
“He Should Have Died In Prison!” O.J. Simpson Lawyers Debate


“He Should Have Died In Prison!” O.J. Simpson Lawyers Debate

#Died #Prison #O.J #Simpson #Lawyers #Debate

Piers Morgan Uncensored holds a debate on notorious American football player and actor O.J. Simpson following his death, with lawyer Alan Dershowitz, who was part of Simpson’s defence team, lawyer Gloria Allred, who represented the family of O.J’s murdered ex wife Nicole Simpson Brown, academic and author Marc Lamont Hill and author Jeffrey Toobin.

Do they think O.J. killed his ex wife? Was his trial an issue of race? Would he have been acquitted if the trial was held today? Piers Morgan asks all the above and more.

00:00 – O.J. Simpson trial
01:20 – Did O.J. do it?
04:10 – Is there any doubt he committed the crimes?
05:20 – O.J. Simpson death coverage
06:50 – Gloria Allred: ‘I think it is clear he did it’
08:40 – What role did race play in his acquittal?
12:00 – Mark Fuhrman ‘planting evidence’ accusations
13:50 – “The system has failed women and victims of violence”
15:00 – Was the evidence tampered with?
16:36 – Were the police involved in tampering?
24:39 – “So you’re against the constitution?”
26:03 – What would have happened if the trial happened today?
31:00 – Summing up O.J. Simpson in one sentence

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criminal lawyer , “He Should Have Died In Prison!” O.J. Simpson Lawyers Debate, piers morgan,piers morgan uncensored,interview,debate,piers morgan debate,piers morgan interview,o.j. simpson,o.j. simpson trial,alan dershowitz,alan dershowitz oj simpson,gloria allred,gloria allred nicole simpson brown,nicole simpson brown,ron goldman,Marc Lamont Hill,Jeffrey Toobin,o.j. simpson death,Mark Fuhrman,mark fuhrman tapes,oj simpson,oj simpson trial,o.j. simpson piers morgan

35 thoughts on ““He Should Have Died In Prison!” O.J. Simpson Lawyers Debate”

  1. if the gloves didnt fit. the cuts didnt match the knife, gloves were planted, timeline didn't work, killed 2 people without seriously getting hurt…..why do we think he was guilty? hunch?

  2. Yeah, Carolyn Bryant Donham should have been picked up on that old @zz warrant and have died in prison too! Don't you just hate when the justice system fails victims and their families?

  3. Allen, u belong in jail for behaviors w/ other men’s minor daughters, so u pipe down a little son!

  4. What’s the motive? If it wasn’t OJ – who had a motive to kill them? There wasn’t a robbery, there was no sexual assault. He was abusive, she left him, he was angry…

  5. The jury made the correct decision on both the evidence and the law. Period, like it or not that's all there is to it. The cops did not get away with framing another person.

  6. Those things Allen is saying were disputed in the trial…Allen is making claims that were not proven in the trial…everything he saying was argued, not concluded. Now the prosecution isnt here…and he's making claims as if that was proven conclusively in court

  7. If OJ did it why weren't there more scars from a arcane gory scene he would have more cuts & bruises?

  8. Wait a minute. Is it possible that the prosecutor did those so he can put reasonable doubt the jury’s mind? This sounds fishy as hell. Not to mention I had no idea two people were murdered.

  9. Naw Brah…Im Black and I stand with our race…But EVERYBODY knows that he did it…That brother is just standing up for our people…and Im not gonna do that for "two innocent white people" who didnt deserve that…especially because she just didnt want him anymore!!!

  10. Planted evidence does cause reasonable doubt! Now I understand why O.J. was acquitted. But, I still think he did it.

  11. Allen is insinuating that the prosecution attempted to frame OJ Simpson…Why do you need to frame a guilty person? Truth is, he was found not guilty for two reasons…#1) Officer Furman's "gargantuous" mistake of testifying falsely about using the "N" word…

    #2) The Glove…to which it was reported that they could've also used a "brand new" exact pair ( I'm certain, would have fitted) and model…

  12. The prosecution lost the case when they decided to try OJ in downtown LA. A majority black jury would not have convicted him if he himself presented video footage of himself killing them and laughing while he did it.

  13. I'm gonna make a lot of people mad. feeling I would have quitted him too.The gloves did not fit. Chemicals on the gloves. The socks are questionable. Too much tampering with the i Evidence.

  14. RIP Emmit Till ,RIP 4 little girls in Atlanta , RIP Medgar Evers RIP Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman , RIP to hundreds of others who suffered at the hands of white injustice throughout our black history.

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