
Hearing on Fulton County DA Fani Willis’ eligibility in Trump prosecution


Hearing on Fulton County DA Fani Willis’ eligibility in Trump prosecution

#Hearing #Fulton #County #Fani #Willis #eligibility #Trump #prosecution

Hearing on Fulton County DA Fani Willis’ eligibility in Trump prosecution

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38 thoughts on “Hearing on Fulton County DA Fani Willis’ eligibility in Trump prosecution”

  1. Why are tax payers paying 5 full grown men, to walk around and throw themselves in front of this degenerate, corrupt, sorry excuse of a civil servant? D Trump isn’t even provided security detail even tho that’s standard for every former US prez. He has to provide his own. Bc of lying hypocrits like this creature on stand. Gah!!!

  2. She is exhausting to listen to , dumb people literally are beyond my patience level, I cant listen to her OMG!!!!!

  3. Lol all the maga morons in this comment section grasping at straws cause they know there’s nothing there to hit Willis with.

  4. Gaddang! Is this how ALL attorneys “answer questions” on the stand? Or is it just these two that pretend they have different definitions of every single qualifying word, or noun or any damn word? Or maybe they’re really that dumb? They can’t be tho, I think they’re just corrupt to the core. Bleh! These types will always destroy any good we establish in the world. 1:54:21

  5. Fani is INSUFFERABLE!!! Guilty as sin. She doesn't deserve the position she's in. She's corrupt, and a disgusting representation of what a real woman is, and should be💯💯

  6. They are all corrupt starting with the judge. The way he allowed her to disrespect the court and the lawyers is crazy.

  7. Funny how the people trying so hard to disenfranchise the voters is the real crooks after all. Not surprising at all! It’s a pretty proven fact it’s all a sham! But the former President for having some classified documents, which he has Clearance for and all have done! Then find Biden has them laying around in boxes from when he wasn’t allowed to even remove them, but Trump should be prosecuted. In a normal world, maybe the archive should examine what ex-president and outgoing officials have as policy.

  8. I can see why this hearing is a circus. Everything this woman (Fani Willis) touches turns into a sht-show. How someone just bust into a courtroom, mean-mug the judge and try to approach him without permission 😂 Oh man, this is gonna be good 1:22:40

  9. This judge is a plant just like the young thug case a planted judge that is corrupt the hole America nows it

  10. How many lies can to told right i front of the judge an the American people. Voters in Georgia is this what you want as a D.A hope not a typical Democrat..

  11. Being a civil servant should be an act of duty, one that’s a pain in the ass like jury duty. You do it bc you feel a responsibilty to your community, town, city, state, or country. It should have NEVER been a lifetime career, and especially not a means to become multimillionairs. Additionally we need to revoke the means for them to invest in markets they control how it can flux and flow to their benifit, or know in advance what will happen bc they understand when they start a war or any other action/law in a way they can predict investments will benefit. It’s RIDICULOUS! that they can blatantly do this currently, ehHEM! Nancy Peloci, cough, ehem

  12. There is real financial waste going on within the department of Community Affairs and the department of children and families in the state of Georgia.

  13. The fact that “civil servents” can take all these expensive, exotic trips that those they serve will never in our lives be able to take one trip like that, is infurriating.

  14. Everybody has a right to be in a relationship with whom ever it may be Trump just trying to get out of his trial that's what this is really about

  15. Remove this JUDGE he is bought and paid for ! Disgrace ! We need to hold ppl accountable !!!! Time to do like thy would !

  16. Bad Company CORRUPTS Good Company
    Here in this case " birds of a feather 🪶 🐦 🐦‍⬛ 🦜 🦚 🪶 🦢 🐦, flock together ❤️
    Let the average citizen, and i say citizen, bc right now we dead last, it would be halted in a hot 🔥 second
    This guy is a worm 🪱 he's a player 👏

  17. So we can do this in public but we cant have hearings wwith those on supreme court and the millions they have taken. We cant have public hears on Trump, his wife, daughter taking trade make sweet deals while in office. We cant have hearing about Jared taking what could be billions from foreign countries while in offfice working in those countries on peace…but we can hold hearings on this…in public…to embarrass these folks. Men have office affairs in every profession…is this going to be aired for the world? SMDH

  18. Fani totally watched his testimony. Wtf is going on in Georgia? So much corruption from the trump hearings to ysl. This state needs a total rehaul of all its govt employees and start all over again.

  19. She is such a lier if they didn't have anything to worry about and if they wasn't corrupt then why is she so hostile???

  20. Fani you no longer have a private life when you put your entire life out there as a public figure. You used federal funds inappropriately so you deserve jail time.

  21. FANI LIED! The cross examiner was a PANSY! The main stream media is kissing Fani's cellulite butt to push sympathy for a bitch who uses taxpayer money to date men and show them a good old time. She should go to prison for life. Her attitude told the story of what actually happened. The judge is another piece of work Freemason commie.

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