
Growing Up with My Parents – Jordan and Tammy Peterson


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39 thoughts on “Growing Up with My Parents – Jordan and Tammy Peterson”

  1. My kids usually get a yes from my husband he is a super passive, man… and lets most everything go and doesn’t hold the kids accountable for much of anything… however… because he jokes about almost everything and doesn’t tell the kids the truth about things they ask him.. and most times when they want to just talk he criticizes them or condemns them.. in some sort of fashion … they normally will come to me for all of that.. so they do ask me quite often there yes or no questions… because they know that can trust me.. I always try to make time for whenever they want to talk about something… especially if it is very important to them.. and I try to NEVER react in anger/outrage.. or anything else that is negative… because I want them to always have a safe place to bounce ideas of of, and get solid information… and know they have someone they trust to run to if there is anything they need for any reason! (My husband is slowly learning … )

  2. Nose he’s dragging his family into his videos? Ugh, hopefully it keeps from going off the rails.

  3. Daddy's Little Girl…ALL kids do that!! Whatever works for them is what they will do 🤷🤷🤷

  4. Ya Gotta LOVE Honest Coms. Fro.Yer Children..
    Even Though The Truth( I've Finally heard..)
    Can hurt For a bit Sometimes!
    I Now Realize My Dear Daughters help keep me Out of Prison..Over Experiences With Some Abusive people( because i Think i Would've Taken 'Matters' into my Own Hands..Without SEEKing The Counsel of GOD..Or Any Wise Person😮
    I Most Likely Would've Gone Down Hard!
    And No Boo Hoo's Except For The Times i Surely Would Have Missed With Family!!
    Thank GOD..HE IS G O D…And i am NOT!😮😊

  5. Doctor Peterson!!! Thank you for bringing that beautiful angel into this world ❤❤

  6. I think the girls asking the dad and the boys asking the mum will always be that way

  7. I half expected him to continue.
    “That was sneaky and treacherous of you, thinking that you could shape your own reality by tempering how you deal with the decision making. Well guess what bucko, you can’t. Even if you bloody well try, it will come back to bite you, and with a vengeance. You can’t play God, and Jung knew this, that’s the archetype of original sin eh. Piaget knew this too, children need to learn that they AREN’T God. And the bloody post modernists won’t tell you this, they even encourage it! I see it all the time in universities, students that think they can control those around them through deceit, well guess what keep trying and you’ll soon realise what Jung meant when he said that hell is a pit that can always get deeper.”

  8. Mia be single, I need a chance at dating you you’re to much a beautiful woman for me not to date. I’m spiritually gifted we’re a perfect match

  9. Psychologist performed years of brain test and psychological exams and determined that girls brains are like their fathers and boys brains are like their mothers.

  10. This great and amazing man has put more women in their place then Andrew Tate himself

  11. My daughter did the same every time she wanted a "yes". She always came to me , but I was aware of it.

  12. I think parents are generally a little tougher on kids of the same gender so I being a boy got more yeses from my mom then dad depending some on what I was asking for.

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