
House plays pranks on patients all the time…😅😬 #movie #series


#House #plays #pranks #patients #time.. #movie #series

House plays pranks on patients all the time…😅😬 #movie #series
lawyers near me , House plays pranks on patients all the time…😅😬 #movie #series


38 thoughts on “House plays pranks on patients all the time…😅😬 #movie #series”

  1. What deficiency causes you to NOT move throughout the sleep cycle.
    We MUST move … so there must be something missing ..

  2. Dude… he cooked him. "Is that based on your years of experience arresting innocent people?"

  3. It's funny he says that because I would fear a nurse's wrath any day over some pompous "police"agent 😂
    They are a) nicer and B) smarter than any of them also c) have access to the"fun" meds

  4. House was right about the cop. The cop just didn't want him to know that house had gotten to him and read him to a T

  5. I absolutely hated this police officer the dude was so fucking petty and broke so many laws in his pettiness but faced no consequences

    Atleast when house breaks a law it saves a life

  6. I mean if I can remove my left arm before I go to bed ( I sleep on my left side) I would 10000000% do it because hell it really hurts

  7. “Doc, it hurts when I do this normal, ordinary thing that all people should be able to do, but isn’t like mission critical to surviving the next 7 days”

    “idk man just don’t do the thing”

  8. I’d imagine intimidating a nurse is difficult
    At least those that have been working for a few years

  9. Cops always think people are trying to intimidate them, when actually is just mocking their stupidity

  10. The whole point of this is that the cop is a Dark Mirror, he expects House to use intimidation and power to mess with the people around him because that's what he does.
    He recognizes that House is an addict because he is one, just hiding it better.
    He expects House to screw up and loose all the people important to him, because that is what has already happened to the Cop.
    Finally, the only reason he went after House in the first place is because House refused to be cowed by his stern demeanor, refused bow to the social niceties that cops exploit to get 'respect' And generally called him out on his bullshit.

    He is House, if House had become a cop, instead of a doctor.

  11. I agree with the painful arm sceɓario. Im mobility challeenged and can only sleep on my left side. In the morning it hurts bad enough that i often cry feom the pain . I can use my extra long heating pad to get some relief. Acupuncture helped some years ago but our Dr died. We all miss her 🎉🎉😮😮

  12. For real though they need some preventative measure for arm pain while sleeping
    I literally cannot sleep if I don't sleep on my arm like that it is impossible

  13. “Is that based on your years of experience arresting innocent people?” How do you even come back from that comeback? 😅

  14. I hated that cop so much. He was a piece of shit with a God complex because he's got a badge

  15. I would much rather have a brilliant arrogant doctor than an asshole arrogant cop. Cops abuse their power all the time. The one in this show is a detestable character. Just like real cops.

  16. House is only mean to the nurses if they actually make a mistake. He's fully aware of the hard work they do

  17. Lmfao

    You ever notice that House actually isn't as snarky to nurses? Yeah, for a reason

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