
HATE CRIME LAW: ‘Ripe for abuse’ says Douglas Ross


HATE CRIME LAW: ‘Ripe for abuse’ says Douglas Ross

#HATE #CRIME #LAW #Ripe #abuse #Douglas #Ross

Scotland’s First Minister has been accused of “ignoring” warnings over the impact of a new hate crime law.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act will come into force on April 1, consolidating existing legislation and creating an offence of stirring up hatred against protected groups – a law on the statute book for race since 1986 in Scotland.

But the legislation has come under fire from opponents who claim it could lead to a chilling of free speech and be open to vexatious complaints.

Mr Ross went on to quote the views of those – including senior SNP MP Joanna Cherry KC – who believe the criminal investigation into complaints may be a punishment in itself for those targeted by police.

The First Minister, however, said he has “absolute faith” in Police Scotland’s ability to weed out vexatious complaints.

– Contents of video: –
00:00 – None-crime hate incident
03:23 – New law ripe for abuse
06:39 – The Bill is flawed
10:27 – Law can be weaponised


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criminal law , HATE CRIME LAW: ‘Ripe for abuse’ says Douglas Ross, humza yousaf,fmqs,first ministers questions,douglas ross,scotland,Scottish,scottish government,msp,msps,Edinburgh,SNP,scottish national party,Holyrood,Scottish politics,British politics,politics,UK politics,gb politics,Scotland politics,nats,news,scottish news,political news,UK news,snp news,British news,snp latest,douglas ross v humza,humza yousaf scotland,snp leader,snp latest news,hamza yusuf snp,hate crime law,joanna cherry

28 thoughts on “HATE CRIME LAW: ‘Ripe for abuse’ says Douglas Ross”

  1. So if somebody went up to Humzy while he was out canvassing, and said they hate him, his party and their ideas. Could they be arrested ? Because it’s going to happen 😂

  2. The FM reguarly spews hate from the confines of the Holyrood chamber with his anti-Tory, anti-Westminster, anti-English rhetoric at every FMQs

  3. Who is the racial misogynist Humza referred to in his defence of his blasphemy law to come?

  4. Will it be illegal to hate youself? I'm talking about those of low self-esteem who often voice off to others how much they hate themselves. So if someone is offended by their behaviour and
    then makes a complaint, is this a hate crime?

  5. We've never needed to stifle free speech, or needed any hate bill crimes under any previous governments. I wonder what the common denominator is now?.

  6. 1939 Germany And Stalins Russia is 2024s Scotland due to the SNP / Greens!!

    This is despicable and deplorable !!

    This HAS to change at the election!

    The Scottish population is going to be persecuted / perhaps even PROSECUTED due to people having an opinion !

    An OPINION !

    This is sinister and SO scary !!

    Hopefully the Scottish public will think about what is going to happen in ALL areas of our lives …

    Even within our OWN homes.

    NO ONE is safe from this SNP/ Greens policy !

    There should never be any hate directed to any minority , ideology etc etc .

    That is so true and correct .

    Hate is a terrible mindset.

    But as a human beings, we ALL have opinions , thoughts and feelings as regards the world , politics , etc !

    Why is the SNP doing this ???

  7. The SNP /Green things have destroyed Scotland & soon will be out. SNP are trying to make us a communist country . Scotland & UK are still a free country with free speech . That is not the same thing as direct hate crime. We are not a Police state !

  8. We need a review of Scottish justice, Ra£ists and attempted murderer under 25 should go to prison, for life if need be to protect the public. This hate crime needs striking down. We need laws that protect children and make those who SA them, share images of such then first offence or not they to go to prison and not get suspended sentences – which they more often than not do despite having multiple offences. We need attackers to stay in prison for a decent sentence.

  9. The only thing this bill is going to do is stir up hate….it's a ridiculous bill…
    These ministers that voted this in I really wonder how they can't see the problem with it… holyrood should be shut down it does more harm than good….

  10. Had he said his tirade about the number if white people in charge of Scottish institutions after April 1st, I would have been compelled to complain to Police Scotland about his hate crime.

  11. What a bunch of clowns. You couldn't make a joke about it because someone might be offended!!!!! R.I.P Scotland and commonsense.

  12. So i could get a police record for hating, what's wrong with hating something or someone. this is a natural human response to thing we don't like or want, like, i hate fish, is that a crime ?

  13. The courts will be fuller than ever with mundane complaints filed by the usual suspects because their feeling’s got hurt. Oops, am I allowed to say that?

  14. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me .useless first minister 😮

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