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criminal lawyer , HE REACHED! – OFFICER SAFETY!!, 1st amendment audit,first amendment audit,deletelawz,delete,lawz,1st amendment audit fail,first amendment audit fail,back the blue,audit,transparency,ID Refusal,Cop Owned,Dirty Cops,Rights,Justice,Know Your Rights,America,Freedom,USA,American,Honor Your Oath,Rule Of Law,Facts,4th Amendment,5th Amendment,2nd Amendment,2A,6th Amendment,14th Amendment,8th Amendment,SCOTUS,Supreme Court,Case Precedent,Law Boy,Jurisprudence,Bill of Rights,Court,Jury,Liberty

30 thoughts on “HE REACHED! – OFFICER SAFETY!!”

  1. I think the big question is how he said how we were able to kill breana Taylor like nothing?

  2. When ANYONE, bust' through THE VESSELS of Your home, THE SAFETY of YOU AND YOURS,SUPERCEDES THEIRS !!!!!—

  3. I've experienced a no knock raid. It's unreal. They come in fast and aggressive. Assault rifles pointed at my head!! Kind of happens in slow motion

  4. "Im here with Officer Madwine"

    Me: Didn't he already said that all cops are Jackboot Thug Pigs and they deserved to be disrespected???


  5. It's like having a job at any corporation there are rules and regulations on paper but they get broken on a regular basis for lots of excuses police break their own laws every single day they get away with it because they appear to be on each other's side but when shit hits the fan they will all crumble because they were never solid they applied for a job even they don't want to do but they don't know how to do anything else

  6. I have found a place on Earth with a more stable government, where the $ is strong, civil rights are strong and education is in the top 20.

  7. This is because you're under Article 1 LEGISLATIVE COMMERCIAL Jurisdiction WAKE THE FUCK UP::: THE CONSTITUTION YOU'RE USING BELONGS TO THE CORPORATION CALLED THE UNITED STATES ::: ,ITis not the Constitution that was written FOR THE REPUBLIC .. THAT Constitution was scrapped by the bankruptcy of the civil war because LINCOLN BORROWED MONEY FROM THE CENTRAL BANKERS AND THEY CAPTURED THE REPUBLIC BY BANKRUPTCY. Keep believing the scholar or do some research and find the truth

  8. Only one thing gonna happen when you break into my house unannounced. I don’t care who you are, who you’re with, what color you are, what color you’re wearing, or what kind of paper you posses.

  9. Silly Chille doesn't even know how to pronounce "exigent circumstances. " What a great Constitutional Law Scholar he is. LMAO.

  10. And where is Chille now ? What happened to the law scholar ? He has never been to any law school and I’m fact has no degree and in fact has no credits for r ever going to college anywhere!
    Chille is a fraud and he is serving 6 month’s sentence and the fact he has never won a court case and all cases against him have stood up in court and he has Warrants in Ohio and another court date in Clark county means he may be in jail a lot longer

  11. There's Obviously no safety for the people. But police have safety 🙄 🤔 . Again Corruption

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