
Government Funded Youtube Prank Turns Out To Be An Assassination Plot.


#Government #Funded #Youtube #Prank #Turns #Assassination #Plot

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47 thoughts on “Government Funded Youtube Prank Turns Out To Be An Assassination Plot.”

  1. Dude, I remember when this happened. It was international news for a few days because it was another one of the usual Kim family assassination plots to get rid of family members allegedly "not loyal" to to guy who was in power. Kim Jong-Un is no slouch when it comes to ordering these plots in varying ways outside of North Korea.

    What I didn't know was the story behind it! This was wild in every way this was pulled off. These two women take the fall, and the four NK agents get away clean. Could it happen again, or something similar? Sure, look at the history of the CIA trying to 86 Fidel Castro and failing there numerous times. 😅💀 Plots like this are bound to happen in a myriad of ways, but they will not always be successful everywhere, and not all governments would do it in exactly this way.

  2. i kind of feel bad for the 2 girls money they were seeing was a lot to them and they think it's a harmless prank..
    but at the same time you cant be that ignorant they had to know what they where doing

  3. Sure, it could happen today, I didn’t even know it was a prank I thought they were trained assassins

  4. Yep, there are plenty of gullible wannabes out there, but why did the girls survive is my question.

  5. Nate, it would have been great to get a legal angle on the legality of pranks and the limits of pranks

  6. As long as social media stays the way it currently is, with user bases that will literally do anything for clicks/cash, then this stuff is always a real possibility.

  7. If you think North Korea is the first to successfully pull off assassinations without the knowledge of the participants, your a fool. New roads to old ways.

  8. Intel works on Need to Know basis. Sirhan had no clue how he was being used, hypnotized and set up. This latest is just the same, albeit on steroids! Those who challenge the powerful, like RFK Jr, who has been illegally denied Secret Svc protection, need to watch themselves more carefully, with the CIA Thugs out there.

  9. Picture them trying this crap in America! 😂and getting backhanded so hard it would send them flying. I’m actually impressed that people in these Asians countries don’t respond in any crazy way

  10. I heard about this about 5 years ago. In the news it said it was 2 trained women assassins had killed Kim Jun Un's step brother. About half way through this I realized this was the two girls! That is so crazy now seeing that these 2 were the "trained assassins".

  11. Could this happen again? For sure, every country on earth (Apart from NK maybe), has a large contingent of youngsters who dream of Insta, YouTube, TikTok fame. They would be especially vulnerable in very poor countries

  12. I feel like there's a military presence that rules NK. Not Kim.
    He was a child who supposedly jumped into this position as a murderous dictator, even tho he was just an inexperienced kid.
    I think Kim (and family) are forced to be figureheads, but if they get out of line they're done away with.
    Look at the ppl like Rodman or even Trump, who got close, learned more and discovered things that made them sympathetic to this family. Have to ask… why?

    This shows how advanced the military/spying apparatus is from this entity in control
    And this type of thing could ABSOLUTELY be done today.

  13. Can it be done today?
    Absolutely! I don't think it takes money, it just takes a TikToker or YouTuber who's promised to be the next Mr. Beast.

  14. 😏👉 bs .. so they washed their hands off within 15 minutes. You're telling me they ran afterward, and they had the frame of mind to wash their hands off 🙄 because they knew to wash their hands off quickly as possible

    This would be believable had one died and one almost died but lived to tell the story

    You're a lawyer. These two are your clients, and you don't have the frame kf mind to question the story 😏 DEI is knocking back at ya fella

    It's rather amazing how people inadvertently expose their level. I'm sure he's versed in malpractice law, what he can go after people for and follows the procedure. He'd get his arse handed to him with criminal defense murder case

    You had me all this time …. then you drop some ignorant bs like this 😂 malpractice is a numbers game like work comp attorneys or disability attorneys. Base set of standard procedures, filings, doctors bla bla bla.

    They two girls knew

  15. 100% this could happen over and over again.. I hate to say it, "people are not all that bright" they would do just about anything for money. If this story doesn't stay relevant who is going to know about it?

  16. Don't forget Sony foreshadowed this with their movie to do the same with 2 actors in a poison from a handshake. They gave him the exact formula to do what he needed and then they took down the movie from every service.

  17. Where's the u.n. on this one? W.h.o.? Blatant murder but they only care about screwing over isreal.

  18. My great uncle got into the nerve agent in the army just made him sick the rest of his life passed away from all kinds of complications in 2021 so sad to see him like that. He had diabetes so bad many illnesses in his life. He's resting peacefully in Heaven he was calling out to his mom saying I'm coming mom how sad.

  19. 100% it can, and does happen all the time. Usually with smaller crimes… but people are star crazy now and will do anything for clicks.

  20. who ever believes these women is insane….the video surely claims it was a professional hit…in & out hit per say…..sounds like the Alec ..I didn't pull the trigger …C'mon man

  21. I'm sure I don't have to tell a lawyer that these pranks are instances of battery, even with just baby oil. I get that they were extremely poor women from an extremely poor country with different laws and already on the wrong side of the law, but hey, listen up! Don't commit battery for a "YouTube Prank," people!

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