
Has Prince Harry been taking tips from Post Office lawyers?


#Prince #Harry #tips #Post #Office #lawyers

Dodgy Disclosure and Limitation Liabilities. And Watergate.

#artoflaw #princeharry #postoffice

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Founded by Alan Robertshaw and @Blackbeltbarrister

lawyers near me , Has Prince Harry been taking tips from Post Office lawyers?


32 thoughts on “Has Prince Harry been taking tips from Post Office lawyers?”

  1. Hello i have some awards for the royals Harry hard worker❤ Charles he's jealous Camilla is a cheater kate is a liar William is laxy love those awards.😂😂😂

  2. i love Mr. Justice Fancourt, but let's face it, if he doesn't throw Harry in the Brig, he will be a Law Lord this time next year.Things like that just tend to happen to legal gentlemen who do that brat a good turn.

  3. The post office lawyers certainly DID understand the disclosure rules but they chose to hide evidence from the other side.

  4. Wasn’t Harry offered a settlement at the same time William and Catherine were? And he turned it down because he thought he should be getting the same amount as William did though it had been reported that he was only hacked less than 1/2 the amount William and Catherine were.
    Also remember when he bragged about being able to read the 6 Jan texts between our U.S. domestic terrorists before the attacks? How was he granted access? Why was he granted access? Yet he didn’t bother to contact the police which leads me to believe he believed in what they were doing? Maybe there were also encrypted detailed conversations between Harry and the Terrorists going back weeks? He had spoken openly about support for his disdain for our First Amendment rights!!

  5. will harry be prosecuted if he destroyed evidence? Markle got away with lying to court

  6. I don't understand how William discovered he, Catherine AND Harry were being hacked and William settled, but Harry didn't know? I thought Harry's claim was that he did know, but the royal family didn't let him somehow.

  7. I like that you manage to fairly criticise a person who is reviled elsewhere on YT, and maintain your balance. I think Harry is ill-advised, and should have gone about things a very different way.

  8. How can he compare himself to the awful situation that those falsely accused went through, Harry is all about money, and being in a perpetual state of victimhood.

  9. Very interesting. I've been following the Post Office Inquiry and this is useful background. Seems like the PO knew what they were doing and have all forgotten what they did and said now.

  10. Doing time in the Clink: I don't think he'll be put in the CLINK, only because of his connections to his former family; whom he's thrown under the bus, redicule, p..ed all over; but he may end up with a hefty fine, probably in the millions, to pay the courts and Newspaper.
    Just my thoughts and opinions expressed on what I hear and read in the media!

  11. What about when the ppl failing to disclose are the Police?
    Who have the power to delete & alter evidence at will, in a case where there is no evidence against you, and still they lie and obfuscate bc the government and legal system are fully complicit. I have the former Police Commissioner of my County on record lying and I can't interest a soul in it. The Law is whatever they say it is.

  12. The judge has the chance to prove money doesn't buy judgements. Where are you exactly, glorious scenery.

  13. Turns out that Gareth Jenkins was not supposed to be an Expert Witness after all, just a 'witness of fact'. What will happen to all those lawyers, and judges, who regarded him as such?

  14. Thank you sir, that was extremely informative, I know now my plan to slap the defendants with an 244 requesting an unless order when I submit my 208 is the way to go to get their defence struck off unless they disclose with acknowledgement.

  15. Let's all bash the Harry! You never go on about Andrew in the same way. What ever you perceive as Harry's wrong doings, you must agree they are nowhere near as bad as Andrew. And yet you say nothing. Why? I am no fan of Harry, but I never seen the point of this obsessive Harry bashing. There is alot worse things going on.

  16. What about people who systematically delete communications after a year (or whatever)? Or just don't save texts and emails when they switch to a new phone (and wipe the old one before disposal for security reasons)? When data storage was much more expensive than now, any email in my inbox that I hadn't filed elsewhere for future reference got deleted, because I had limited space in my inbox.

    I know of organisations that delete old documents regularly as part of the normal course of business. Only documents that are known to be important get kept.

    I know that financial records that could be relevant to tax need to be kept for seven? years, but what about other things? Should we keep communications just in case we get involved in a lawsuit?

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