
Hear why Scaramucci says Trump’s criminal case is ‘killing him’ with donors


Hear why Scaramucci says Trump’s criminal case is ‘killing him’ with donors

#Hear #Scaramucci #Trumps #criminal #case #killing #donors

Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci speaks to CNN’s Anderson Cooper about Trump’s upcoming criminal trial slated to begin March 25. #CNN #News
criminal law , Hear why Scaramucci says Trump’s criminal case is ‘killing him’ with donors, #Trump,#Scaramucci,#Hushmoney,#campaign

42 thoughts on “Hear why Scaramucci says Trump’s criminal case is ‘killing him’ with donors”

  1. Taxpayers money was wasted on Trump case, make him pay with 200% intererest and put the Con in jail and his GOP

  2. Some of the Top Secret docs he had are worth millions to our country’s adversaries. We will never know it anyone sold photo copies of them as they were in exposed locations at his residence/social club. Top Secret docs are kept in highly secure SCIF locations, absolutely not his residence in exposed situations, like on a desk, on the floor, in drawers. Traitorous behavior and he did not care, unbelievable. I used to have Secret security clearance in two of my former jobs, I knew the basics on classified doc handling, Trump very obviously did not. Read the superceded classified docs indictment, has brief summary of the nature of groups of the classified docs (over 300). Open/shut case, guilty on all 40 felony charges. Watch somebody bring up the Biden docs without mentioning Pence in the same circumstance. In those cases follow up investigations cleared them, unlike Trump who attempted to hide some of them from the FBI and his own lawyers after conspiring with his aide. Then later conspiring and trying to have security tapes erased to conceal movements involving classified docs, so still more charges on conspiracy and obstruction, very clear cut. People need to wake up. Trump is traitorous puts his ego before national security.

  3. Because he will be disqualified for secret service protection, he will spend his time at an undisclosed US Army base with separate quarters with no visitors and one phone call per week. All high profile prisoners get this.

  4. Extremely wealthy people (multi-millionaires and billionaires) intensely dislike uncertainty and loathe uncertainty with their money even more. All the big "whales" (donors over 100,000 dollar amounts) have all abandoned him and have moved on to Nikki Haley or even Joe Biden. Trump is trying to squeeze 5, 10 or 20 dollar amounts from retired MAGAts living off of government benefits. It's as if a person got blasted with a machine gun, was bleeding profusely and put a bandaid on the wound…it just ain't gonna cut it.

  5. 2024 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

  6. Scaramucci is a null factor as far as I'm conderned. He was Trump's press secretary until he showed the world what a low, vulgar individual he was. He drew so much criticism even Trump thought it wise to fire him. So now he's been fired and pretty much disgraced and never was truthful or honest, so why put him on? CNN is better than this.

  7. He's hurting with large donors because they have somewhat working brains, unlike the MAGA Cult masses. Trump's a useful idiot to the big $$ donors who see him as beneficial to corporate greed.

  8. Anthony Scaramucci has got it. His assessment of how to beat ex President Trump is refreshing and correct imo. His advice to Nikki Haley to invite people beyond the Trump into the Republican party is excellent advice if she has the charisma and policies to pull it off.

  9. Why the hell would you give Scaramucci a platform? Ask a direct question, get a direct answer, done. Was sleaze, is sleaze

  10. How is Cohen’s credibility any less than Trump’s. At least Cohen accepted his guilt and plead out. Trump is a habitual liar and has been proven to be lying under oath.

  11. If there is any justice in the universe, Trump is at long last finally going to be held accountable. He not only is not fit to hold any office, he is not fit to be a member of the human race.

  12. He’s deserves more than what he’s getting.! He’s should be put in solitary confinement for life. He’s wicked!!!!

  13. I'm not a Trump fan but it's getting sdder and sadder watching so many people that have turned their entire career into opining on Trump.. Nothing is going to happen to him and he'll be the nominee. I'm actually surprised that AC has relegated himself to obsessing over Trump when he used to actually leave the office and report on real people.

  14. Bragg''s state case is not federally political The judge must jail Trump if found guilty and hold him as a flight risk even if he appeals. TRump's dis of the state courts must be accounted for

  15. You just know that the richest man on earth, Putin, will be more than happy to help donny out by paying his civil court financial liabilities and lawyer expenses. I'm sure donny still has him on his speed dial. Meanwhile, vladdy daddy is enjoying the show in the House.

  16. What problem does Michael Cohen have? He's 100% believable because he is 100% telling the truth. CNN reporters need to back off the party line a little, and use your own ears, brain, and eyeballs.

  17. Melania didn't care. She was probably welcoming to anyone that would do the dirty with her slob of a husband. Trump was hiding it from evangelicals that believe he's a Christian

  18. If Trump is handled with kid gloves. It have a scaring effect on the justice system of the US. If that, expect a miasma to engulf the electorate that will last for decades.

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