
Georgia mother stands trial in cold case death of 6-year-old boy


Georgia mother stands trial in cold case death of 6-year-old boy

#Georgia #mother #stands #trial #cold #case #death #6yearold #boy

Prosecutors and defense attorneys made their opening statements Wednesday morning, and several witnesses in the case began testimony in the 1999 cold case where a metro Atlanta mother is accused of being involved in her son’s death.
criminal lawyer , Georgia mother stands trial in cold case death of 6-year-old boy, 11Alive,Atlanta,news,local news,news updates,atlanta news,news today

7 thoughts on “Georgia mother stands trial in cold case death of 6-year-old boy”

  1. If it was truly an accident why didn't you call the EMS or police she thought no one would recognize him in Ga to know who he belonged to her whole plan was to get him to ga then kill him but it just happened that somebody in N.C recognized him that lived beside her there. She got away for a while but her son came back from the grave to find her and make her pay because he didn't do anything to deserve what she did to him i feel nothing for her i hope she never gets out again.

  2. Another person who didn't deserve to have a child. Someone out there was willing to adopt the little angel.

  3. if it was an accident explain how does someone give a baby a two months cold medication accidentally. And how does someone accidentally dump a childs body in the woods. Nah! She may have some mental health issues, but this was no accident.

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