
Get My Name From The Report!


Get My Name From The Report!


On Monday August 2nd 2021 I was peacefully exercising my 1st Amendment rights at the city hall in New Rochelle, NY. After a few minutes there I was approached by staff demanding to see Identification. When I politely refused as is my right…they called the New Rochelle Police Department that’s when things really started to escalate. The Police Violated my rights by removing me from city hall under threat of arrest. Stay tuned for Internal Affairs complaints and upcoming lawsuit. “We The People” will hold them accountable!

If you feel the need to redress any grievances to your government regarding this incident, I will leave relevant contact information below. Remember it is your RIGHT!
New Rochelle Police Department:
+1 (914)-654-2300

Internal Affairs:

Officers Involved:

Officer Bulfamante Shield # 1022
Sgt. Redner Shield # 19

New Rochelle Mayor’s Office:
+1 (914) 654-2152

City Employees Involved:

Mr Kern, Administrator for School District

Dr. Corey Reynolds, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources

Ross Donald, Security Supervisor New Rochelle School District

Feel free to email me with any questions, advice or tips. I receive many emails of support from you guys and I try to answer everyone one of them. You all are greatly appreciated!

You all are true Patriots!
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Show your Support for the Channel & The Constitution!

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Protect yourself and your family with a Dashboard Camera, I highly recommend!

criminal lawyer , Get My Name From The Report!, 1st Amendment Audit,1st Amendment Audit Fail,1st Amendment Auditor,Walk Of Shame,Long Island Audit,LongIsland Audit,LIA,Cop Watch,CopWatch,1A Audit,1A Audit Fail,American 1st Amendment Audit,Long Island Audits,Long Island Auditor,Police Fails,Police Owned,Police Educated,Transparency,Accountability,Fail

50 thoughts on “Get My Name From The Report!”

  1. peacefully gathering content… a police station….really…I don't think that's your reason to be here…in fact I'm reasonable sure your sole purpose is to get a reaction just like you got. guess it pays the bills

  2. Sean is a grifter turd! Doing nothing to protect anyone’s rights, just his ability to make money of it

  3. The funny thing about these audit guys their content is only having confrontations with police officers. There are no other stories they’re a joke.

  4. cops are not your friends, they don't care what you think or even what you know and if you don't comply you go straight to jail. they don't care because they are not accountable for their own actions

  5. Vanilla isis terrorist foes this on camera. This scum gets welfare from tax dollars yet hates america and citizens!!!!! Son of a c word

  6. “Take it to court”
    I will, and I wouldn’t get payed if you did shit right but here we are and I WILL win in the end lol

  7. A whole team of ignorant, lying untrained, abusive control freaks that don’t know the law or their job, and not man enough to admit it

  8. Excellent job! Thanks for being that example our men need to do what you’re doing in their community 💜

  9. Some more stupid car from the violent somebody’s rights push him around because they’ve got the gun in the beds

  10. Filmers are egotistical assholes looking for a taxpayers payday. They're not journalist,filmers need to show proof of being a journalist. Laws have to change.

  11. Sargent Is as Corrupt as they are He is worse he dont care about the public he wants those Cash bribes..

  12. All you dumbass cops when we tell you to give up your name and Id number you do it I am your boss all of you.

  13. That blank stare at you and the looking away while you are talking, just the lack of engagement is very telling that it’s them versus us and they are willing to break the law and let the courts figure it out because they will not be held responsible at all.

  14. What a cry baby I don’t like this your officer was doing his job but I don’t like it grow up camera boy

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