
‘He Pulled The Trigger’: Hannah Payne Full Police Interrogation


‘He Pulled The Trigger’: Hannah Payne Full Police Interrogation

#Pulled #Trigger #Hannah #Payne #Full #Police #Interrogation

Tuesday morning, prosecutors in the citizen’s arrest turned deadly trial showed jurors the interrogation footage of Hannah Payne just hours after the fatal shooting occurred. Payne is currently on trial for the murder of Kenneth Herring, who she allegedly shot in “self defense” after witnessing a hit-and-run crash.

#HannahPayne #MurderTrial #LawAndCrime

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38 thoughts on “‘He Pulled The Trigger’: Hannah Payne Full Police Interrogation”

  1. There was absolutely NO REASON this had to happen. She thought she was the law and she thought she was above the law. I am glad justice was served and she will never walk free again.

  2. He did not do what she says he did. And even if he would of done that, he is allowed to defend himself if a crazed woman is ar his door with a gun! I mean shes the one who came up to him pointing a gun! So NOTHING she says, like "claiming self defense" holds no weight. She was a straight up ROAD RAGER…. Its that simple.

  3. Extreme narcissism, pretending to be a victim in the problem you created. I bet she identifies as a "patriot." Condolences to his and even her family, all of it sucks for the innocent victims, of which she is not.

  4. She's the last of her kind. You don't have to go far back in time, when a judge, jury, detectives, governor, mayor, senator would
    have exonerated her.

  5. She doesn't seem to be worried or bothered really. Almost as if she's enjoying this new found attention.

  6. She thought she was going to receive some type of citizens award and be honored for what she thought was heroism. Smh. And i get family wanting to support their loved one but idk if i would feel comfortable going as far as sitting there watching my child say a bold face lie on the stand. It really takes common sense to know what happened and if that didn't work, all the witnesses stories corroborated one another except with this defendant. She thought her privilege would get her off. Still not over biting her nails off. That was insane

  7. See the way of inhuman interrogation. The police in interrogation should be suspended. The female should be interrogated by female. This is fallowed in many countrys. Handcuff for woman is uncivilised system. Forceful compulsion is not right. All these show how corrupt is american police. Many incidences occur in usa. But highlighting an incidence when a woman is accused is not correct. The alligation is not correct. She must be freed.

  8. Sometimes having a firearm in your possesion gives sociopaths a feeling of power over others who sre unarmed.

  9. She stated on the witness stand that he was fighting her and that some of her finger nails broke off her own nails ????

  10. The Ultimate Karen from someone called Karen. I have no doubt this woman views herself as “helping” others, in reality she is a controlling, grandiose woman with little empathy for others. She has no doubt spent her life “interjecting” herself into many situations which are none of her business.

  11. She said he Tore her shirt, but she has a huddy on covering the evidence. Why???!! This whole interview, was her way of trying to get the investigators on her side. It failed and the jury saw threw her bull!! Smh she drove herself to go straight to Jail!!! 😮

  12. She used the Kyle Rittenhouse defense. The “I put myself into a situation I had no business being in and then killed in self defense” so glad it didn’t work this time

  13. She acted so unbothered in court this past week but seeing how much weight she has gained in the last 4 years is very telling. Thats stress weight. She definitely wasn’t stressing over the life she took but over the life she knew she was about to lose.

  14. Her saying that he said “I got something for you” but also begging her to “shoot me shoot me” is so contradicting. So which is it… he was ready to fight back or he had a death wish? Smh

  15. I love the way the detective became her college bestie, as she listened to her lie. She knew how to help Hannah relax right into her lies. She never once reacted to the lies with disappointment or disbelief. Job well done detective. The male detective made it very clear that he was not buying it at all. Which I understand but he went in immediately “help me understand!” He did not come to play. As soon as he had all of her lies written down, he went for the kill.

  16. It’s just in the blood for some people, to kill in cold blood with zero remorse. She’s one of those people. And to turn around and lie on that man, saying that he said “shoot me! Shoot me” is disgusting.

  17. This man must have had 10 arms and hands. He is surely doing a lot, grabbing, pulling, and pushing. Throw her whole story away.

  18. This entire case is a no brainer! You don’t just roll up to a car accident that has absolutely nothing to do with you and pull out a gun and shoot one of the drivers! Why? What for? This is utterly ridiculous to go this far and not just mind your own business…..I really don’t get it??

  19. It is sad that the taking of a life causes no remorse. I can't imagine how Id feel devastated regardless of the cause. She's cold-hearted and sad

  20. Takes a special kind of person to have the audacity to do something of this magnitude and that the situation didn't even involve her,she involved herself, she could of just drove on home !

  21. Hannah Payne is one of the heroes in America… Imagine the rest of the US not using their 2nd amendment to stop this corruption before it is too late

  22. Imagine her as a police officer with the protection of a badge and the protection of the blue lives matter bunch. How many lives would have been lost at her hands while she was protected over and over and over.

  23. I wonder if that state officer who she said he told her go go get him 😂😂 I wonder if he deputized her before she pulled off to go get him with her gun deputy dog thought she was authorized to shoot to kill from the state officer 😢😢

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