
Georgia Senate hearing with Ashleigh Merchant on DA Fani Willis | Live stream


Georgia Senate hearing with Ashleigh Merchant on DA Fani Willis | Live stream

#Georgia #Senate #hearing #Ashleigh #Merchant #Fani #Willis #Live #stream

The Georgia Senate committee investigating Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis will hold a hearing Wednesday morning with the attorney who originally filed a motion to disqualify her from the Georgia 2020 election RICO case.

The Senate Special Committee on Investigations hearing, with testimony from attorney Ashleigh Merchant, is set for 9 a.m. 11Alive will stream the hearing live in the video player above this story and on our YouTube channel.


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criminal lawyer , Georgia Senate hearing with Ashleigh Merchant on DA Fani Willis | Live stream, Fani Willis,Fani,Willis,Ashleigh Merchant,Fani Willis hearing,Georgia,Georgia news,Georgia Senate,Georgia hearing,Georgia Senate haring,Georgia politics,Atlanta,Atlanta news,Fani hearing

25 thoughts on “Georgia Senate hearing with Ashleigh Merchant on DA Fani Willis | Live stream”

  1. Something to ask yourselves. . Why did the White House pick only BLACK ppl going after Trump.🤔

  2. Looks like you deleted a lot of comments!
    I was here yesterday.
    Mine are gone too.
    I said nothing wrong.
    I just disagreed with her answers after watching the full Georgia hearing.
    Pulling documents from Georgia docket.
    Doing my own research.
    Guess it’s true, don’t trust the news or congress!

  3. This lady basically said “I was on a witch hunt and this is the closest thing I could find”…..Who hired her? She isn’t confident or resolute about anything she said, thought or “found”.

  4. That second senator needs to pull the mic out of his mouth & quit breathing into it. 🙄 It's irritating & disrespectful that he keeps talking over her & interrupting. He never lets her fully answer any if his questions. We all know who he's there to protect & it's not the people. Ms. Merchant is awesome at her job.

  5. Glad Merchant had the chance to spill it all…well done! Those under subpoena are rarely excited to testify…glad you had the chance. The minority leader was adversarial but you handled that very well! He was more than perturbed and it showed 🤣

    We'll see how it pans out…


  7. The Senate Minority Representative is stating that $3700 vacation is an average amount that a vacation cost a family of four per year. The vacation cost for Willis and Wade was not for 4 or per year, it was for 2 per month for 5 months. He can try and minimize that fact all he would like, but their actions are considered highly unusual.

  8. is it just me or is this guy just looking for ways to ket Fanny and Horn Boy off the hook, the way he's talking I'm surprised he hasn't yet thrown up the race card

  9. Attention Judge MacAfee, You have allowed your court to be co-opted by factional politics. Just over half the population of the State were almost disinfranchised in a general Election, with nationwide consequences. The world watched in horror as Capital security collasped. The Defence teams continue to make allegations as long as you let them. Justice can only be seen to be done at the completion of your case. Put the politics to bed, and get ready to balance your scales. Set a start date. Ms Willis is the only person with the courage to try this case and importantly She offered roles on her team to others first. You owe the Prosecution protection, and voters their intention.

  10. The thing I don’t like most is how she’s nitpicking every detail as if its factual from her standpoint. She’s speaking from a bias slant which is baseless & hypocritical because I’m almost certain there are white lawyers & white firms who practice & bill in the same manner. Those are the white attorneys she doesn’t mention in her argument. They all should be disbarred if they are all allowed to play by different rules regardless of race. This whole who hearing is Bullsh!t (#PERIOD). In the future, if U don’t want this problem to occur, #RegulateLawPRACTICES for all attorneys to avoid impropriety, #HYPOCRITES👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾

  11. I’m waiting patiently to hear what “Cotton Top” has to say….shes been rolling her eyes for the first hour or so……🤣

  12. I really like Ashleigh but she “UMMMMMS’ A bunch…..almost to the point of distraction…..i feel it makes her look less sophisticated…..

  13. And of course the whole world is racist as she so eloquently said in “CHURCH”. Another woman trying to stand by her man who doesn’t give a crap about her unless she is useful to further his career. Hope that’s working out for them. Thinking they can pull the wool over the people who trust the justice system. So sad she put women back so many years who are actually trying to make a name for themselves. A defiant woman who instead of coming clean and save her career will lie and make a fool of herself. Classic.

  14. Fanni's book would never have been published without her utilizing media companies to promote herself beyond just the election Persecution…. yes I said Persecution

  15. She has a $200,000 salary. No way she made up a scheme to get some free vacations, esp on a case that she knew would be scrutinized. Give me a f#@&ng break. She didn't need his stupid money. And people hook up before being in a committed relationship sometime for a long time. So what if they were seeing each other? They're on the same side! This whole thing is just dumb.

  16. Why hasn't anyone mentioned that Fanni and Wade literally made up a case in order to scam the tax payers

  17. It's sound like he has lots of experience in many roles. Perhaps that versatility is the reason he got the job. He might be over qualified.

  18. Based on the cost of these trips I’m failing to see the financial gain. None of these trips have any proof of splurging so I’m confused.

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