
HATE CRIME LAW: Humza & Ross clash over controversial new law


HATE CRIME LAW: Humza & Ross clash over controversial new law

#HATE #CRIME #LAW #Humza #Ross #clash #controversial #law

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross questioned the First Minister on claims from the SPF that just two hours of online training was being given to officers on how to deal with the legislation, which Mr Yousaf said was an operational matter for the Chief Constable.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act was passed by MSPs in 2021, creating a new offence of stirring up hatred based on protected characteristics – matching a similar offence of race already on the statute book.

The law – which also consolidates other hate crime regulations – has proven controversial since it was introduced by the Scottish Government, particularly around its potential impact on free speech.

This week, reports emerged the police could target performers under the Act, based on training undertaken by officers.

– Contents of video: –
00:00 – Police have only 2 hrs training on new Law
01:41 – Lots of disinformation about new law
05:32 – SPF act is recipe for disaster
06:43 – Dougals Ross undermining fight against hatred
09:13 – Legal experts say police could be swamped
10:53 – FM has faith in Police Scotland
13:30 – Serious reservation about Act
15:00 – Only one party oppose this bill


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#scotland #douglasRoss #humzaYousaf #politics
criminal law , HATE CRIME LAW: Humza & Ross clash over controversial new law, humza yousaf,fmqs,first ministers questions,douglas ross,scotland,Scottish,scottish government,msp,msps,Edinburgh,SNP,scottish national party,Holyrood,Scottish politics,British politics,politics,UK politics,gb politics,Scotland politics,nats,news,scottish news,political news,UK news,snp news,British news,snp latest,douglas ross v humza,humza yousaf scotland,snp leader,snp latest news,hamza yusuf snp,hate crime law,snp hate crime law,snp,holyrood

40 thoughts on “HATE CRIME LAW: Humza & Ross clash over controversial new law”

  1. The police are already too busy investigating the SNP! Is this new law a way that will divert the police off the cases? Not mentioning Humza's family or the terrorism money! Also spot the campervan, or battle bus, lol.

  2. You wouldnt believe Jimmy Savile if he said “ it’s all the fault of my victims”, so why would you believe a Tory . Even if they use the same handbook on “grooming the public for a better tomorrow “. These sick in the head people are the real enemy, they hate us all without exception.

  3. Humza useless , this is why the hate crime is coming from 😂 he hates it 😂😂 he's the biggest hater of anyone thats British,

  4. The judiciary are owned by the SNP bain,chartress and roddy the jobby dun-a-plop Q.C???..psst!..SNP own the coppers as well.

  5. Is the mince and tatties too salty for Christine Graham?..from the subsidised restaraunts and bars in holyrood,….while kids go hungry in Scotland!..🤮🤮🤮😡

  6. And I quote:

    The Lord President? White, the Lord Justice Clerk? White, every High Court judge? White, the Lord Advocate? White, the Solicitor General? White, the chief constable? White, every deputy chief constable? White, every assistant chief constable? White, the head of the Law Society? White, the head of the Faculty of Advocates? White and every prison governor? White.

    “That is not the case only in justice. The chief medical officer? White, the chief nursing officer? White, the chief veterinary officer? White, the chief social work adviser? White, almost every trade union in the country, headed by people who are white people. In the Scottish Government every director general is white. Every chair of every public body is white.

    Police Vans White, Motor Home White….
    Will some one make a complaint about the FM?

  7. He's not here for Scottish people that should be evident. Freedom of speech was one of Scotland best qualities… Now this stupid Muslim can't take criticism 🤷 oh no words ,,,they hurt,,,my ego

  8. Yousaf and the SNP are the party of hate and division. Please close Holyrood down as it is a complete waste of money.

  9. The only speech that should be Regulated is speech which incites physical violence.
    Humza Useless is modern day Marxist turning Scotland's police force into a modern day Stazi.

  10. I can’t wait for the Scottish electorate to vote out these knob jockeys lead by the useless hamza.

  11. Need to watch for china sneeking in the back door , promises to build things ,say its all in good cause ,,then ship people's in to take over ,males at military age ,

  12. I would never vote for a muslim, and if i ever did i would deserve every consequence that came from it.

  13. This is only the start……Each year more restrictions on speech will happen until ANY COMMENT A PERSON FEELS OFFENSIVE WILL BE A CRIME!

  14. Note the Churchill noding dog in the back ground…shes always there what the hell is she paid for . Yes ,lets congratulate another person of a difrent hue leading anothet part of the UK . Christ wil we never learn …answer no!

  15. Under international law, humanitarian law and pre-existing British law it is already an offence to discriminate based on race, creed, religion, faith, nationality and sexuality. These ridiculous hate laws have already proven to be discriminatory in nature against, predominantly, white, heterosexual young men and white, heterosexual middle-aged women. Yet someone from a minority of a minority can call hate and the entire "police force" is on the accused. Yet those same people can commit all the most severe criminal actions without repercussions. Maybe put laws on the books that hold politicians accountable when stealing tax-payers money and breaching Scottish, British, international and humanitarian laws. Maybe advocate for laws supporting democracy and limiting authoritarian control. Maybe overturn the SNP laws making everyone property of the state. Maybe overturn SNP laws that allow and obligate teachers to groom children. Maybe pass laws that will better Scotland instead of destroying it and blaming Westminster.

  16. The true colours appeared in that final tirade. Past generations over 2 millenia wouldn't recognise the collapsed state of Scotland brought about by Blair Brown and this parcel o' rogues Parliament that has reared its ugly head.

  17. Since 1986 there has been a law against stirring up racial hatred. So there was no need for a new law.Will Yousaf himself be reported for stirring up racail hatred with video evidence? I would imagine his hatred is very dangerous for social cohesion.

  18. It's great to see the parliament dealing with the important problems facing Scotland, im sure that all the struggling people, will be glad that they are not having to deal with mean words, clown world.😢😢😢😢

  19. Just a Law to protect His religion and its followers , when they next Bomb London Transport , or Mancheaster Arena , when they stab another Squaddie to Death , You will be unable to criticise them . This Hate Law can also be used to Protect the Politican bringing in the Hate Law , speak up about it , and it could be construed as Hate Speech , '' Oh look , he spoke out against the Hate Speech Law , He must Hate us '' .

  20. Whats wrong with the head of the 'Tossing the Caber' Association being white? Anglo saxon with a dash of Viking. Its not a crime ….is it?

  21. The threshold to which he refers is “individual perception” of when a “hate crime” has been committed 🤨

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