
He shot an entire family at a Costco [True Crime Documentary]


He shot an entire family at a Costco [True Crime Documentary]

#shot #entire #family #Costco #True #Crime #Documentary

Just past 7:30PM at a busy Costco superstore in Corona, California the sound of gunfire rang out.

Dozens of calls were placed to 911 while shoppers ran for the doors, or dropped to the floor.

The response was rapid, but the details of what had occurred were patchy, at best. What was clear was that an entire family on their weekly grocery shop had been targeted by a single gunman.

While emergency services rushed the wounded to the hospital – the shooter, an off-duty LAPD officer, was escorted from the store, ostensibly uninjured and without assistance…

Podcast (audio links):

Theme music by Audio Hertz, Luck Witch via YouTube music
criminal lawyer , He shot an entire family at a Costco [True Crime Documentary], True Crime,Just Thought Lounge,JTL,Coffeehouse Crime,That Chapter,MrBallen,twisted minds,true crime documentary,true crime youtubers,free crime documentary,true crime stories,murders documentary,Salvador Sanchez,Kenneth French,Russell French,Paola French,Costco shooting,Costco shooter,Corona,corona california,California,LAPD

30 thoughts on “He shot an entire family at a Costco [True Crime Documentary]”

  1. My sister use to beat me about my head..(abused, mentally, emotionally, physically)…but she sometimes would hit me so hard on the back of my head that I would see stars, sometimes lose a bit of consciousness….its the same thing as baby shaken syndrome…your brain gets pushed around inside your skull…..I had often felt disoriented to the point of not knowing where I was. I have also fallen and hit my head on concrete….I endured this constant abuse until I was 45 yrs old, am 65 now, I disowned her….my sister is mentally ill…. its a horrible situation/outcome….but you bring a mentally ill child out in the public as parents you are solely responsible for what they do. The young man attacked the cop, trust me my sister has attacked me before where I had to defend myself with any means available, this is why I carry pepper spray…

  2. Another case of respect my authority. Look how much the cops try to protect their own. Sending in drones and shit when he's clearly lying. You just tried to murder a whole family

  3. Am I missing something? Why didn’t they take his gun and run a ballistics test? I haven’t even found any comments asking the same thing.

  4. So I watched the video to the end, and read a ton of comments. The story this video is trying to sell, and what many of the people believe after watching it, would mean that an upright law enforcement officer with a good record decided to commit random murder of strangers inside a Costo. I'd sooner believe that the earth is flat and that the moon really is made of cheese. What really happenened is that the Grand Jury was given better facts and so they exhonerated him, and the public and espeially the family doesn't trust the system, but the system worked fine this time. The officer was struck by the mentally disabled son who was fresh off his meds and hit the officer SO HARD that he thought he had been struck by a bullet. When an officer is assulted out of the blue, is concussed, and fires his weapon in the belief that it is in self defense, he is justifyably immune to procecution even if he made some minor mistakes and missjudgements that tragically ended in the loss of human life. It is sad, but the officer, while not perfect, is not a criminal and deserved no punishment from the justice system. The family will be the last people on earth to grasp this fact, and it is understandable that they have many sympathisers. If the mentally disabled son did not violently assult the officer, then you have to say that the officer decided to commit random murder for no reason. And that is utterly ludicrous!!!!!!! He falsely believed his life was threatened and acted correctly if that had been true. It wasn't true, but he found that out too late.

  5. A blow to the deceased's family?!! The officer fell, hit his head and DROPPED HIS SON. He thought he was shot. Why wouldn't he shoot back?! That aside, THE DECEASED HAD MENTAL and ANGER ISSUES, witnesses SAW HIM WITH CLENCHED FISTS and his OWN MOTHER ACCUSED HER SON OF SLAPPING/HITTING/PHYSICALLY TOUCHING the cop holding his 20 month son.

  6. So this america, like the old west. You can shoot someone and get away with it if you're a policeman. Disgusting.

  7. They were UNARMED CIVILIAN'S for fuck sake!!!! In a fuckin STORE FULL of other innocent civilians!!! But oh he's a cop so no charge's filed that's unbelievable i just don't understand this bullshit!!!

  8. And the defense attorney has dementia. Or at least, he’s one of those the end is near mfkrs. He really said my client only had 3 seconds to react. That timing was of when the guy hit the floor and then started shooting off of a very uneducated assessment. That timing was only made by him, as a normal person he could’ve fallen than lifted his head or even just said “dude what the fruck”.

  9. I mean if he was off duty then he is a civilian. Costcos policy is strictly a no weapon zone. He brought his weapon!! Could’ve been avoided. He’s tarded

  10. The French's were aware of Kenneth's unstable mental problems. They never should have taken him to the Cosco. He should have never been in the position to attack Sanchez, and knock him down.

    Once the Grand Jury no billed him and the Riverside DA declined to prosecute. The case should have ended. Instead of Sanchez being thrown underneath the bus.

  11. The lawyer claims he only had 3 seconds to decide how to react. No, he decided in less than 3 seconds. He shot the guy in 3 seconds, and it takes a couple of seconds to draw your weapon. So he drew his gun within 1 second, not 3.

    I work for the police department myself, but I'm calling BS on this former cop's story

  12. Is there anyone like me that is wondering why this young man walked up to the police officer that was holding his young child in his arms and proceeded to hit him in the back of the head. Only mentally impaired people do these types of things. Parents that love their children are very protective of them and quick to react when they feel their life is threatened! This is a very unfortunate event with casualties on both sides.

  13. This is some real corrupt BS. Cosco didn’t have any other cameras?! Yeah okay. That guy was still laying on the floor when police arrived, trying to look like the victim. I’m so glad that they had some form of justice and that he lost his job.

  14. Things might have occurred uneventfully if the ‘sick’ one’s behavior had been better evaluated by psychiatric doctors who should know that stopping his meds was not in society’s favor. His parents thought they would be safe to take him to the store with them but couldn’t accept the responsibility for his death after he acted out in the store. As the son acted inappropriately in the store by striking the person from behind, it’s no wonder that his action caused the alarmed reaction of the man he struck down. Yeah, ten acts with the firearm is the result of that overreaction but understandable as that guy took a blow to his head hard enough to cause internal brain injury. Cement caused that. It’s sad that untreated mental illness takes a community to deal with it but it does.

  15. If anyone else did want this “cop” did they would be in prison, he’s a criminal and a sociopath.

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