and Mayor say it’s not all inclusive and everyone is equal. And we can’t carry guns and if I shoot anyone in my own house I go to prison. Because our state can’t pay our police enough. I’m from NV and just a different state and we like our guns, my parents have taught me how to use them and both have legal concealed weapon permit. Recently in southTahoe illegals broke n homes thinking they are empty and most have already committed crimes and return to just either pillage rape. And I worked for the Berkeley Police, and now it’s just a systemic problem. They are afraid they don’t want to get involved or inept. Just rambling, but What happened to Don’t Mess With Texas?

  27. How about the (C)oloradoBI scientist that altered dna evidence in over 650+ cases? 😮

  28. At least they’re admitting to it I can’t even imagine what the statistics are in Democratic shit holes

  29. Kay Alana Turner's disappeared also and I think Harris Co LE had something to do with it. Not a peep about her case 1 year later. Thank you for calling this sh*t out ❤

  30. I doubt you can fire cops who used that code, as they are WAY understaffed as it is. Defund the police movements are responsible for some of this. Democrat cities are collapsing all over the country.. Houston will be the same. Some of this they asked for and are getting what they wanted. Vote different, and support different ideas to stop all of this.

    I agree with arming yourself, as you have said. And ya, this world has completely lost it!!!

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