
Hate Crime Law Is “A NIGHTMARE For Freedom Of Speech In Scotland”


Hate Crime Law Is “A NIGHTMARE For Freedom Of Speech In Scotland”

#Hate #Crime #Law #NIGHTMARE #Freedom #Speech #Scotland

The Free Speech Union’s Ben Jones says Police Scotland will try to find the most “horrifying and outrageous” examples of hate they can in coming weeks so the hate law doesn’t become a ‘laughing stock”.

Around 300 people protested outside the Scottish Parliament to oppose new hate crime legislation, with some saying they were prepared to be jailed.

A coffin bearing a sign reading “We hate hate crime laws” was decorated with masks resembling SNP leader Humza Yousaf and co-leader of the Scottish Greens, Patrick Harvie.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act was described as “totalitarian” and “ammunition for bigots” amid concerns of tit-for-tat reports, with one man taping his mouth closed to show his opposition.

Ben says: “There is a nightmare for freedom of speech in Scotland!”

#hatespeech #scotland #benjones #talktv
criminal lawyer , Hate Crime Law Is “A NIGHTMARE For Freedom Of Speech In Scotland”, debate,free speech,freedom of expression,live,live news,news,politics,talk radio,talk radio live,talk radio tv,talk tv,talk tv live,talkTV,talkradio,talkradio tv,talkradiotv,talktv live,uk,julia,jhb,hartley-brewer,julia hartley-brewer,ben jones,hate speech,scotland,humza yousaf,police,jk rowling

21 thoughts on “Hate Crime Law Is “A NIGHTMARE For Freedom Of Speech In Scotland””

  1. This hate crime law is just a thinly veiled excuse to prevent any criticism of immigrants , Muslims and other ethnic minorities and a way to stop the majority from voicing their opinions by threatening them with repercussions from the law should they have the audacity to speak out .

  2. Western values include free speech, therefore the supporters of the 'religion' of hate must obey our laws.
    Sharia must never be allowed to dominate our culture. Islamic extremism is the real far right.

  3. I'm more interested in the religious aspect, I'm a christian, threats are already covered in law so what is hate towards a religion?, its subjective I don't have to believe someone else's god is the real one or that there is a god at all so I'm very interested to hear what it is?

  4. Well it’s Celtic v rangers on the 7 April big game well we all no that the 2 sides now love each other 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  5. This act is a smokescreen for allowing the creep of a certain religion without it being held to account for its beliefs which are contrary to those of a Christian country!

  6. Since the SNPs been in power the Scots are now the most scared and timid race in Europe, who'd have thought that could ever happen.

  7. Scotland can get effed…. No more freedom of speech…. That's what happens when UK demographic changes to majority moooslim / African / jihadis

  8. Some people can't stand listening to facts or the truth. The Scottish Conservative and Unionist party have stated they will repeal this law. Would someone please ask the Muslim leader of Scottish Labour what they intend to do about it!

  9. Sheik Humza brought this law in to muzzle any criticism of Islam Humaza wants to turn Scotland into his own personal Caliphate

  10. This pathetic Law WILL be used too shut down any speak certain groups dislike, and it will never make it too court but the process they will put you through will devastate many and that in it's self is how they will win.

  11. British people have become Soft little cry babies. Ooops is that classed as a hate crime. I believe my comment falls under the law of freedom of expression. I express people are cry babies. Imagine these people living in the 1940 during the Air raids. They would all be flying white flags.🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿. Keep Great Britain Strong.

  12. Stop treating us as fools Julia, you know EXACTLY who are behind these 'hate crime' bills and their purpose!

  13. Check out Asia Bibi – a Christian who drank from a cup used by Muslim women. She was sentenced to death because Christians are regarded as filthy.

  14. What concerns me is the Act does not define the age of the " person " to whom the " Sexual Orientation " section of characteristics refers . So could it be that a person with such a religion and or cultural background would escape complaint if he ( or she ? ) grooms and has sex with a minor , through fear of reporting such individual and then to be later considered , not as a witness , but as someone committing a hate crime ??

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