
Hard for employers and employees!


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47 thoughts on “Hard for employers and employees!”

  1. I think most guys just don’t want to lose half of their stuff and have to shell out child support and alimony when the alternative of literally doing whatever they want without a 50+ percent chance of their lives getting burnt down.

    Could be wrong though. I’m no expert on the matter.

  2. You cannot find something better. You will be a lonely person if you try to do that garbage don’t.

  3. Monopolies can lead to unfair consumer practices. When a company has no competitors, consumers have no choice but to buy from the monopoly.

    …monopolies are generally considered bad bc they have complete control over the market, which is never in the best interest of the consumer.

    It really keeps them dependent on you. Especially for things they need to survive. If you were handing out water 100$/ per bottle. you could do it while throwing feces at people, and they would still come back. Because your the only option.

    The problem is everyone nowadays has options 😂

  4. I think guys think, "I can find something better"
    I think women think, "I can do better alone rather than with the burden of someone else's input on how I do things"

  5. This is a NOVEL so probably no one will read this, but:

    That is interesting to me. It seems unlikely from your content that you do family law, so I'm assuming this an opinion fairly divorced (heh) from your professional experience.

    I disagree with you pretty strongly, but I don't think you're an awful person for that thought process – or totally wrong in the impact of the modern world/online dating.

    I think employers used to offer benefits to staying and they no longer do. When the only way to get a real pay rise or even COL is to get a new job, when many industries now see staying in one place as a red flag to stagnation, employees are forced to always be looking.

    And the plus/minus on marriage for straight women is… not great, and that's borne out by statistics on happiness, lifespan and income in married vs unmarried men and women (improves for men, worse for women). I don't think it needs to be this way! But currently it is. Wanting children is big confounding factor, of course.

    Aand as western countries become more secular the attachment to marriage becomes less ubiquitous. When my father was dying in hospital in the 80s in Aotearoa/NZ my unmarried mother was not allowed to see him, and the drunk driver who killed him had to pay out my grandparents. So if you live in the US? Get married! But now we have defacto partnerships, as someone who hates the idea of weddings and isn't religious, I have never needed to get married. And I've been with my partner for 20 years this year. ❤

  6. I can't believe he's doing this video! I've been saying this for the last three years! This is the exact analogy I have given to every one of my family and friends job searching since the pandemic 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  7. I think he should have mentioned the difference between can and will in this situation,technically it’s logically 100% true that you CAN find a better job,but how likely WILL you,that’s the most important thing

  8. The reason we aren't getting married is risk. With social media we read and hear story after story where a relationship goes wrong and in the divorce the couple fight hard to screw over the other, effectively ruining one or both lives. And then we experience bad dating relationships and decide marriage isn't worth the risk. I have my own career, own my house, my car, etc. What makes marriage worth the risk?

  9. Yk what Mike I’m going to actually add onto this to make this more controversial, I think this is all a woman issue. Think about who leads hr teams, its majority women, think about who controls the dating market: women believe in hypergamy, it’s why the divorce rate for lesbians is the highest of all type of relationships and why gay men have the lowest divorce rate, men look for comfort, women try and look for someone better always, it’s why the dating market is a mess is because you have men who just want anyone going after women who just want the right one, and they take this mindset into companies, and try and find a unicorn candidate, and this unicorn candidate that gets picked realizes that their partner aka the company is severely underpaying them or overworking them and eventually leaves, which leads to the toxic work environments we have today, and in relationships it leads to the single motherhood epidemic we have today, and I truly believe this is the outcome of feminism in the west as a result.

  10. "I don't make these videos thinking everyone will agree with me."

    I argue….Yes you do. 😏

  11. i’m always shocked people use dating app like that. i swipe right on compatibility even if they aren’t physically my type. i’m only able to see a few photos after all, they might be really attractive in person. i swipe left on my big deal breakers that are usually the basic info on profiles. i also swipe left on “empty”(no bio, and no questions answered but with pictures) profiles even if the person is physically my type, because they aren’t compatible with me.

  12. It’s sad in the job market, they’ll add pennies for a raise, but then hire a new person at double your pay.

  13. There is a great article somewhere explaining how this phenomenon started with Hayek and his Theory of the Firm

  14. Marriage side: there's also a trend of developed countries having less children. Could have more to do with that / reasons behind that than a "I can do better" idea.

    Job side: I've got dozens and dozens of job apps in and am not being hired…. I am going to put a bit more blame on the employers than the employees side at this point.

    In general though you have an interesting take on these things.

  15. from what I've heard switching jobs has also become basically the only way to get a raise.

  16. Note: this does not include abusive relationships, manipulative, gasslighting, or physically, mentally, or abusive partners.
    Also, please do not attempt to repeat your parents' or grandparents' mistakes. You are better than this.

  17. I think one of the biggest reasons people arent getting married is because you can lose half of your lifes savings and property when your spouse wants out

  18. As far as the marriage part goes, that's not really the case. Marriage is something that's been made prohibitively expensive while having no practical upside. All it is now is a promise, which you can do at home.

  19. My ex-wife literally told me she only married me because she didn't think she could find someone better. When she found someone else she told me she wanted a separation. In the end she ruined both relationships.

  20. Based on my seeing several people job hunt in the last year, employers would rather leave positions unfilled forever waiting for that perfect 100% candidate than have to do an ounce of OJT to bring a 90% candidate on board

  21. Employers: "We need to grow share price infinitely"

    Employees: "We need to have a break to continue being productive"

  22. Reminds of the lyrics of an old song "I can do anything better than you can. Yes I can. Yes I can"

  23. Maybe this is true for other people. But I've only ever had proposals from drunk people.

  24. When it comes to relationships people are quite literally just setting boundaries most of the time… like its not even "I can do better" its "I deserve better" because people do deserve a loving partner

  25. I just want a living wage and be able to save some cash not have 75% go to rent and 20% into food and 3% into gas

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